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These 60 comments are related to an article called:

Arteta is doing fine!

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posted on 9/3/20

I don't trust the Admin here at all after their recent behaviour and activities so no thanks, also it's funny how you've just popped up seconds later.
Then why are you participating on this site? I only have one account here and I don't need confirmation from anyone on anything. Especially on a subject where you are so wrong its actually quite funny. But there is no point at shouting against a wall which is why I stopped commenting on this thread. If you wish to argue against established medical theory then its really up to you.

posted on 9/3/20

What does whether or not I support Admin's behaviour have to do with my decision to participate on this site?

I'm not arguing against established medical theory, I am telling you the actual medical theory because I actually understand it unlike you.

You are spouting a one rule of thumb for all players which is just ludicrous if you actually had any real knowledge of sports science and anatomy, do you think all persons of 18 years have identically developed bodies? Apparently.

posted on 9/3/20

Oh for the record, Admin's wouldn't even be able to tell if you are Kyzr117 providing you only registered and logged in from a different IP address, which could easily be achieved with a VPN or using Mobile Data instead of Wi-Fi for example so that's a mute point.

Considering that user hasn't posted until now since 2 years ago and only did so to support you here, then you popped up immediately after says it all.

posted on 9/3/20


posted on 9/3/20

What does it say? There are a lot of readers on this site, one of whom expressed an opinion from his point of view. Just because he agreed with me and was critical to you was enough to set you off concocting some strange conspiracy theory. Like he/she said above. Google is your friend.

posted on 9/3/20

I don't need Google when I have studied and read actual medical literature and journals

Feel free to educate yourself though 'jenius'.

posted on 9/3/20

Just to reiterate why you are so wrong.

We were discussing Martinelli and you were trying to tell me why he had been dropped, your whole argument centered on burn-out.


Yeah, real 'burn-out' statistics.

For someone that has named themselves: 'Jenius', something which I find rather hilarious perhaps you should try and work on your ability to listen to other's points of view before you attempt to regurgitate something you read after searching Google and have a very limited knowledge of.

posted on 9/3/20

At least Jose would ditch the lazy No.10. Was already smart enough to palm him off on Wenger in the first place. Bet he still laughs his ass off to himself about that one even after all this time. Was a masterstroke from his point of view

comment by Tyke (U9181)

posted on 10/3/20

comment by WB2 (Emery'll Get Me Killed) (U8276)
posted 7 hours, 23 minutes ago
At least Jose would ditch the lazy No.10. Was already smart enough to palm him off on Wenger in the first place. Bet he still laughs his ass off to himself about that one even after all this time. Was a masterstroke from his point of view
Ozil covers more ground than most players in the prem. He also,for example,assisted our ONLY goal in the last match,thus earning us those prescious three points. I can only assume, from your constant,ranting,rabid hatred of Mesut Ozil,that you are either..
a) A Spurs fan.
b) A simpleton.
c) A Xenophobe
d) All of the above.

posted on 10/3/20

comment by Tyke (U9181)
posted 13 hours, 1 minute ago
comment by WB2 (Emery'll Get Me Killed) (U8276)
posted 7 hours, 23 minutes ago
At least Jose would ditch the lazy No.10. Was already smart enough to palm him off on Wenger in the first place. Bet he still laughs his ass off to himself about that one even after all this time. Was a masterstroke from his point of view
Ozil covers more ground than most players in the prem. He also,for example,assisted our ONLY goal in the last match,thus earning us those prescious three points. I can only assume, from your constant,ranting,rabid hatred of Mesut Ozil,that you are either..
a) A Spurs fan.
b) A simpleton.
c) A Xenophobe
d) All of the above.
e) Someone who isn't blind that has been watching Ozil deteriorate to the point of being detrimental to the team and leaving us with virtually 9 outfield players without the ball for the past 2/3 seasons.

I got bored of WB2's non-stop Ozil bashing eventually myself because it's boring to keep reading the same thing again and again, he does sound like a broken record but he is on most accounts correct about Ozil.

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