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Ooh Tommy Wright

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posted on 29/5/18

Something to remember on here when we enter silly squabbles and disagreements. It is only a game.

Everyone’s posts are equally welcome and important on this site. Ooh Tommy Wright’s are missed, like all posters we no longer hear from.

Ooh Tommy Wright was a brilliant contributor to this board. He is missed.

Thanks for reminding us BS.

posted on 29/5/18

Well said BS.

I didn't know Chris other than through the predictions league and his other posts, but the loss of any of our (sometimes dysfunctional) 606 LCFC family feels exactly like that, a loss.


posted on 29/5/18

Hear hear.

posted on 30/5/18

Very good post BS.
One great consolation,he may not have seen us lift the trophy, but he must have known we achieved the greatest success our club has ever known,and am sure that must have been a great comfort to him and his family.

posted on 30/5/18

He's one of our own good post BS

posted on 30/5/18

Makes me sad to read this.

Certainly one of the good guys. You're missed, Chris.

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