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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 4324 of 4714

posted on 26/6/24

I’m talking about the here and now, not a century ago in less enlightened times.

Former European colonist powers should be helping Africa, not turning a blind wto Chinese exploitation

posted on 26/6/24

I'm talking about the past all the way to the here and now. All of it.

Africa has actually always been loyal to the west for a long time. What they get in return? The shift to China is due to frustration, betrayal, inflexibility and pure pisstaking like what we are seeing now in Kenya.

When will the west actually ever accept blame for anything? They just make narratives which their people gobble up. The rise of China is the exploitation of loopholes left by our own stoopidity, money grabbing tendencies and air if superiority, looking down our noses at the Africans. Can anyone ever accept that?

posted on 26/6/24

Former European colonist powers should be helping Africa, not turning a blind wto Chinese exploitation
What a demented and inaccurate view as explained above.

European powers should first stop exploiting Africa and answer for centuries of exploitation before preaching to anyone else about exploitation.

posted on 26/6/24

comment by Critical Supe Theory (U1282)
posted 9 minutes ago
Former European colonist powers should be helping Africa, not turning a blind wto Chinese exploitation
What a demented and inaccurate view as explained above.

European powers should first stop exploiting Africa and answer for centuries of exploitation before preaching to anyone else about exploitation.

posted on 26/6/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 9 minutes ago
I’m talking about the here and now, not a century ago in less enlightened times.

Former European colonist powers should be helping Africa, not turning a blind wto Chinese exploitation
They could start by curbing their own exploitative behaviour, in Africa, Central and SE Asia, and elsewhere.

Boohoo is a top example (and not remotely unique). Caught red handed employing modern slavery in its factories and using fabrics derived from raw materials harvested by children and under forced labour.

What happens to Boohoo? Nothing.

Does UK govt shut them down? No.
Does it open a public inquiry? No.
Does it drag the execs in front of MPs? No.
Does it look for a legal injunction to prevent them continuing with the same behaviour? No.
Does it introduce legislation to curb such activities in the future? No.

It does nothing. Literally nothing.

Why? Because these slaves are brown, far away, and politically powerless. Which, in the eyes of the British establishment, makes them fair game.

In fact, the only part of the entire Boohoo scandal which gets any media attention is complaints about working conditions and pay in their factories in the UK (Leicester and Burnley IIRC).

Because that’s more important than young children being forced to work in cotton fields in Central Asia.

posted on 26/6/24

Why are we even talking about China?

Show me one country that has been pushed to the precipice by Chinese debts.

As a case study, in my own lifetime alone, this is the 4th time this is happening to Kenya because of Western debts, and that's Kenya alone. Never seen it with China personally.

posted on 26/6/24

Another point is that Chinese debts in Africa mainly comes from infrastructure built by the Chinese themselves. Infrastructure that would cost 10 or 20 times more if a western company was contracted. A loan for infrastructure is insanely cheaper if you go east than west, even the interest is better etc. If in default, that particular infrastructure's revenue is taken by the Chinese until the debt is paid.

This is much better and protects and insulates the rest of the country and economy. Chinese get their money and eventually leave the infrastructure to the Africans. Governments don't have to raise taxes and make the while country poorer for decades to come. If they have to put toll stations on a road the collection is intentionally peanuts and negligible to anyone that can afford a car to begin with.

China thinks these things out and takes care of the debtor in ways the west has never done and ultimately still aims for mutual benefit. They are far more flexible and willing to renegotiate terms. Taking over infrastructure always a last solution or sometimes proposed by the debtor as it can be a legitimately safer wat to clear debt.

They don't give you such info in western media, they just tell you that China now considers Africa part of it's empire. China does all these things to make themselves more attractive than the West. Their aim is not to be good to Africans, but to outdo the west and replace them, and in the process, Africa benefits.

Does Asda blame and slander Tesco for being more attractive to customers?

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 26/6/24

Mark Rutte officially the new head of NATO.

posted on 26/6/24

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 7 minutes ago
Mark Rutte officially the new head of NATO.
Guy is an absolute fackstick and very largely responsible for the rise of Wilders.

posted on 26/6/24

"When China comes to Africa we get a hospital, when the UK comes we get a lecture"

posted on 26/6/24

Tories trying to use an out of context clip from Martin Lewis to suggest Labour will raise taxes, only for him to immediately come out and shut them down whilst saying he was actually referring to a positive policy


posted on 26/6/24

Baroness Jenny Jones (Green Party) - "We customers have paid the water companies all the money that they needed to do their job properly... so surely we're owed a refund, rather than paying more bills?"


Water companies, their executives, and by extension their shareholders have failed in their contractually-mandated statutory duties. They should be reimbursing the public.

posted on 26/6/24

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
"When China comes to Africa we get a hospital, when the UK comes we get a lecture"
Yeah but that hospital isn’t really there for African people

posted on 26/6/24

comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unl... (U17054)
posted 3 minutes ago
Baroness Jenny Jones (Green Party) - "We customers have paid the water companies all the money that they needed to do their job properly... so surely we're owed a refund, rather than paying more bills?"


Water companies, their executives, and by extension their shareholders have failed in their contractually-mandated statutory duties. They should be reimbursing the public.
This is what would happen in a serious country, which we are categorically not.

posted on 26/6/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
"When China comes to Africa we get a hospital, when the UK comes we get a lecture"
Yeah but that hospital isn’t really there for African people
How so?

Care to explain this comment?

posted on 26/6/24

comment by Critical Supe Theory (U1282)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
"When China comes to Africa we get a hospital, when the UK comes we get a lecture"
Yeah but that hospital isn’t really there for African people
How so?

Care to explain this comment?
He can't without being accused of a lecture 🤠

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 26/6/24

First we had Peks nob jockeying the Russians now we have a our first Chinese cheerleader.

Just don't mention the Uigers...

posted on 26/6/24

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 13 seconds ago
comment by Critical Supe Theory (U1282)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
"When China comes to Africa we get a hospital, when the UK comes we get a lecture"
Yeah but that hospital isn’t really there for African people
How so?

Care to explain this comment?
He can't without being accused of a lecture 🤠
A failed and terrible attempt at humour from you, which is rare as you're usually in point.

posted on 26/6/24

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 2 minutes ago
First we had Peks nob jockeying the Russians now we have a our first Chinese cheerleader.

Just don't mention the Uigers...
Woah! Chinese are caaants too, like I said a couple of times.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 26/6/24

I'm only pulling your pisher.

posted on 26/6/24

I suspected that but wasn't completely sure tbh.

posted on 26/6/24

comment by Critical Supe Theory (U1282)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
"When China comes to Africa we get a hospital, when the UK comes we get a lecture"
Yeah but that hospital isn’t really there for African people
How so?

Care to explain this comment?
Why would they build a hospital for local people, there’s no profit in that

posted on 26/6/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 26 seconds ago
comment by Critical Supe Theory (U1282)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
"When China comes to Africa we get a hospital, when the UK comes we get a lecture"
Yeah but that hospital isn’t really there for African people
How so?

Care to explain this comment?
Why would they build a hospital for local people, there’s no profit in that
So who they build it for then? Also, it would save time if you could explain the whole idea instead of dropping crumbs.

posted on 26/6/24

I will post a reply on China’s disregard for local people later when I’m not working

posted on 26/6/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted less than a minute ago
I will post a reply on China’s disregard for local people later when I’m not working
That's great tbh. Can you tell us about the hospital in the meantime? Who they build it for and where the revenue to pay for it comes from if not the people?

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