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posted on 12/12/19

comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 4 days, 18 hours ago

OP - fack off you plastic priick

This is Winstons first post on a thread the other day. A man who never joins threads to derail them, certainly doesnt join just to post abuse and certainly isnt a troll.

But but but it'll be different

Fml the guy couldnt be more of a pr!ck if he tried.

posted on 12/12/19

Fresh off of searching for me on the electoral roll, Robbing is now scouring threads to try and find things to have a pop at me about.

Affected much?

I believe I've actually said that I don't 'generally' join threads just to post abuse and on the rare occasions that I do, sometimes I accept I'm in the wrong and apologise.

As I've said before, I know my faults and I talk about them.

The same can't be said of you.

But please do carry on - this obsessive meltdown you're having is genuinely causing me to laugh aloud.

posted on 12/12/19

I've seen attention - See through me, Twists for me - spin spin sugar

posted on 12/12/19

No twisting - just correcting what you said I've claimed.

A bit like when you called me a liar and I proved you wrong.

Remind me, did you admit you were wrong?

No, thought not.

posted on 12/12/19

"I don't 'generally' join threads just to post abuse - and on the rare occasions that I do"

Winston...gotta love this

posted on 12/12/19

comment by Sheriff JW Pepper (U1007)
posted 15 minutes ago
"I don't 'generally' join threads just to post abuse - and on the rare occasions that I do"

Winston...gotta love this

haha good ere, innit?

In fairness, what I generally say is that my use of this forum is pretty decent - mostly I join threads to discuss football and I don't tend to hurl abuse around for no reason.

I'm not perfect (don't tell anyone I said that), but I certainly don't troll people or go around constantly joining threads just to sling abuse.

I also don't use mental health as the basis to mock people and I don't get so wound up that I get banned. Nor do I search for people from JA606 on social channels.

To be fair, that last part, I don't think many people do.

posted on 12/12/19

comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Sheriff JW Pepper (U1007)
posted 15 minutes ago
"I don't 'generally' join threads just to post abuse - and on the rare occasions that I do"

Winston...gotta love this

haha good ere, innit?

In fairness, what I generally say is that my use of this forum is pretty decent - mostly I join threads to discuss football and I don't tend to hurl abuse around for no reason.

I'm not perfect (don't tell anyone I said that), but I certainly don't troll people or go around constantly joining threads just to sling abuse.

I also don't use mental health as the basis to mock people and I don't get so wound up that I get banned. Nor do I search for people from JA606 on social channels.

To be fair, that last part, I don't think many people do.
jeez no...life's too short for that shat

posted on 12/12/19

He does have time to spend four days arguing over semantics though

7am! Lets put people in their place!

posted on 12/12/19

comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 56 seconds ago
He does have time to spend four days arguing over semantics though

7am! Lets put people in their place!

Obsessed with that 7am thing aren't you.

What's the deal with that? I'm usually up at 4-5am most days.

posted on 12/12/19

I think Robbing is trying to score points to recover from the embarrassment of revealing he doesn't know the difference between deficit and debt.

posted on 12/12/19

comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 56 seconds ago
He does have time to spend four days arguing over semantics though

7am! Lets put people in their place!

Obsessed with that 7am thing aren't you.

What's the deal with that? I'm usually up at 4-5am most days.

It''s not normal you utter freak. Can't they coach people like you or something?

posted on 12/12/19

comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 56 seconds ago
He does have time to spend four days arguing over semantics though

7am! Lets put people in their place!

Obsessed with that 7am thing aren't you.

What's the deal with that? I'm usually up at 4-5am most days.

It''s not normal you utter freak. Can't they coach people like you or something?

It's not normal to get up at 5am?

Says who?

posted on 12/12/19

Fvcking hell

This is akin to pushing someone out of a wheel chair.

posted on 12/12/19

I'm often up at 6 in the summer....too nice to waste in bed

posted on 12/12/19

comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 56 seconds ago
He does have time to spend four days arguing over semantics though

7am! Lets put people in their place!

Obsessed with that 7am thing aren't you.

What's the deal with that? I'm usually up at 4-5am most days.

It''s not normal you utter freak. Can't they coach people like you or something?

It's not normal to get up at 5am?

Says who?
People without jobs

posted on 12/12/19

comment by Sheriff JW Pepper (U1007)
posted 2 minutes ago
I'm often up at 6 in the summer....too nice to waste in bed

Yeah me too. Not often I'm so wound up that I'll be posting retorts on here at 7am on a Saturday though and I doubt you do either

posted on 12/12/19

comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 45 seconds ago
comment by Sheriff JW Pepper (U1007)
posted 2 minutes ago
I'm often up at 6 in the summer....too nice to waste in bed

Yeah me too. Not often I'm so wound up that I'll be posting retorts on here at 7am on a Saturday though and I doubt you do either

Why does posting at 7am make you wound up?

If you’ve been up for a couple of hours and you’re at your desk or chilling out, why not look at the forum?

No different to someone getting up at 9am and checking the forum a little later.

Bizarre attempt at point scoring.

A better indication of who is wound up is surely the posts themselves. And given you posted stuff so bad that you got banned, Robbing, I think you’re coming out on top there.

Not to mention searching for me on the electoral roll.

posted on 12/12/19

Winston save your psuedo faux competition bollox for someone else with your affliction yeah? You genuinely have no charisma at all and it really is quite boring these days tbh.

posted on 12/12/19

comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 7 minutes ago
Winston save your psuedo faux competition bollox for someone else with your affliction yeah? You genuinely have no charisma at all and it really is quite boring these days tbh.

Great comeback.

Imagine being so affected by a forum that you start searching for people on the electoral register.

posted on 12/12/19

Urrgh more lies and spin, it makes you looka cvnt Winston. Ive not searched the electoral register but you did say you were voting. I was mildly gas lighting you seeing as you wet your pants last time and threatened to call the police.

You just dont get some stuff do ya?

posted on 12/12/19

comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 4 minutes ago
Urrgh more lies and spin, it makes you looka cvnt Winston. Ive not searched the electoral register but you did say you were voting. I was mildly gas lighting you seeing as you wet your pants last time and threatened to call the police.

You just dont get some stuff do ya?


Last time you said I lied, I posted a link to prove you wrong.

Not had enough of that yet?

posted on 12/12/19

Okay bud.

posted on 12/12/19

comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 5 minutes ago
Okay bud.

Yes it is.

Funny day.

posted on 12/12/19

Winston in not understanding nuanceand social skills shocker.

Dont you wonder why you have to use a family member as best man?

I hope yiu have an epiphany one day and realise it's not the litany of other people, that it is actually you, and that you look a right beIlend.

posted on 12/12/19

comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 3 minutes ago
Winston in not understanding nuanceand social skills shocker.

Dont you wonder why you have to use a family member as best man?

I hope yiu have an epiphany one day and realise it's not the litany of other people, that it is actually you, and that you look a right beIlend.

As if you know anything about my family, friends or wedding.

Your obsession is really quite something. Did you ever wonder how you got to this point?

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