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comment by polloks (U2971)

posted on 20/9/11

i have heard that if we win the tax case we will sue hmrc for 100 million and buy Ronaldo

craig whyte has drawn up secret plans for 10 in a row

heard it here first

posted on 20/9/11

I don't think it could work like that to be honest. HMRC would want their money no matter what and I cannot see us reaching an agreement on the debt with them so quickly.

If administration was required, I think we'd be in it for a while as Whyte haggled over whether it was 10p to every £1 or 11p (the figures are just for argument Kerrydale accountants).

comment by (U6994)

posted on 20/9/11

mate, rangers wouldnt give a flying monkeys if they lost the league but cleared 50 million debt!

posted on 20/9/11

What would the cuddlefest be like if we went into admin, got docked 10 points and STILL won the SPL ???!!

posted on 20/9/11

if that happens coop id hang my hat on lenny getting boot

comment by deBear (U8633)

posted on 20/9/11


Just imagine of that happened - it would be the back to front failure dance to end all back to front failure dances!

PS this could still run for years yet - appeals, etc can go all the way to European courts...

posted on 20/9/11


Don't think any courts outside the UK have jurisdiction on our tax affairs.

Especially with that t!t Osbourne in charge.

comment by deBear (U8633)

posted on 20/9/11

Aye Tim,

But individuals have legislation protecting them from retrospective punishment.

I know as much as the next poster on here about whats going on ie. F--- all.

There's so many experts on here its not true....

posted on 20/9/11

So we are going to go into administarion for a tax case that we havent even lost yet aye that makes sense. Craig Whyte has made it clear that he thinks there is a good chance of us winning the tax case ot at least reducing it significantly, he wouldn't have bought the club if he didn't think he could win it.

posted on 20/9/11

Craig Whyte has made absolutely nothing clear.

Remember last week? Do you know his business credentials?

Venture capitalist. He has a 'plan' if he doesn't win the case.

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