Comment deleted by Site Moderator
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 12 seconds ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 53 seconds ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Adolf Wenger OUT! (U3245)
posted 42 seconds ago
Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man.
so middle aged males are fair game to be killed then? ok thanks for that
Why do you insist on making your self look like an idiot?
These rules fit in harmony with the Quran which says you can kill only those who attack you first.
So what does that mean?
Mean of fighting age who want to kill YOU!
I thought atheism was supposed to increase intelligence?
These rules are clearly more merciful than the rules this country implements, our military kill women and children on a weekly basis.
If people followed the rules above, people would go back to fighting in open fields far away from civilian populations and leaders like Trump would lead there armies into battle. Sounds fair!
From their point of view 'Britain' is attacking them. So even though they are killing innocent civilians in their mind the terrorists are justified as 'we attacked first'.
You didn't read the rules did you?
Were the people killed yesterday soldiers???
It was an attack of our parliament, on our democracy, on our police force. I think it's fair to speculate the person was trying to avenge the people who died because of British bombs in the Middle East approved by our government.
Maybe that person was but how is that Islamic?
Think about it before you answer!
"These rules fit in harmony with the Quran which says you can kill only those who attack you first."
I'm quoting you above.
Yes and I was talking in the context of what the quran says.
The context being an assembled army.
Not civilians walking around taking pictures of Big Ben.
You seem desperate to find away around this to blame it on religion. You can't.
The fact that 1.5 billion other Muslims don't go around killing people should be enough to convince uiu
"But Islam is a peaceful religion!"
I don't care what it says in any religious book in truth. No matter what's in them surely people should know killing others isn't right?
I don't think religion is entirely to blame though but it can be used to label people.
Not for one second do I think Kung Fu is a terrorist because he is Muslim but I bet some people do and I feel sorry for him for that. It must be horrible having to live with that.
comment by This Charming Fan (Why pamper life's complexities...?) (U11214)
posted 30 seconds ago
"But Islam is a peaceful religion!"
No isn't, it allows for self defence ๐๐ผ
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 37 seconds ago
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 12 seconds ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 53 seconds ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Adolf Wenger OUT! (U3245)
posted 42 seconds ago
Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man.
so middle aged males are fair game to be killed then? ok thanks for that
Why do you insist on making your self look like an idiot?
These rules fit in harmony with the Quran which says you can kill only those who attack you first.
So what does that mean?
Mean of fighting age who want to kill YOU!
I thought atheism was supposed to increase intelligence?
These rules are clearly more merciful than the rules this country implements, our military kill women and children on a weekly basis.
If people followed the rules above, people would go back to fighting in open fields far away from civilian populations and leaders like Trump would lead there armies into battle. Sounds fair!
From their point of view 'Britain' is attacking them. So even though they are killing innocent civilians in their mind the terrorists are justified as 'we attacked first'.
You didn't read the rules did you?
Were the people killed yesterday soldiers???
It was an attack of our parliament, on our democracy, on our police force. I think it's fair to speculate the person was trying to avenge the people who died because of British bombs in the Middle East approved by our government.
Maybe that person was but how is that Islamic?
Think about it before you answer!
"These rules fit in harmony with the Quran which says you can kill only those who attack you first."
I'm quoting you above.
Yes and I was talking in the context of what the quran says.
The context being an assembled army.
Not civilians walking around taking pictures of Big Ben.
You seem desperate to find away around this to blame it on religion. You can't.
The fact that 1.5 billion other Muslims don't go around killing people should be enough to convince uiu
I'm saying in the eyes of these terrorists Britain and the West are attacking the Middle East. That is the justification! The Quran says that you can kill those that attack you so in the terrorists eyes Britain and attacking them hence allowing them to kill British people.
Just because you do not interpret he Quran this way doesn't mean all Muslims don't. The terrorists feel justified in their attacks!
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
comment by Adolf Wenger OUT! (U3245)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Alasnomoresmithandjones (long live Israel) (U15157)
posted 4 minutes ago
I'll ask you again KFC do believe everything written in the Qur'an?
Quran (5:38) - "As to the thief, Male or female, cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in power."
this too?
You need to learn Arabic before you can interpret the nonsensical way you are currently doing.... it is possible to understand the punishment for thieves in four alternative ways:
(1) cutting off their hands
(2) cutting or marking their hands
(3) cutting their means/power to steal, e.g. detention/jail.
(4) cutting their sustenance, e.g. in order to compensate the value of the theft.
It does seem the punishment could be flexible depending upon the time, circumstances and severity of crime - it is up to the society to choose one of these meanings or a combination of them depending on the severity of the crime and their ability to enforce the penalty.
Your interpretation is completely incorrect and moronic... something you have in common with so called "Islamic terrorist"... who also incorrectly use such verses to create mayhem in the world
comment by Diafol Coch 77 (U2462)
posted 8 seconds ago
I don't care what it says in any religious book in truth. No matter what's in them surely people should know killing others isn't right?
I don't think religion is entirely to blame though but it can be used to label people.
Not for one second do I think Kung Fu is a terrorist because he is Muslim but I bet some people do and I feel sorry for him for that. It must be horrible having to live with that.
Mate people kill people all around the world for different reasons and they all think it's justified.
There are civilians in Iraq looking up at the sky at our jets who must be thinking 'surly those men in those planes know it's wrong to kill'
Hardly anybody on here gets that. The killer yesterday should be condemned. But some people on here won't condemn the 50 civilians killed by our allies in Iraq.
Both should be condemned but nationalism makes people blind to this in my opinion.
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
I was convinced by Kung-Fu that there was absolutely no way the Qu'ran was open to interpretation.
Oh well, seems not.
comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 9 seconds ago
I was convinced by Kung-Fu that there was absolutely no way the Qu'ran was open to interpretation.
Oh well, seems not.
There is absolutely no way anyone can interpret any Islamic verses violently. None of the classical scholars have done this in 14 centuries. None. Show me one. The interpretation comes in as to how and what is applied - and this can mean different things for different nations depending on time, culture, circumstances ext. all the verses relating to war and in self defence. That's a simple fact. Fact in the quran and further practical fact by the sayings of the prophet pbuh
Watching House of Commons live, it just shows once again why I facking love Britain.
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
Cutting off people hands seems violent to me. And you just said that was one possible interpretation of one passage.
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Diafol Coch 77 (U2462)
posted 8 seconds ago
I don't care what it says in any religious book in truth. No matter what's in them surely people should know killing others isn't right?
I don't think religion is entirely to blame though but it can be used to label people.
Not for one second do I think Kung Fu is a terrorist because he is Muslim but I bet some people do and I feel sorry for him for that. It must be horrible having to live with that.
Mate people kill people all around the world for different reasons and they all think it's justified.
There are civilians in Iraq looking up at the sky at our jets who must be thinking 'surly those men in those planes know it's wrong to kill'
Hardly anybody on here gets that. The killer yesterday should be condemned. But some people on here won't condemn the 50 civilians killed by our allies in Iraq.
Both should be condemned but nationalism makes people blind to this in my opinion.
I know people kill for a lot of different reasons and it's madness.
However, I can just about understand people killing for resources, however wrong that is. We always want more as humans and that is the result. What I don't understand is killing in the name of a supreme being, who if it is that 'supreme', wouldn't need humans to carry out its dirty work.
I just want everyone to get on.
There's a lot of people who interpret it violenty, whether they're correct or not is pretty irrelevant if they're brainwashing thousands of peolpe and inspiring terrorists.
The one thing that is clear from yesterdays horrific incident that there are twisted people out there willing to do us harm at whatever the cost.
But we also have a significantly large number of closet bigots, racists and islamaphobes all surfacing to use this incident to promote their hate filled agenda. And a surprising few on this site.
Exactly what these terrorists wants. They win
Is it wrong to fear a religion?
To KFC & Afridi :
Whilst I feel for you having to defend your religion (which you seem to do very well btw) when idiots hijack it to justify whatever they want, I personally think it a bit naive of you both to say the verses in the Qura'an cannot be misinterpreted, when they quite clearly ARE being by many terrorist groups/individuals.
On a side note, I find it strange that Muslims always seem to put pbuh (Praise Be Unto Him) after mentioning Muhammed / The Prophet. It smacks of superstition, as if something awful will happen if they don't put pbuh, which is ludicrous in this day and age.
comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 2 minutes ago
Is it wrong to fear a religion?
I fear how easily people use it to justify the terrible things they do. Don't fear religion itself though as it's just an idea which should be open to ridicule and question just like any other idea.
comment by Adolf Wenger OUT! (U3245)
posted 20 minutes ago
comment by Adolf Wenger OUT! (U3245)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Alasnomoresmithandjones (long live Israel) (U15157)
posted 4 minutes ago
I'll ask you again KFC do believe everything written in the Qur'an?
Quran (5:38) - "As to the thief, Male or female, cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in power."
this too?
Copy and pasted from an answer I gave somebody else who asked.
"This is one of the questions I asked my self when I was less clued up about Islam when I was younger. I found satisfying answers encourage mercy above punishment which is why I'm still a Muslim.
Yes the Quran mentions these punishments, for example it talks about stoning but what people never go onto to discover when judging the Quran is that these punishments are pretty much impossible to implement Islamically.
These punishments exist to discourage certain acts.
For example punishing somebody for adultery requires 4 male witnesses who all see the sexual interc0urse take place. Watching people hump under a blanket doesn't count either, they also have to see the pe*is penetrating the v@gina. If the four witnesses are found to be lying they are punished and if by some miracle 4 men all at the same time witness penetration then mercy and a harsh talking to is the next option.
A perfect example of this mercy is the following hadith about the Prophet (pbuh) who encountered a man who confessed to adultery and wanted to be punished.
Zina = secs before marriage
Hudud = Islamic criminal law is not found in the Quran but in Hadiths
"In the most famous case (there are six known instances) of the Prophet ordering a man stoned for adultery, the man comes to the Prophet and confesses his sin. The Prophet asks him if he is crazy, and when he continues to insist the Prophet suggests that perhaps he only kissed the woman. In order to prevent witnesses from assuming secs was occurring when perhaps the couple was just embracing or lying on top of one another, the Prophet required the witnesses to testify that they’d seen “his pe*is enter into her v@gina like an eyeliner applier entering into its container.” Because the man who confessed, Maiz, insisted on confessing four times to the Prophet , the majority of Muslim scholars require all confessions of zinฤ to be done four times. Anything less cannot be punished by the Hudud."
Basically the Prophet gave him escape routes out of punishment.
It goes on....
"Based on the same case of Mฤaiz, jurists agreed that even someone who had confessed to zinฤ could retract that confession at any point and no longer face the Hudud punishment. Finally, even external signs such as pregnancy were not considered proof that zina had occurred in the opinion of the majority of Muslim scholars. For example, if a woman’s husband had been away for years, he could have been miraculously transported to be with her. Or she could have been raped. The one school that did consider pregnancy determinative proof of zina (assuming the woman didn’t claim she had been raped) allowed the possibility that a woman could be pregnant for up to five years. Normally in the Shariah, such miraculous or fantastic claims would carry no weight in legal matters. But as possible ambiguities to prevent application of the Hudud, they were accepted.
This immense allowance for ambiguities in ruling on sexual offenses can be seen most clearly in the Hanafi school of law, which was the official school of the Ottoman Empire. When prostitutes and their clients were caught, they were not tried for zina due to the (admittedly outlandish) ambiguity that prostitution was structurally similar to marriage; both were exchanges of sexual access for money (in the case of marriage, the groom’s dowry payment).This is not because Muslim scholars had any sympathy for prostitution or a low regard for marriage, but rather because they hunted for any possible ambiguity to avoid implementing the Hudud."
This is from the first link below and I really, really, really suggest you click on the links below if you want real information on Islamic Sharia and further context.
It talks about all the punishments so if you are interested this material should be enlightening.
To Read"
comment by Diafol Coch 77 (U2462)
posted 55 seconds ago
comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 2 minutes ago
Is it wrong to fear a religion?
I fear how easily people use it to justify the terrible things they do. Don't fear religion itself though as it's just an idea which should be open to ridicule and question just like any other idea.
It's not open to ridicule or question though.
You can be killed for blasphemy in some religions.
Killed for being gay in some religions.
comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Diafol Coch 77 (U2462)
posted 55 seconds ago
comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 2 minutes ago
Is it wrong to fear a religion?
I fear how easily people use it to justify the terrible things they do. Don't fear religion itself though as it's just an idea which should be open to ridicule and question just like any other idea.
It's not open to ridicule or question though.
You can be killed for blasphemy in some religions.
Killed for being gay in some religions.
I know. I think it should be though much the same as we can ridicule each other for the football team we support.
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London under attack
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posted on 23/3/17
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 23/3/17
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 12 seconds ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 53 seconds ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Adolf Wenger OUT! (U3245)
posted 42 seconds ago
Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man.
so middle aged males are fair game to be killed then? ok thanks for that
Why do you insist on making your self look like an idiot?
These rules fit in harmony with the Quran which says you can kill only those who attack you first.
So what does that mean?
Mean of fighting age who want to kill YOU!
I thought atheism was supposed to increase intelligence?
These rules are clearly more merciful than the rules this country implements, our military kill women and children on a weekly basis.
If people followed the rules above, people would go back to fighting in open fields far away from civilian populations and leaders like Trump would lead there armies into battle. Sounds fair!
From their point of view 'Britain' is attacking them. So even though they are killing innocent civilians in their mind the terrorists are justified as 'we attacked first'.
You didn't read the rules did you?
Were the people killed yesterday soldiers???
It was an attack of our parliament, on our democracy, on our police force. I think it's fair to speculate the person was trying to avenge the people who died because of British bombs in the Middle East approved by our government.
Maybe that person was but how is that Islamic?
Think about it before you answer!
"These rules fit in harmony with the Quran which says you can kill only those who attack you first."
I'm quoting you above.
Yes and I was talking in the context of what the quran says.
The context being an assembled army.
Not civilians walking around taking pictures of Big Ben.
You seem desperate to find away around this to blame it on religion. You can't.
The fact that 1.5 billion other Muslims don't go around killing people should be enough to convince uiu
posted on 23/3/17
"But Islam is a peaceful religion!"
posted on 23/3/17
I don't care what it says in any religious book in truth. No matter what's in them surely people should know killing others isn't right?
I don't think religion is entirely to blame though but it can be used to label people.
Not for one second do I think Kung Fu is a terrorist because he is Muslim but I bet some people do and I feel sorry for him for that. It must be horrible having to live with that.
posted on 23/3/17
comment by This Charming Fan (Why pamper life's complexities...?) (U11214)
posted 30 seconds ago
"But Islam is a peaceful religion!"
No isn't, it allows for self defence ๐๐ผ
posted on 23/3/17
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 37 seconds ago
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 12 seconds ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 53 seconds ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Adolf Wenger OUT! (U3245)
posted 42 seconds ago
Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man.
so middle aged males are fair game to be killed then? ok thanks for that
Why do you insist on making your self look like an idiot?
These rules fit in harmony with the Quran which says you can kill only those who attack you first.
So what does that mean?
Mean of fighting age who want to kill YOU!
I thought atheism was supposed to increase intelligence?
These rules are clearly more merciful than the rules this country implements, our military kill women and children on a weekly basis.
If people followed the rules above, people would go back to fighting in open fields far away from civilian populations and leaders like Trump would lead there armies into battle. Sounds fair!
From their point of view 'Britain' is attacking them. So even though they are killing innocent civilians in their mind the terrorists are justified as 'we attacked first'.
You didn't read the rules did you?
Were the people killed yesterday soldiers???
It was an attack of our parliament, on our democracy, on our police force. I think it's fair to speculate the person was trying to avenge the people who died because of British bombs in the Middle East approved by our government.
Maybe that person was but how is that Islamic?
Think about it before you answer!
"These rules fit in harmony with the Quran which says you can kill only those who attack you first."
I'm quoting you above.
Yes and I was talking in the context of what the quran says.
The context being an assembled army.
Not civilians walking around taking pictures of Big Ben.
You seem desperate to find away around this to blame it on religion. You can't.
The fact that 1.5 billion other Muslims don't go around killing people should be enough to convince uiu
I'm saying in the eyes of these terrorists Britain and the West are attacking the Middle East. That is the justification! The Quran says that you can kill those that attack you so in the terrorists eyes Britain and attacking them hence allowing them to kill British people.
Just because you do not interpret he Quran this way doesn't mean all Muslims don't. The terrorists feel justified in their attacks!
posted on 23/3/17
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 23/3/17
comment by Adolf Wenger OUT! (U3245)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Alasnomoresmithandjones (long live Israel) (U15157)
posted 4 minutes ago
I'll ask you again KFC do believe everything written in the Qur'an?
Quran (5:38) - "As to the thief, Male or female, cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in power."
this too?
You need to learn Arabic before you can interpret the nonsensical way you are currently doing.... it is possible to understand the punishment for thieves in four alternative ways:
(1) cutting off their hands
(2) cutting or marking their hands
(3) cutting their means/power to steal, e.g. detention/jail.
(4) cutting their sustenance, e.g. in order to compensate the value of the theft.
It does seem the punishment could be flexible depending upon the time, circumstances and severity of crime - it is up to the society to choose one of these meanings or a combination of them depending on the severity of the crime and their ability to enforce the penalty.
Your interpretation is completely incorrect and moronic... something you have in common with so called "Islamic terrorist"... who also incorrectly use such verses to create mayhem in the world
posted on 23/3/17
comment by Diafol Coch 77 (U2462)
posted 8 seconds ago
I don't care what it says in any religious book in truth. No matter what's in them surely people should know killing others isn't right?
I don't think religion is entirely to blame though but it can be used to label people.
Not for one second do I think Kung Fu is a terrorist because he is Muslim but I bet some people do and I feel sorry for him for that. It must be horrible having to live with that.
Mate people kill people all around the world for different reasons and they all think it's justified.
There are civilians in Iraq looking up at the sky at our jets who must be thinking 'surly those men in those planes know it's wrong to kill'
Hardly anybody on here gets that. The killer yesterday should be condemned. But some people on here won't condemn the 50 civilians killed by our allies in Iraq.
Both should be condemned but nationalism makes people blind to this in my opinion.
posted on 23/3/17
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 23/3/17
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 23/3/17
I was convinced by Kung-Fu that there was absolutely no way the Qu'ran was open to interpretation.
Oh well, seems not.
posted on 23/3/17
comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 9 seconds ago
I was convinced by Kung-Fu that there was absolutely no way the Qu'ran was open to interpretation.
Oh well, seems not.
There is absolutely no way anyone can interpret any Islamic verses violently. None of the classical scholars have done this in 14 centuries. None. Show me one. The interpretation comes in as to how and what is applied - and this can mean different things for different nations depending on time, culture, circumstances ext. all the verses relating to war and in self defence. That's a simple fact. Fact in the quran and further practical fact by the sayings of the prophet pbuh
posted on 23/3/17
Watching House of Commons live, it just shows once again why I facking love Britain.
posted on 23/3/17
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 23/3/17
Cutting off people hands seems violent to me. And you just said that was one possible interpretation of one passage.
posted on 23/3/17
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Diafol Coch 77 (U2462)
posted 8 seconds ago
I don't care what it says in any religious book in truth. No matter what's in them surely people should know killing others isn't right?
I don't think religion is entirely to blame though but it can be used to label people.
Not for one second do I think Kung Fu is a terrorist because he is Muslim but I bet some people do and I feel sorry for him for that. It must be horrible having to live with that.
Mate people kill people all around the world for different reasons and they all think it's justified.
There are civilians in Iraq looking up at the sky at our jets who must be thinking 'surly those men in those planes know it's wrong to kill'
Hardly anybody on here gets that. The killer yesterday should be condemned. But some people on here won't condemn the 50 civilians killed by our allies in Iraq.
Both should be condemned but nationalism makes people blind to this in my opinion.
I know people kill for a lot of different reasons and it's madness.
However, I can just about understand people killing for resources, however wrong that is. We always want more as humans and that is the result. What I don't understand is killing in the name of a supreme being, who if it is that 'supreme', wouldn't need humans to carry out its dirty work.
I just want everyone to get on.
posted on 23/3/17
There's a lot of people who interpret it violenty, whether they're correct or not is pretty irrelevant if they're brainwashing thousands of peolpe and inspiring terrorists.
posted on 23/3/17
The one thing that is clear from yesterdays horrific incident that there are twisted people out there willing to do us harm at whatever the cost.
But we also have a significantly large number of closet bigots, racists and islamaphobes all surfacing to use this incident to promote their hate filled agenda. And a surprising few on this site.
Exactly what these terrorists wants. They win
posted on 23/3/17
Is it wrong to fear a religion?
posted on 23/3/17
To KFC & Afridi :
Whilst I feel for you having to defend your religion (which you seem to do very well btw) when idiots hijack it to justify whatever they want, I personally think it a bit naive of you both to say the verses in the Qura'an cannot be misinterpreted, when they quite clearly ARE being by many terrorist groups/individuals.
On a side note, I find it strange that Muslims always seem to put pbuh (Praise Be Unto Him) after mentioning Muhammed / The Prophet. It smacks of superstition, as if something awful will happen if they don't put pbuh, which is ludicrous in this day and age.
posted on 23/3/17
comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 2 minutes ago
Is it wrong to fear a religion?
I fear how easily people use it to justify the terrible things they do. Don't fear religion itself though as it's just an idea which should be open to ridicule and question just like any other idea.
posted on 23/3/17
comment by Adolf Wenger OUT! (U3245)
posted 20 minutes ago
comment by Adolf Wenger OUT! (U3245)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Alasnomoresmithandjones (long live Israel) (U15157)
posted 4 minutes ago
I'll ask you again KFC do believe everything written in the Qur'an?
Quran (5:38) - "As to the thief, Male or female, cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in power."
this too?
Copy and pasted from an answer I gave somebody else who asked.
"This is one of the questions I asked my self when I was less clued up about Islam when I was younger. I found satisfying answers encourage mercy above punishment which is why I'm still a Muslim.
Yes the Quran mentions these punishments, for example it talks about stoning but what people never go onto to discover when judging the Quran is that these punishments are pretty much impossible to implement Islamically.
These punishments exist to discourage certain acts.
For example punishing somebody for adultery requires 4 male witnesses who all see the sexual interc0urse take place. Watching people hump under a blanket doesn't count either, they also have to see the pe*is penetrating the v@gina. If the four witnesses are found to be lying they are punished and if by some miracle 4 men all at the same time witness penetration then mercy and a harsh talking to is the next option.
A perfect example of this mercy is the following hadith about the Prophet (pbuh) who encountered a man who confessed to adultery and wanted to be punished.
Zina = secs before marriage
Hudud = Islamic criminal law is not found in the Quran but in Hadiths
"In the most famous case (there are six known instances) of the Prophet ordering a man stoned for adultery, the man comes to the Prophet and confesses his sin. The Prophet asks him if he is crazy, and when he continues to insist the Prophet suggests that perhaps he only kissed the woman. In order to prevent witnesses from assuming secs was occurring when perhaps the couple was just embracing or lying on top of one another, the Prophet required the witnesses to testify that they’d seen “his pe*is enter into her v@gina like an eyeliner applier entering into its container.” Because the man who confessed, Maiz, insisted on confessing four times to the Prophet , the majority of Muslim scholars require all confessions of zinฤ to be done four times. Anything less cannot be punished by the Hudud."
Basically the Prophet gave him escape routes out of punishment.
It goes on....
"Based on the same case of Mฤaiz, jurists agreed that even someone who had confessed to zinฤ could retract that confession at any point and no longer face the Hudud punishment. Finally, even external signs such as pregnancy were not considered proof that zina had occurred in the opinion of the majority of Muslim scholars. For example, if a woman’s husband had been away for years, he could have been miraculously transported to be with her. Or she could have been raped. The one school that did consider pregnancy determinative proof of zina (assuming the woman didn’t claim she had been raped) allowed the possibility that a woman could be pregnant for up to five years. Normally in the Shariah, such miraculous or fantastic claims would carry no weight in legal matters. But as possible ambiguities to prevent application of the Hudud, they were accepted.
This immense allowance for ambiguities in ruling on sexual offenses can be seen most clearly in the Hanafi school of law, which was the official school of the Ottoman Empire. When prostitutes and their clients were caught, they were not tried for zina due to the (admittedly outlandish) ambiguity that prostitution was structurally similar to marriage; both were exchanges of sexual access for money (in the case of marriage, the groom’s dowry payment).This is not because Muslim scholars had any sympathy for prostitution or a low regard for marriage, but rather because they hunted for any possible ambiguity to avoid implementing the Hudud."
This is from the first link below and I really, really, really suggest you click on the links below if you want real information on Islamic Sharia and further context.
It talks about all the punishments so if you are interested this material should be enlightening.
To Read"
posted on 23/3/17
comment by Diafol Coch 77 (U2462)
posted 55 seconds ago
comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 2 minutes ago
Is it wrong to fear a religion?
I fear how easily people use it to justify the terrible things they do. Don't fear religion itself though as it's just an idea which should be open to ridicule and question just like any other idea.
It's not open to ridicule or question though.
You can be killed for blasphemy in some religions.
Killed for being gay in some religions.
posted on 23/3/17
comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Diafol Coch 77 (U2462)
posted 55 seconds ago
comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 2 minutes ago
Is it wrong to fear a religion?
I fear how easily people use it to justify the terrible things they do. Don't fear religion itself though as it's just an idea which should be open to ridicule and question just like any other idea.
It's not open to ridicule or question though.
You can be killed for blasphemy in some religions.
Killed for being gay in some religions.
I know. I think it should be though much the same as we can ridicule each other for the football team we support.
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