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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

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posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted 1 minute ago
And just to let you know WooHoo, this ain’t just an Israel thing. I couldn’t stand this country for 15 years because the people I share oxygen with kept electing the most incompetent and evil set of politicians to run us into the ground.
That's fair. I can't tell you how you feel.

Elections are a democracy. About 70% of Israelis voted for Benji-boy. Yet you commented that "they" collectively are as bad as ISIS (which isn't a democracy rather than an affiliated member of a murderous cult/club). Not very nice to include the other 30% that told him to būgger off.

I hope that you will never be tarred by some idiot of some BS profiling as you are demonstrating right now.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Are you telling me there’s a world of difference between Netanyahu and ISIS?

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Israel is also a murderous cult club, I don’t see how that’s different to ISIS. And they’re happy enough to kill their own people in pursuit of what it wants. Just like ISIS.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted 54 seconds ago
Are you telling me there’s a world of difference between Netanyahu and ISIS?
Nope. Never said that. I hope you will never get profiled as you have done.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Cool, so they were happy enough to elect someone that acts exactly ISIS have. Twice.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted 9 seconds ago
Cool, so they were happy enough to elect someone that acts exactly ISIS have. Twice.
I was talking about you being profiled, personally.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Joshua The King Of Kings Zirkzee (U10026)
posted 12 minutes ago
If Netanyahu was really the only one that wants this he would have been deposed a long time ago. There’s huge governmental, military and civilian appetite for what Israel is doing. Surely this is obvious? These kind of actions don’t just happen at the behest of one man.
surely you know about democracy, right? The majority wins. What about the minority?

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

But you’re making the claim this is all on Netanyahu when it obviously isn’t. He’s the man driving something that has huge support in Israel.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Just to clarify the past exchanges with Arab, in case any of you didn't follow, just as Daz did falling head first without understanding exactly what was discussed.

Arab tarred all the Israelis with the same brush despite clear demonstrations and workers' strikes from a minority of the population to get Netanyahu to agree to a deal or get out, calling them all as bad as ISIS.

Arab confirmed that his only interaction with Israelis is to provide rental cars to them as it is his job, and that his problem with the demographic as a whole is from "polls".

I only want the hostages released. I want the Palestinian people to be left alone. I would like politicians to stop using this as a plaything to keep them in power. I admire the minority of Israelis demonstrating for the last 2 days as a message to get their government to come to a deal.
I feel for the people in Gaza. It is ironic that the area is rich in religions wanting love and peace and harmony.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Joshua The King Of Kings Zirkzee (U10026)
posted 9 minutes ago
But you’re making the claim this is all on Netanyahu when it obviously isn’t. He’s the man driving something that has huge support in Israel.
His advisors told him top make a deal. Did you miss that?

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Oh, so I guess we just ignore everything that’s happened, and is going to happen, because his advisors said to make a deal?

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Why do the majority of Israeli’s not want a two state solution? Why have they never gone this hard on their protests when their country has been inflicting pain and misery on Palestinians for the last 70 years?

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Joshua The King Of Kings Zirkzee (U10026)
posted 41 seconds ago
Oh, so I guess we just ignore everything that’s happened, and is going to happen, because his advisors said to make a deal?
FFS man. You're better than this. Who said anything about ignoring everything that's happened? First, get the hostages home. Then get Benny boy out. Have you ever wondered how it escalated to this level since Netanyahu got re-elected?! Or do you just consume whatever you read from your publication of choice?

I appreciate you as a poster, Daz, but you're having a nightmare.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted 4 seconds ago
Why do the majority of Israeli’s not want a two state solution? Why have they never gone this hard on their protests when their country has been inflicting pain and misery on Palestinians for the last 70 years?
I do not know what the rhetoric is in Israel, nor would I pretend that I know. There definitely is a minority (30%) at the last election. You are forgetting that you yourself tarred the whole group "as bad as ISIS" when there are around 30% that does not agree with Benji, and you are steadfast in your opinion even though you admit you have never interacted with them and only formed opinions from "polls"

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

No I just disagree with your assertion that this is all to do with Netanyahu. He might be the most extreme, but he’s also a reflection of Israeli attitudes towards Palestine that have been there for decades.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Joshua The King Of Kings Zirkzee (U10026)
posted 1 minute ago
No I just disagree with your assertion that this is all to do with Netanyahu. He might be the most extreme, but he’s also a reflection of Israeli attitudes towards Palestine that have been there for decades.
Disagreements are healthy.
However, it is really currently all to do with Netanyahu. We've partially stopped weapons exports (resulting in him throwing a public benny), Biden publicly said that the guy hasn't done enough for a ceasefire, there are strikes all around Israel asking for a deal (and him to stop lying), his military advisors telling him a full military solution will not be achievable and should negotiate a deal.

What more do you need?

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

I need more than lip service, to be honest. No one man has the power you seem to be suggesting he has. They always have, and always will, need significant support to pull these levers of power. It’s why once people like this lose it they’re so easily toppled. If the latter happens then it would suggest he’s gone too far for too many, but the general point regarding this is that this point hasn’t been reached and that there’s been huge support for the actions of the Israeli state in Gaza.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Joshua The King Of Kings Zirkzee (U10026)
posted 1 minute ago
I need more than lip service, to be honest. No one man has the power you seem to be suggesting he has. They always have, and always will, need significant support to pull these levers of power. It’s why once people like this lose it they’re so easily toppled. If the latter happens then it would suggest he’s gone too far for too many, but the general point regarding this is that this point hasn’t been reached and that there’s been huge support for the actions of the Israeli state in Gaza.
You were obviously asleep between 2016 and 2020 until he lost re-election.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

guess who I am talking about?

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

I know who you’re talking about. But the discussion is to do with the actions of Israel since 7th October, so what happened then isn’t really relevant to my point.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Joshua The King Of Kings Zirkzee (U10026)
posted 53 seconds ago
I know who you’re talking about. But the discussion is to do with the actions of Israel since 7th October, so what happened then isn’t really relevant to my point.
Your original point was "No one man has the power you seem to be suggesting he has."

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Which is true. You’ve made the claim this is all on him.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Joshua The King Of Kings Zirkzee (U10026)
posted 5 seconds ago
Which is true. You’ve made the claim this is all on him.
Again, I will reiterate:

We've partially stopped weapons exports (resulting in him throwing a public benny), Biden publicly said that the guy hasn't done enough for a ceasefire, there are strikes all around Israel asking for a deal (and him to stop lying), his military advisors telling him a full military solution will not be achievable and should negotiate a deal.

What more do you need?

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

We’re just going round in circles. Those examples aren’t really of any consequence, they’re paying lip service, and there’s examples of some that don’t agree with the continuing aggression, but not really enough to actually do anything. Israel wouldn’t be doing what it’s doing if it didn’t have support across Israel and the globe. To put this down to one man is just fantasy.

posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Joshua The King Of Kings Zirkzee (U10026)
posted 15 seconds ago
We’re just going round in circles.
Yes, we really are. I can't make you understand.

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