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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

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posted 3 weeks ago

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 32 minutes ago
comment by Onana what's my name? (U14210)
posted 54 minutes ago
Are Hezbollah popular in Lebanon?
I visited there about 7 years ago and they were widely viewed as the countries only real defence against Israel.

I also learnt that the Bekka Valley was basically the larder of Lebanon as it's the only really fertile region in the country, that's why it's often targetted in an attempt to cut off the food supply, not to attack Hezbollah.
Which is, of course, a war crime.

posted 3 weeks ago

It’s official, he’s dead.

posted 3 weeks ago

comment by Jake Moon (U11781)
posted 6 minutes ago
It’s official, he’s dead.

And the world just became a more dangerous place.

posted 3 weeks ago

This guy survived a civil war, an 18 year war and a 34 day war. I am in actual shock he’s gone.

posted 3 weeks ago

If Iran launches a shiiit load of missiles at Israel and wipes a lot of it off the map I think a few people will cheer. Not me as I’m of course a gentleman. But they’ve made a LOT of enemies over the past year.

posted 3 weeks ago

I've watched quite a few interviews recently where Zionists are claiming that 60,000+ Israelis have been evacuated from Northern Israel and demanding they should be allowed to return to their homes.
It's the fvkin Golan Heights that they stole from Syria in 1967. Cheeky basturds

posted 3 weeks ago

The bots are now calling Starmer gay

posted 3 weeks ago

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 15 minutes ago
The bots are now calling Starmer gay
You should hear what was said to Trudeau in Canadian HoC the other day. I have no love for Trudeau, but the other guy? Fvk that. Trudeau was defending the foreign affairs dept. for buying an apartment for the Canadian High Commission in NYC. They sold the old one which
wasn't accessible for handicapped folk for 13 million and bought the new one for 9. But apparently the Tories are calling it a waste of money. And losing their minds over a fvkin bathtub.
The world is facked.

posted 3 weeks ago

comment by Robb Raygun (U22716)
posted 46 minutes ago
If Iran launches a shiiit load of missiles at Israel and wipes a lot of it off the map I think a few people will cheer. Not me as I’m of course a gentleman. But they’ve made a LOT of enemies over the past year.
Nobody should be cheering that. The loss of life is already unthinkable.

The majority of the people who have been killed and maimed and who have lost loved ones since the escalation last October are civilians. We don’t need any more civilian casualties. Peace, the punishment of crimes - meted out by the international courts -, diplomatic engagement and settlement, and disarmament are what is required.

If Iran can restrain itself, the diplomatic tide will continue to turn against Netenyahu’s administration and the fascists who support it. Israel *will* become a pariah state to the extent that the Americans and Germans will be forced to shift their narratives. It doesn’t appear to have been too widely reported, but when Netanyahu stood up to speak at the UNGA yesterday, the hall emptied in protest until it remained what looked like about a quarter full. Three quarters of the world’s nation states *aren’t even willing to listen to him* anymore.

The international community should be stepping in already IMO. As soon as Netanyahu said there’s no two state solution, that should have been the trigger. Peacekeepers’ boots on the ground in Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. Get the ICC working and start making arrests. Dismantle the illegal settlements. Enforce the 1948 borders. Enshrine the Palestinian state in international law granting it full voting status at the UN and affording it the same protections as every other state.

If the UNSC won’t do it (and it obviously won’t without its hand being forced), we should see a global coalition of states coming together to do it.

posted 3 weeks ago

Israeli media says about 85 one-tonne ‘bunker buster’ bombs have been used in the assault on Lebanon so far, including in the demolition of six residential buildings in the capital Beirut yesterday in which at least six people were killed and 90 injured.

The Geneva Convention explicitly outlaws the use of these bombs in densely populated areas due to the risk of mass and indiscriminate casualties.

The Israeli military has killed more than 700 in Lebanon since Monday. With the world watching what’s happening north of the border, 20 were also killed in Gaza yesterday, and the IDF continued operations in the West Bank’s Aqabat Jabr refugee camp, ransacking homes and beating and pepper spraying civilians.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu gave another speech yesterday in front of the world’s media in which he held up another map of the Middle East showing Gaza and the West Bank as part of Israel.

posted 3 weeks ago

comment by Mamba - You hit us, We hit you. (U1282)
posted 7 hours, 1 minute ago
I wouldn't point fingers though Satty as he can also claim to be morally or in any other way superior on a number of grounds eg. that you defend a patently genocidal regime, among other things he could say.

Which genicidal regime do I support again?

Mamba: Israel

Me: I’ve condemned Israeli settler expansionism and their approach to the war for nearly a year now…

Must try harder Mambinator

posted 3 weeks ago

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 6 hours, 28 minutes ago
Sat Nav

"Still waiting on how any of you can explain how India, China Latin America and many other countries will abandon fossil fuels and not cause millions to starve to death. Solve that one buddy and I’m on board"

You're concerned about this possibility but your attitude to UK workers asking for a payrise (real term wages haven't increased since 2008) to pay the mortgage, rent and bills is they should 'just get on with it' apparently
Apologies if I don’t put the difficulties faced by normal working people in the first world on the same level with those who would inevitably starve to death if said countries were forced to abandon fossil fuel usage..

Also much try harder Fields.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 8 hours, 34 minutes ago
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 16 hours, 31 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 2 hours, 30 minutes ago
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Joshua The King Of Kings Zirkzee (U10026)
posted 12 hours, 26 minutes ago
Still, and I really do mean this, at least they’re hitting Florida hardest

What a despicable caaaaant thing to say.

It’s a really strange thing when your supposed morals get put to one side due to political allegiances.

Selective morals from the same school that Arab went to it seems.
Still waiting on that technology.
Cloud seeding is one example.


Happy reading big man

Still waiting on how any of you can explain how India, China Latin America and many other countries will abandon fossil fuels and not cause millions to starve to death. Solve that one buddy and I’m on board.
Still waiting on your opinion of little Candice's recent rants. Is she still your fave right wing grifter?
Religious rants don’t interest me.

Who is your fave left wing grifter? Don Lemon?
When have I ever supported anything from any MSM talking head the way you defended Candy?
In fact I'm sure I've said they're all cvnts for the way they ganged up against Bernie and supported the guy who led the Clarence Thomas hearings and the abuse of Anita Hill during them.
And as for your technology? When will this be working at the levels needed? Before we colonize Mars?😂

posted 3 weeks ago

comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 54 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 6 hours, 28 minutes ago
Sat Nav

"Still waiting on how any of you can explain how India, China Latin America and many other countries will abandon fossil fuels and not cause millions to starve to death. Solve that one buddy and I’m on board"

You're concerned about this possibility but your attitude to UK workers asking for a payrise (real term wages haven't increased since 2008) to pay the mortgage, rent and bills is they should 'just get on with it' apparently
Apologies if I don’t put the difficulties faced by normal working people in the first world on the same level with those who would inevitably starve to death if said countries were forced to abandon fossil fuel usage..

Also much try harder Fields.
India, China and LatAm countries aren't first world in your book? Pretty sure the first two have bigger economies than the the UK and have the technological capability to embrace other methods of energy.

Starvation and in work poverty in the UK doesn't count, why?

posted 3 weeks ago

A potentially huge one which hasn’t been covered in much depth (if at all) by many mainstream media outlets is the UN looking to displace the OECD as the body effectively setting the framework for global agreements on taxation, and in particular wealth and corporate taxes.

Background: In November 2023, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to adopt a resolution tabled by Nigeria calling for an inclusive forum to tackle international tax dodging, corporate tax reform, wealth taxes, environmental taxes, and more.

In response, the OECD (which is basically a rich boys club) made statements to the effect that the UN should not undermine the OECD’s ongoing efforts to curb cross-border corporate tax avoidance, blah blah blah. Some BRICS and developing nations have repeatedly accused the OECD of not going far enough wrt these issues, fast enough, and of acting in the interests of only the more affluent developed nations.

Further to the successful vote on Nigeria’s proposal, the UN set up an Ad Hoc Committee to draft terms of reference for a new framework for tax cooperation, which concluded its second session last month by approving a package of guidance for the new treaty.

A total of 110 Member States voted in favour of the terms of reference for the treaty, with 44 abstentions and eight nations voting against it: the US, the UK (this is, of course, post-election), Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea.

The terms of reference cover commitments on the “equitable taxation” of large multinationals, measures to ensure the taxation of high wealth individuals in the appropriate states, tackling tax avoidance by multinationals and high wealth individuals, international cooperation and data sharing on all of the above, and more.

Full draft terms of reference here:


Ultimately, commitments on all of the above, which we should see fleshed out and finalised in 24 to 36 months, will go in front of the General Assembly be voted on, where there are, as we all know, no powers of veto.

Will be very, very interesting to see how this develops.

posted 3 weeks ago

In a not unsurprising news, Driffield has resigned from Labour


posted 3 weeks ago

Oh my goodness me

Rosie Duffield: Sleaze, nepotism and greed — why I’m quitting Labour


posted 3 weeks ago

She writes to Keir Starmer: “The sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice are off the scale. I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party.”

posted 3 weeks ago

There really should be a rule that an MP that resigns from the party has to trigger an automatic by election

posted 3 weeks ago

comment by Jake Moon (U11781)
posted 3 minutes ago
She writes to Keir Starmer: “The sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice are off the scale. I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party.”

What most rational people think. A party of hypocrites.

Gawd bless her

posted 3 weeks ago

comment by Jake Moon (U11781)
posted 3 minutes ago
There really should be a rule that an MP that resigns from the party has to trigger an automatic by election

There really should be a rule that you don’t pontificate from some imaginary soap box to them replicate the same sleaze and try and pass it off as being acceptable by virtue of it not being quite as bad as those you castigated beforehand.


posted 3 weeks ago

comment by Jake Moon (U11781)
posted 24 minutes ago
There really should be a rule that an MP that resigns from the party has to trigger an automatic by election

Whilst I agree... the way our our electoral system works is that you vote for a person and not a party

posted 3 weeks ago

Which is crap because most people are voting for the party and not the candidate, as if every voter knows who the fack their MP is when they cast a vote

posted 3 weeks ago

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 20 minutes ago
comment by Jake Moon (U11781)
posted 3 minutes ago
There really should be a rule that an MP that resigns from the party has to trigger an automatic by election

There really should be a rule that you don’t pontificate from some imaginary soap box to them replicate the same sleaze and try and pass it off as being acceptable by virtue of it not being quite as bad as those you castigated beforehand.


You can also repeat that paragraph replacing the word “sleaze” with “policies”.

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