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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 2767 of 4639

posted on 10/6/22

comment by peks - 1974 (U6618)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 2 minutes ago
We're struggling to recruit in my workplace. It's pretty bad to be honest.
hopefully this sort of skills shortage will drive up workers' wages
A lot of it is lower skilled work around the factory to be honest.

posted on 10/6/22

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by peks - 1974 (U6618)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 2 minutes ago
We're struggling to recruit in my workplace. It's pretty bad to be honest.
hopefully this sort of skills shortage will drive up workers' wages
A lot of it is lower skilled work around the factory to be honest.
The evidence doesn’t point to the shortage of workers translating to higher wages either.

The latest data from ONS (Dec to Feb) shows that real terms growth in total pay was 0.4% and regular pay actually *fell* on the year at negative 1.0%.


What will instead happen, as usual, is workers will be asked to do 1.5 jobs across unpaid additional hours, and otherwise posts will go unfilled as businesses find nobody to recruit.

Farmers, factory bosses, pub and restaurant owners, and hospital managers (there’s no shortage of lawyers, accountants or consultants, of course) can’t magic people out of nowhere, and many of those who were helping them previously have either gone home, or are now unable to come.

posted on 10/6/22

comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by peks - 1974 (U6618)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 2 minutes ago
We're struggling to recruit in my workplace. It's pretty bad to be honest.
hopefully this sort of skills shortage will drive up workers' wages
A lot of it is lower skilled work around the factory to be honest.
The evidence doesn’t point to the shortage of workers translating to higher wages either.

The latest data from ONS (Dec to Feb) shows that real terms growth in total pay was 0.4% and regular pay actually *fell* on the year at negative 1.0%.


What will instead happen, as usual, is workers will be asked to do 1.5 jobs across unpaid additional hours, and otherwise posts will go unfilled as businesses find nobody to recruit.

Farmers, factory bosses, pub and restaurant owners, and hospital managers (there’s no shortage of lawyers, accountants or consultants, of course) can’t magic people out of nowhere, and many of those who were helping them previously have either gone home, or are now unable to come.
Oh it'll be Labour's fault.

posted on 10/6/22

comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 37 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 36 minutes ago
comment by peks - 1974 (U6618)
posted 12 minutes ago
the same idiots who wanted Brexit to control "immigration"

things is European immigration has stopped, to be taken over by immigration from 3rd world shiitholes

That's what I said before the referendum except I chose my words more carefully.

Skilled Europeans here legally would be replaced by unskilled people from West Africa.
Well apart from the fact that unskilled people from West Africa can’t get visas…

With the ridiculous points system (which is destined for failure), the Home Office has shut the doors to everyone outside of highly paid, highly qualified professionals.
Which is why they're arriving in dinghies.

A mate of mine is a project manager for a construction company. Before Brexit, the shortfall in local skilled labour was filled by Europeans who were paid the same as their local counterparts.

The non-skilled jobs are now filled through agency labour, usually using African workers. My mate is convinced half of them are 'illegal' but by using workers supplied by an agency, his company are absolved from any fines the authorities could impose.

As for skilled workers, there is a huge gap in the labour market due to various governments steering young people away from apprenticeships for 20 years.

posted on 10/6/22

comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 6 hours, 44 minutes ago
comment by Black Hawk (U16342)
posted 32 minutes ago
comment by Oscar #TeamFury. Champion of NBA Predictions (U12980)
posted 17 minutes ago

One for Russo

Vegan myth / report that came out officially debunked
Tbh I think this one is more for me, as I am not sure if Rosso is actually vegan.

In regards to health, I will say that some vegans to put forward some myths regarding health benefits. You can absolutely be healthy as a vegan but it does take some greater responsibility with both protein intake and with vitamins.

Better reasons for veganism are political and environmental concerns tbh.

“Better reasons for veganism are political and environmental concerns tbh.”

Plus animal rights and welfare

(I’m kind of flegan right now, if that is a thingMostly vegan diet, but eat some eggs, cheese and fish/seafood on occasion.)
I really miss fish and seafood! I will always have fond memories of sitting beside the meditarian, eating a plate of seafood or fish!

I recently got nostaligic for eggs too, but I figured out a way of replicating it with black salt and tofu.

Despite my moral opinions of eating meat and dairy, I do still believe there is a special connection between food and people. It is rather special!

posted on 10/6/22

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 37 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 36 minutes ago
comment by peks - 1974 (U6618)
posted 12 minutes ago
the same idiots who wanted Brexit to control "immigration"

things is European immigration has stopped, to be taken over by immigration from 3rd world shiitholes

That's what I said before the referendum except I chose my words more carefully.

Skilled Europeans here legally would be replaced by unskilled people from West Africa.
Well apart from the fact that unskilled people from West Africa can’t get visas…

With the ridiculous points system (which is destined for failure), the Home Office has shut the doors to everyone outside of highly paid, highly qualified professionals.
Which is why they're arriving in dinghies.

A mate of mine is a project manager for a construction company. Before Brexit, the shortfall in local skilled labour was filled by Europeans who were paid the same as their local counterparts.

The non-skilled jobs are now filled through agency labour, usually using African workers. My mate is convinced half of them are 'illegal' but by using workers supplied by an agency, his company are absolved from any fines the authorities could impose.

As for skilled workers, there is a huge gap in the labour market due to various governments steering young people away from apprenticeships for 20 years.
It’s absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with why people are arriving in dinghies.

And either your mate is talking bollox, the African workers the recruitment agency is supplying were already in the UK pre-Brexit, or the recruitment agency is trafficking illegal immigrants (which it could as well, probably easier in fact, do from European countries).

posted on 10/6/22

comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 37 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 36 minutes ago
comment by peks - 1974 (U6618)
posted 12 minutes ago
the same idiots who wanted Brexit to control "immigration"

things is European immigration has stopped, to be taken over by immigration from 3rd world shiitholes

That's what I said before the referendum except I chose my words more carefully.

Skilled Europeans here legally would be replaced by unskilled people from West Africa.
Well apart from the fact that unskilled people from West Africa can’t get visas…

With the ridiculous points system (which is destined for failure), the Home Office has shut the doors to everyone outside of highly paid, highly qualified professionals.
Which is why they're arriving in dinghies.

A mate of mine is a project manager for a construction company. Before Brexit, the shortfall in local skilled labour was filled by Europeans who were paid the same as their local counterparts.

The non-skilled jobs are now filled through agency labour, usually using African workers. My mate is convinced half of them are 'illegal' but by using workers supplied by an agency, his company are absolved from any fines the authorities could impose.

As for skilled workers, there is a huge gap in the labour market due to various governments steering young people away from apprenticeships for 20 years.
It’s absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with why people are arriving in dinghies.

And either your mate is talking bollox, the African workers the recruitment agency is supplying were already in the UK pre-Brexit, or the recruitment agency is trafficking illegal immigrants (which it could as well, probably easier in fact, do from European countries).
You're naive if you think the authorities don't turn a blind eye in certain sectors when it comes to illegal labour.

Thousand of asylum seekers go 'missing' every year whilst their applications are being processed, they must be somewhere.

The Home Office refers to them as 'On Hold' applicants and I doubt there's a will to find them unless they're considered a threat.

posted on 11/6/22

So the government asked the Barnardo’s CEO to commission a report on how to make us smoke free, and one of the things he recommends is smokers switch to vaping

And guess who conveniently has shares in a vaping company is there anyone in this government or affiliated with them that isn’t corrupt

posted on 11/6/22

'I've been saved by Rwanda and I thank God for it': While Britain's bleeding-heart critics would have you believe it's a dirt-poor hellhole, a special report from SUE REID reveals the grateful words of migrants who have found salvation there


posted on 11/6/22

Father and son die in are killed in horrific 100mph-plus Isle of Man TT crash as 21-year-old rides in sidecar during his first race - bringing this year's tragic death toll to five

posted on 11/6/22

A video of the Eritreans, Sudanese and Somalis entering the camp was released by the Rwandan Government after their arrival ten days ago.

posted on 11/6/22

comment by Oscar #TeamFury. Champion of NBA Predictions (U12980)
posted 2 minutes ago
'I've been saved by Rwanda and I thank God for it': While Britain's bleeding-heart critics would have you believe it's a dirt-poor hellhole, a special report from SUE REID reveals the grateful words of migrants who have found salvation there

Daily Mail…

posted on 11/6/22

I bet Oscar is fuming at Prince Charles this morning.

posted on 11/6/22

It's the sort of propaganda People Traffickers use to lure people to the UK in the first place.

posted on 11/6/22

I wonder how Arsenal will feel when their 'Visit Rwanda' sponsorship is associated with forced transportation and misery if/when the whole Rwanda project goes tiitsup?

posted on 11/6/22

Great sense of patriotism from big Nige here, telling the monarchy to shut up


posted on 11/6/22

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted about 2 hours ago
I wonder how Arsenal will feel when their 'Visit Rwanda' sponsorship is associated with forced transportation and misery if/when the whole Rwanda project goes tiitsup?
Nah there switching to ‘visit Spain 🇪🇸‘

American owners and all that jazz.

posted on 11/6/22

On a serious note though this Rwanda policy is a fackin disgrace.

We have a massive skills gap in this country and this government stops people from coming over to work.

They have also significantly increased the cost of visa sponsorship as well so when skilled folk want to come over and work the government throws up cost blockers

Yet we have around 4% unemployed and around a million vacancies.

posted on 11/6/22

The liberal middle class mainstream narrative has lost all credibility since the 2008 financial crash. You are ignorant from myopically reading too many p-hacked 'scientific' studies and not reading books: No, Biden has not restored the liberal order.

Brexit, Trump, and the global anti-immigrant, anti-foreigner, right-wing wave show just how deeply troubled capitalism is after the 2008 crash. They replicate what happened in many places after capitalism’s 1929 crash. Millions are frightened by economic decline. Neither education nor media nor engagement with critical political movements had prepared them for another crash and the subsequent lost decade that lingers. So many strike out in rage and desperation for change that might somehow help reverse the threatening downward spiral.

Given the previous half-century of Cold War and its effects on politics, culture and ideology, it was hardly surprising that major early surges of political protest took right-wing forms. Millions turned against political establishments that presided over the economic forces that led to the crash, then bailed out those who caused it and imposed harsh austerities on all those victimized by it. Voting socialist mostly failed as major socialist parties had accommodated to the dominant neoliberalism.

Now some grasp the error they made even as others reproduce it. Those frustrated with the capitalist system search for and find better answers than merely ousting political establishments. Wanting deeper, more critical analyses of what went so badly wrong in contemporary society and political economy, they dare ask... about system change.
Thus they find their way to the critique of capitalism stemming from the Marxian tradition, and discover all that it has to offer. All that was kept from political, academic, and mediatic discourses for so long.

since the global financial crisis of 2008 people all over the world have become increasingly disillusioned with the liberal story. Walls and firewalls are back in vogue. Resistance to immigration and to trade agreements is mounting. Ostensibly democratic governments undermine the independence of the judiciary system, restrict the freedom of the press, and portray any opposition as treason. Strongmen in countries such as Turkey and Russia experiment with new types of illiberal democracies and downright dictatorships. Today, few would confidently declare that the Chinese Communist Party is on the wrong side of history.

The year 2016 – marked by the Brexit vote in Britain and the rise of Donald Trump in the United States – signified the moment when this tidal wave of disillusionment reached the core liberal states of western Europe and North America. Whereas a few years ago Americans and Europeans were still trying to liberalise Iraq and Libya at the point of the gun, many people in Kentucky and Yorkshire have now come to see the liberal vision as either undesirable or unattainable. Some discovered a liking for the old hierarchical world, and they just don’t want to give up their racial, national or gendered privileges. Others have concluded (rightly or wrongly) that liberalisation and globalisation are a huge racket empowering a tiny elite at the expense of the masses.

In 1938 humans were offered three global stories to choose from, in 1968 just two, in 1998 a single story seemed to prevail; in 2018 we are down to zero. No wonder that the liberal elites, who dominated much of the world in recent decades, have entered a state of shock and disorientation. To have one story is the most reassuring situation of all. Everything is perfectly clear. To be suddenly left without any story is terrifying. Nothing makes any sense. A bit like the Soviet elite in the 1980s, liberals don’t understand how history deviated from its preordained course, and they lack an alternative prism to interpret reality ...

posted on 11/6/22

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 7 hours, 2 minutes ago
I wonder how Arsenal will feel when their 'Visit Rwanda' sponsorship is associated with forced transportation and misery if/when the whole Rwanda project goes tiitsup?
Not too chuffed with it in the first place and the rationale that it helps it become a more developed country after the civil war is proven BS when all the PR stuff the club puts out is for gorilla conservation and not the actual people or regime as far as I've seen

posted on 11/6/22

A reminder why the far Left Labour Party are completely unfit for power, and are hugely out of touch with the British people. Labour are the pathetic poodles of the powerful Socialist trade unions.

https://t.co/XNvVZyaYIK via @MailOnline

He's talking about Streeting... FAR LEFT

posted on 11/6/22

I'm so so glad I blocked Oscar, just the snippets you guys have quoted are disgusting.

And you give him precisely what he wants.

posted on 11/6/22

comment by peks - 1974 (U6618)
posted 3 hours, 30 minutes ago
The liberal middle class mainstream narrative has lost all credibility since the 2008 financial crash. You are ignorant from myopically reading too many p-hacked 'scientific' studies and not reading books: No, Biden has not restored the liberal order.

Brexit, Trump, and the global anti-immigrant, anti-foreigner, right-wing wave show just how deeply troubled capitalism is after the 2008 crash. They replicate what happened in many places after capitalism’s 1929 crash. Millions are frightened by economic decline. Neither education nor media nor engagement with critical political movements had prepared them for another crash and the subsequent lost decade that lingers. So many strike out in rage and desperation for change that might somehow help reverse the threatening downward spiral.

Given the previous half-century of Cold War and its effects on politics, culture and ideology, it was hardly surprising that major early surges of political protest took right-wing forms. Millions turned against political establishments that presided over the economic forces that led to the crash, then bailed out those who caused it and imposed harsh austerities on all those victimized by it. Voting socialist mostly failed as major socialist parties had accommodated to the dominant neoliberalism.

Now some grasp the error they made even as others reproduce it. Those frustrated with the capitalist system search for and find better answers than merely ousting political establishments. Wanting deeper, more critical analyses of what went so badly wrong in contemporary society and political economy, they dare ask... about system change.
Thus they find their way to the critique of capitalism stemming from the Marxian tradition, and discover all that it has to offer. All that was kept from political, academic, and mediatic discourses for so long.

since the global financial crisis of 2008 people all over the world have become increasingly disillusioned with the liberal story. Walls and firewalls are back in vogue. Resistance to immigration and to trade agreements is mounting. Ostensibly democratic governments undermine the independence of the judiciary system, restrict the freedom of the press, and portray any opposition as treason. Strongmen in countries such as Turkey and Russia experiment with new types of illiberal democracies and downright dictatorships. Today, few would confidently declare that the Chinese Communist Party is on the wrong side of history.

The year 2016 – marked by the Brexit vote in Britain and the rise of Donald Trump in the United States – signified the moment when this tidal wave of disillusionment reached the core liberal states of western Europe and North America. Whereas a few years ago Americans and Europeans were still trying to liberalise Iraq and Libya at the point of the gun, many people in Kentucky and Yorkshire have now come to see the liberal vision as either undesirable or unattainable. Some discovered a liking for the old hierarchical world, and they just don’t want to give up their racial, national or gendered privileges. Others have concluded (rightly or wrongly) that liberalisation and globalisation are a huge racket empowering a tiny elite at the expense of the masses.

In 1938 humans were offered three global stories to choose from, in 1968 just two, in 1998 a single story seemed to prevail; in 2018 we are down to zero. No wonder that the liberal elites, who dominated much of the world in recent decades, have entered a state of shock and disorientation. To have one story is the most reassuring situation of all. Everything is perfectly clear. To be suddenly left without any story is terrifying. Nothing makes any sense. A bit like the Soviet elite in the 1980s, liberals don’t understand how history deviated from its preordained course, and they lack an alternative prism to interpret reality ...

Interesting read, peks👍

posted on 11/6/22

All very well condeming the Rwanda scheme but has anyone come up with a solution to resolve the entry of thousands of people trying to access the UK, we don't have the housing or other infrastructure to cope with the demand, the health and social services are already at full stretch, so who has a plan, open door is not an acceptable solution.

posted on 11/6/22

comment by groovyduringthewar (U1054)
posted 2 minutes ago
All very well condeming the Rwanda scheme but has anyone come up with a solution to resolve the entry of thousands of people trying to access the UK, we don't have the housing or other infrastructure to cope with the demand, the health and social services are already at full stretch, so who has a plan, open door is not an acceptable solution.

Page 2767 of 4639

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