Can't see anything other than a Diverpool victory, even if the Scammers put some effort in and make it difficult, the referee will come to Cheaterpools rescue.
comment by Billy The Yidd (U3924)
posted 17 minutes ago
Can't see anything other than a Diverpool victory, even if the Scammers put some effort in and make it difficult, the referee will come to Cheaterpools rescue.
Not sure I’ve ever seen any outrage from you when Harry gets one of his frequent cards for diving
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Billy The Yidd (U3924)
posted 17 minutes ago
Can't see anything other than a Diverpool victory, even if the Scammers put some effort in and make it difficult, the referee will come to Cheaterpools rescue.
Not sure I’ve ever seen any outrage from you when Harry gets one of his frequent cards for diving
Probably because the refs book him rather than award the pen, like they do every time for diverpool
Haven't Spurs been booked the most for diving since Poch joined them?
comment by Michael Edwards FC {Proud owner of the 5 000 000th comment} (U2720)
posted 9 minutes ago
Haven't Spurs been booked the most for diving since Poch joined them?
You deserve all you get for being mentally 10 years old and using the term spammers or scammers. Yet the word s pud is banned
comment by Michael Edwards FC {Proud owner of the 5 000 000th comment} (U2720)
posted 12 minutes ago
Haven't Spurs been booked the most for diving since Poch joined them?
Who cares? It's all one person's opinion, and we know for a fact he got it wrong when he booked Rose for it, whereas Salah could have been booked more than he has.
comment by Philspurs - Millionaire travel agent (U3278)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Michael Edwards FC {Proud owner of the 5 000 000th comment} (U2720)
posted 9 minutes ago
Haven't Spurs been booked the most for diving since Poch joined them?
comment by Spurtle (U1608)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Michael Edwards FC {Proud owner of the 5 000 000th comment} (U2720)
posted 12 minutes ago
Haven't Spurs been booked the most for diving since Poch joined them?
Who cares? It's all one person's opinion, and we know for a fact he got it wrong when he booked Rose for it, whereas Salah could have been booked more than he has.
It's haram to cheat hence Salah doesn't do it.
comment by Michael Edwards FC {Proud owner of the 5 000 000th comment} (U2720)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Spurtle (U1608)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Michael Edwards FC {Proud owner of the 5 000 000th comment} (U2720)
posted 12 minutes ago
Haven't Spurs been booked the most for diving since Poch joined them?
Who cares? It's all one person's opinion, and we know for a fact he got it wrong when he booked Rose for it, whereas Salah could have been booked more than he has.
It's haram to cheat hence Salah doesn't do it.
He doesn't think there's anything wrong with it cause he never gets punished for it
Disgraceful linesmen performance tonight. The chance at the end for Origi and the goal for Liverpool both miles off.
comment by Tottenham Chronic (U3423)
posted 3 minutes ago
Disgraceful linesmen performance tonight. The chance at the end for Origi and the goal for Liverpool both miles off.
Have to agree with this Tbh. He was awful
comment by Billy The Yidd (U3924)
posted 9 hours, 53 minutes ago
Can't see anything other than a Diverpool victory, even if the Scammers put some effort in and make it difficult, the referee will come to Cheaterpools rescue.
The refs did their best mate
Still, Liverpool dropping points.
Luckypool against Palace Lesta West Ham.
Their luck will run out soon if they carry on playing this badly
comment by CFC: FFP Champions (U20729)
posted 1 minute ago
Luckypool against Palace Lesta West Ham.
Their luck will run out soon if they carry on playing this badly
Hope so for the sake of humanity.
comment by CFC: FFP Champions (U20729)
posted 3 minutes ago
Luckypool against Palace Lesta West Ham.
Their luck will run out soon if they carry on playing this badly
They're simply not used to being ahead of Spurs anymore and the cracks are starting to show.
Same performance against Spurs too
Difference is no help from linesmen..
comment by 9ctics (U21076)
posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
There is only 1. Man City.
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And Then There Were Three.
Page 3 of 3
posted on 4/2/19
Can't see anything other than a Diverpool victory, even if the Scammers put some effort in and make it difficult, the referee will come to Cheaterpools rescue.
posted on 4/2/19
Billy’s here!
posted on 4/2/19
comment by Billy The Yidd (U3924)
posted 17 minutes ago
Can't see anything other than a Diverpool victory, even if the Scammers put some effort in and make it difficult, the referee will come to Cheaterpools rescue.
Not sure I’ve ever seen any outrage from you when Harry gets one of his frequent cards for diving
posted on 4/2/19
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Billy The Yidd (U3924)
posted 17 minutes ago
Can't see anything other than a Diverpool victory, even if the Scammers put some effort in and make it difficult, the referee will come to Cheaterpools rescue.
Not sure I’ve ever seen any outrage from you when Harry gets one of his frequent cards for diving
Probably because the refs book him rather than award the pen, like they do every time for diverpool
posted on 4/2/19
Haven't Spurs been booked the most for diving since Poch joined them?
posted on 4/2/19
comment by Michael Edwards FC {Proud owner of the 5 000 000th comment} (U2720)
posted 9 minutes ago
Haven't Spurs been booked the most for diving since Poch joined them?
posted on 4/2/19
You deserve all you get for being mentally 10 years old and using the term spammers or scammers. Yet the word s pud is banned
posted on 4/2/19
comment by Michael Edwards FC {Proud owner of the 5 000 000th comment} (U2720)
posted 12 minutes ago
Haven't Spurs been booked the most for diving since Poch joined them?
Who cares? It's all one person's opinion, and we know for a fact he got it wrong when he booked Rose for it, whereas Salah could have been booked more than he has.
posted on 4/2/19
comment by Philspurs - Millionaire travel agent (U3278)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Michael Edwards FC {Proud owner of the 5 000 000th comment} (U2720)
posted 9 minutes ago
Haven't Spurs been booked the most for diving since Poch joined them?
posted on 4/2/19
comment by Spurtle (U1608)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Michael Edwards FC {Proud owner of the 5 000 000th comment} (U2720)
posted 12 minutes ago
Haven't Spurs been booked the most for diving since Poch joined them?
Who cares? It's all one person's opinion, and we know for a fact he got it wrong when he booked Rose for it, whereas Salah could have been booked more than he has.
It's haram to cheat hence Salah doesn't do it.
posted on 4/2/19
comment by Michael Edwards FC {Proud owner of the 5 000 000th comment} (U2720)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Spurtle (U1608)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Michael Edwards FC {Proud owner of the 5 000 000th comment} (U2720)
posted 12 minutes ago
Haven't Spurs been booked the most for diving since Poch joined them?
Who cares? It's all one person's opinion, and we know for a fact he got it wrong when he booked Rose for it, whereas Salah could have been booked more than he has.
It's haram to cheat hence Salah doesn't do it.
He doesn't think there's anything wrong with it cause he never gets punished for it
posted on 4/2/19
posted on 4/2/19
Disgraceful linesmen performance tonight. The chance at the end for Origi and the goal for Liverpool both miles off.
posted on 4/2/19
comment by Tottenham Chronic (U3423)
posted 3 minutes ago
Disgraceful linesmen performance tonight. The chance at the end for Origi and the goal for Liverpool both miles off.
Have to agree with this Tbh. He was awful
posted on 4/2/19
comment by Billy The Yidd (U3924)
posted 9 hours, 53 minutes ago
Can't see anything other than a Diverpool victory, even if the Scammers put some effort in and make it difficult, the referee will come to Cheaterpools rescue.
The refs did their best mate
posted on 4/2/19
Still, Liverpool dropping points.
posted on 4/2/19
Luckypool against Palace Lesta West Ham.
Their luck will run out soon if they carry on playing this badly
posted on 4/2/19
comment by CFC: FFP Champions (U20729)
posted 1 minute ago
Luckypool against Palace Lesta West Ham.
Their luck will run out soon if they carry on playing this badly
Hope so for the sake of humanity.
posted on 4/2/19
comment by CFC: FFP Champions (U20729)
posted 3 minutes ago
Luckypool against Palace Lesta West Ham.
Their luck will run out soon if they carry on playing this badly
posted on 4/2/19
They're simply not used to being ahead of Spurs anymore and the cracks are starting to show.
posted on 4/2/19
posted on 4/2/19
Same performance against Spurs too
Difference is no help from linesmen..
posted on 5/2/19
comment by 9ctics (U21076)
posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
There is only 1. Man City.
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