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These 43 comments are related to an article called:

Positive Article

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comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/9/11

Sounds quite a negative article actually.

Sounds like you don't agree with the decisions but feel there is nothing you can do.

Always seems like you don't think the defence is any good.

What is positive about the article?

posted on 27/9/11


That i love Leeds United and i'm spreading the love.
Instead of moaning about lack of money and bad defence like everyone else i mentioned it in a positive way, you just decided to read it in a negative way to be objectional.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/9/11

Pete, what exactly was your artciel positive about?

You seem to not like the decisions, lack of ability to change anything, nor the defence.

Even if we fix teh defence you think we'll do ok. I think most of us want better than ok.

As I said, not sure what the article is actually positive about.


posted on 27/9/11

I am not moaning and asking for grayson to be sacked.
I am being positive in spreading the love for my club in the hope that all the moaners will realise that they love Leeds to and that thay will stop moaning and get on and support the lads, it's in the first 2 lines!!!

posted on 27/9/11

Also i said i think we will do alright not ok and alright in my mind is playoffs or better.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/9/11

Pete, what do you feel is negative about people wanting a better manager than Grayson?

posted on 27/9/11

Wanting him sacked is the negative bit.
Your just being objectional for the sake of it i was trying to lift the mood but with people like you on here i have no chance of that.

posted on 27/9/11

I wouldnt bother Pete.

Jonty's cup is always half empty. He will argue and argue till he is blue in the face about any point.

posted on 27/9/11

Thanks- ImFrankStrandli

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/9/11

pete, just because people don't read into what you wrote what you wanted to read into it why is that objectionable.

If you put an article up called 'Positive' article' that doesn't really contain anything positive why can't you just enter into debate instead of complaining about it?

posted on 27/9/11

Jonty- it is quite obvious that you are a cup half empty type of person so you don't like positive things, i am not complaining about anything just trying to be positive, as you are a cup half empty person you would pick anything negative from anything even if there wasn't anything negative there.
I can see that you love debating (mas-debating) oh did i spell that right?

posted on 27/9/11

I don't get the cup half full cup half empty thing it makes no sense as an anicdote

if I fill a glass half way it's half full

if I empty it halfway by consuming some then it's half empty

That is the only logical way to look at the liquid level of a glass it's like smart rses who say how long is a piece of string, Its twice it length from the middle dumb a$$

Anyway back to the glass situation does my views on the way in which a glass can be full and empty depending on the premise of the situation you are facing mean that I sit on the garden fence???

I don't especially care but for the well being of everyone I think we need to reason out a rationale answer to this one for the sake of everyones sanity

posted on 27/9/11

Can I ask you Jonty who would you have as manager? - or the chairman.. I know you are a serious man, one to be treated with respect, It's clear you are not a snotty nosed kid who just rants about something you don't undersatnd, you do make some really good points..

but, you allow this Bates thing to cloud your judgement.. what iis it exactly you want to do? is it too much to ask to support your team?

I agree with Pete... even if we had a L2 team, full of plonkers.. I would still love Leeds, and always will.. the article is well said imo..

Pete - the one thing about football fans is we all are fickle (Jonty, you too) because if we do get promoted, and sign some good players what would you rant about? - also, worth saying, cast your mind back to when we beat Man Utd in the fa cup.. and when we played the replay at home to Arsenal, we you singing 'theres only one Simon Grayson" I know I was....

posted on 27/9/11


posted on 27/9/11

Look to the top right hand corner of this web page: Keep Commenting, Creating and Debating.

You dicuss both the good and bad things about Leeds and everyone gives their opinion. It's not like you're actually booing the players are you, it's a forum ffs. You're allowed to discuss negative things on here.

It'd be a boring site if we all just told each other how much we loved the club.

posted on 27/9/11


you remind me of a fellow i play golf with, who is always right, no matter what, even when proved wrong is still right, how you pick negativity from pete's post i do not know, he isn't trying to be clever, just stating Leeds is in his blood.

posted on 27/9/11

boring is also winging about the same things... things that we cannot change.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/9/11

pete, whay are any of the assumptions you make about me obvious.

Why are you unable to enter into discussion without trying to take the micky out of someone?

Like thousands of Leeds fans (you can hear them signing Bates out at matches) I want better for my club, you are obviously happy with enduring the status quo I don't see anything positive about that at all, I want to see the club do better than it is.

Tuscany, I don't know who the next chairman will be, same way as Villa fans didn't know whom they would get to take them forward after Doug Ellis.

I always find that a silly question from people who can't see that there is life after Bates.

Regarding manager, I'd like to see someone who has experience of managing and gaining promotion from this division.

Supporting your team and supporting Bates are 2 different things.

If you genuinely wanted the best for your team, you would think twice about blindly supporting Bates, otherwise you are actually part of the problem.

And re your singing about Grayson, no I wasn't, I haven't for a couple of years now I have seen what he's like.

posted on 27/9/11

Jonty, there you go again about Bates..

you love him don't you? - what is it? - that white santa claus look you like yeah?

LETS SUPPORT THE FOOTBALL... your posts are all the same Jonty.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/9/11

forever, can't be me, I don't play golf

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/9/11

Tuscany, you're the one who raised the point about the chairman, not me.

posted on 27/9/11

ok Jonty.. lets keep this serious...

the next chairman.. lets say, some Leeds based business man... what would you like him to do? - how would you do it if it was you signor Jonty?

posted on 27/9/11


i did say remind me of, not actually are.

Thing is about Bates, he is going to be here for a few more years yet, no complaining and booing will change it, i don't agree with his gob 5hite slanderous program notes and slating of players after they leave, one thing we know about him is that if this team doesn't stop shipping goals, there will be a change, i don't care who our manager is, as long as they are doing a good job, i don't think SG is doing an amzing job at the moment, because we can't defend.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/9/11

Tuscany, if you want to keep it serious then why do you try to be a wum?

I'd like to see the chairman engage with the fans better, giving them the chance to have an open dialogue with the club not one where you get this sort of attitude 'if you ask me about ownership I am stopping this interview'

Would like to see the club act more respectfully with it's partners - council, police, FA/FL

Would like to see less antagonism towards agents and players, we don't see this from other clubs.

I would like to see a proper plan/stretgey for the next 5 years, our manager and chairman can't even publicly agree on what the goal is for this season.

I'd like to see a real initiative to stop otehr clubs poaching our youngsters as man city have done with their youth set up in yorkshire.

Finally, I would like to see a proper ticketing policy that enabled youngsters to become our next generation of fans and meant we didn't have 10k+ empty seats each home game which as you well know diminishes the match day experience for all.

I don't feel these are unreasonable or expensive things to achieve, but do feel they will make fans feel more valued and help secure a longer term future than we are aiming for at the moment.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/9/11

forever, didn't you notice the

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