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These 31 comments are related to an article called:

wake up, smell the coffee!!

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posted on 10/9/11

You say 'huge expectations' are our downfall, yet you've just rubbished the entire team because they lost a game.

Your expectations must have been higher than mine, because I never thought we'd go the whole season without getting beaten, even by teams outside the top 4.

Get a bit of perspective. We'vve got several players to 'bed in', abd we absolutely battered Stoke today. We didn't score, and maybe we're not there yet with that, but it wasn't a bad performance, by any means.

posted on 10/9/11

Yes we are still a work in progress.

I agree that when everyone is fit kuyt should be a sub , but the rest of your post is utter ballacks.

posted on 10/9/11

"Johnson must play in midfield"


Glenn Roeder, Mark McGhee, Gianluca Vialli, Jose Mourinho, Harry Redknapp, Tony Adams, Rafa Benitez, Roy Hodgson and Kenny Dalglish have all managed Johnson since he turned pro in 2002.

None of them have played Johnson anywhere but RB for a sustained period of time and all see him not only on match day, but at the training ground.

With that said makes you think he will be such a great hit in midfield?

posted on 10/9/11

Yes still a work in progress, but we were damn unlucky to lose today, so not such a bad work in progress!!

posted on 10/9/11

No I haven't, I rubbished the players who are not good enough, yet we still expect to win!!!!

Like I say, if we get our best 11 out there for most of the season, then we have a chance.

But!! Lucas, Henderson, Skrtle etc are not good enough, never will be, and if they continue to play and a team built with these in, we won't win anything!!

posted on 10/9/11

er, cause Johnson is great going forward!! not so sure as a defender!!

My word you will be saying next he is better defender than he is going forward!!

posted on 10/9/11

Henderson has played 4 league games for the club and is a youngster, yet you have appeared to have written his career off entirely.

Serious question are you a Liverpool fan or are you a fancy dress wumsie?

posted on 10/9/11

No. I am saying there is a long list of players with much more access to the player and far superior knowledge than you that haven't played him there. Why is that?

posted on 10/9/11

*long list of managers sorry*

posted on 10/9/11

FINALLY a Liverpool fan who's down to earth, fair play to you fella, couldn't argue with a thing you said

posted on 10/9/11

You talk Sh***, Roy Hodgson thought Poulsen was a good player.

Benitez made some of the weirdest decisions ever on a football pitch

Glenn Roeder got sacked, many times.

You people talk like us fans (and yes a proper fan) know nothing about football and should bow to our superiors, eg football managers!!


posted on 10/9/11


How can the jury be out on Agger? He's class when fit

Gerrards 31 how can he be stroke 33

Lucas had a grea game today and is established in the Brazil team.

Johnson will never play midfield he's Englands first choice RB

Suarez did play all over the park today

Honestly this is a dreadful article from my point of view.

posted on 10/9/11

Games are won and lost in midfield, and Liverpool's is not up to scratch

Henderson, Adam, Lucas, Gerrard, Downing
Lennon, Sandro, van der Vaart, Modric, Bale

Would anyone out there honestly prefer Liverpool's?

posted on 10/9/11

aggers, nuff said, I rest my case

So Lucas is such a good player, he will score loads of goals, create loads of chance and be a dominant midfielder for Liverpool. Just like a world class midfielder should be, a??

Gerrard will be 32 this season, and he will go on forever, yep.

Agger is not a bad player, but class, or world class, mm??

Ye Suarez sshould be all over the pitch, like say, the freedom role.

posted on 10/9/11

Thanks Aspur,

No we wouldn't!!

Spurs' full of invention, Liverpool's full of graft. See the difference?

Though Gerrard better than all of them

posted on 10/9/11


You say games are won and lost in midfield, we dominated midfield but didnt win.

Beckwad I seriously doubt you support Liverpool.

posted on 10/9/11

aggers, why is taht? Because I dare to question Liverpool's team selection and King Kenny?

My what a sheep you are!

posted on 10/9/11

Your result today was unfortunate. Some refereeing decisions that could have gone either way went against you most times. However, MOST games are won by the team who bosses midfield, if you don't have a good midfield you have no hope.

For me a perfect midfield out of the two would be:

Lennon, Sandro, Modric, Gerrard, Bale

but that's my biased opinion I suppose...

posted on 10/9/11

No, I doubt you support Liverpool because your argument doesn't make any sense.

For example instead of looking forward to Gerrard being fit for the next match, your saying he's 33 and washed up. One more good season from him could ensure a return to the Champions League.

Your running down good players when you could be supporting the team.

posted on 10/9/11

there is an improvement on last year when we had no pace and creativity at all.

now we have the players but carragher is past it and I will say it 100000 times again.

he gives the ball so easilly to the opposition each time he has the ball.
today we had the chances to draw and even win the game.

no sentiments whether he is a local lad or from a foreign country.

posted on 10/9/11

Bo**** once again, I'm saying the great Gerrard's career is coming to a close, and Lucas or Henderson won't and can't fill his boots!!

God some of our 'fans' make me sick, Most of yous have probably never stood on the Kop or the Anny Road End!!!

Do you actually believe we all shout, chat and state that every player is great and every decision the manager makes is a good one??

You make my blood boil!!

posted on 10/9/11

"You talk Sh***"

Charming. I am merely pointing out that all these people have worked with Johnson, all probably have tried him on the right wing in training, where the experimenting is done, though this rarely lead to Glen starting on the right.

As you point out, the skill and ability of those who have managed Johnson varies widely, though the common perception that Johnson can not play there is unanimous.

Yes, I do believe you should "bow down" to superiors to an extent, though not always. You ought to realise that people will think you know nothing about football when you feel you know better than a string of managers who have 18 league titles and 10 European trophys (including 3 champions leagues) across all tiers of English football and spanning 6 countries.

posted on 10/9/11

one loss and LFC fans are turning on their own!

Carra...another victim of LFCs stupidly high expectations

posted on 10/9/11

3mustgetbeers, ye, but do you think he is better going forward or as a defender?? make a decision fella.

I'm not saying I know more than them, it's my opinion!!

Fine, you don't like it. I could write loads about how good they are. Then you would probably disagree with that!!

posted on 10/9/11

He is better offensively than defensively. This doesn't make him a right winger.

Applying your logic; you point out our defence is terrible and Carroll must play cause he was £35m. Stick him at CB because he's good at heading, ergo will make a good defender.

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