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These 43 comments are related to an article called:

Positive Article

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posted on 27/9/11

Every point Jonty has made should be what every Leeds supporter wants.

Most people aren't asking for a billionare owner to come in and transform the club. They just want to be treated better, have more affordable tickets and a plan be laid out so we know that the club is wanting to go forward.

Even Bates' most loyal supporter couldn't argue that paying the 5th highest season ticket prices in the country is okay.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/9/11

That's what you would think Best Fans, but I think some on here like it just how it is, otherwise they would make some effort to change it.

posted on 27/9/11

Like thousands of Leeds fans (you can hear them signing Bates out at matches)


From where i sit/stand, the Bates Out chant seems to come from reasonably small area of the Revie stand ......... but have to concede, i've heard the chant spread week by week. not sure it runs into 1000's just yet, but it's getting there.

I think most fans agree in essence with the Bates Out theory (i do now after things of late) ...... and i've finally started to hear one or two start to chant it near where i am in the East Stand..........

As for the post. i thought it was a good piece. As this is a debating forum, i'd expect how it was typed to be interpreted in completely different ways. Be pretty boring if we all picked up on it in the same way, and all responded with exactly the same thoughts......

I've always been Leeds through and through for as long as i can remember - not from birth though. My father was a staunch Newcastle fan - so i've defo got pics up in the loft with me wearing the full kit as small kid. As soon as i had a mind of my own i started following Leeds - sunday afternoon on the TV i used to watch all the time....... lol .... he'd be turning in his grave if he knew i now had a season ticket for Elland Road !!!

posted on 27/9/11

Nobody is disputing this Jonty.. but moaning on about it isn't getting you anywhere.. it clouds your reason.. I am not layal to any player, manager or chairman.. there's no point, players, managers and chairman are simply business people.. they will go where the money is. I am however loyal to Leeds United.. that's it !!

when you say Jonty, "try and change things" - what exactly can anybody do.. you do realise Bates couldn't care less what you think of him.. your wasting your time.. raising your blood pressure and clouding your reason.

I don't try to be a WUM Jonty.. it obviously works with you.. I have been succesful.. a little more successful than you and your Bates hating rants I feel...

The point is.. lets support the football, I care about other Leeds fans and thier opinions of course I do, but every single post I see from you is negative... you will never conceed that this Bates hating thing is clouding your reason...

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/9/11

I don't try to be a WUM Jonty.. it obviously works with you.. I have been succesful.. a little more successful than you and your Bates hating rants I feel...
You say be serious and then you come up with this.

Sounds like you just want to be a wum.

Quite sad really.

posted on 27/9/11

Apart from that line Jonty did you read the rest of it? - I stated this because you get wound up at the thought taht your head could be clouded with hate for Bates.

do you feel that the Bates hating thing clouds your reason?

posted on 27/9/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 27/9/11

I have made this comment before but it just seems to keep coming back again and again.
You can't force Bates out, he owns the damn thing.
We stop going to games or stop buying merchandise, he just sells Snoddy, Howson, Ross and the rest to keep the business ticking over in the fashion he thinks it should.
I don't have the answer of what CAN be done, all I know is people offer an answer but when the debate starts the blinkers drop in place and there is no backing down.
For the record, MY OPINION is that KB wants to show people he see's as "upstarts" who buy success that the way to build the club is through sound finances and buildings and holding and anything else that doesn't have a contract of 2-4 years that can leave when they want pretty much. I happen to agree with that policy, how he goes about it and what he says and how he behaves, that is another matter but for his "vision", if I am right, I think it is a way that should work and should be shown to others it can work.
At this point I would like to point out, don't bring me "Norwich have done this" or anything else like that, each club is unique, each club has it's own history, expectations, fan-base ect.... Direct comparisons just don't work on a like for like basis.
For the record, MY OPINION is that SG is doing a job at the moment and we are where we are. He could do better, he could also be doing worse! Don't try and spin that into I don't love the club enough because I am not baying for blood that we aren't taking on Man Utd for the title, get real - there are MANY clubs in this division with more financial clout, with more experienced players, with a squad that has had time to gel.
We replace SG, we start again and then everyone gets another two seasons to moan we have brought in new players, that they haven't gel'd quick enough to challenge ect.....
Personally, I see this as a season of excitement, where every game I watch may induce a heart attack, but at the same time will have me on the edge of my seat kicking every ball and scoring every goal right with the boys. We MAY end up mid-table, we MAY end up challenging for the title, I don't see us as relegation fodder. Maybe this could be the exciting season that sets us up to storm the league next year winning every game, scoring a record amount of goals and conceeding less than 10 all season?? Not likely but improbable, NOT impossible.
Enjoy the day, it's sunny out there

comment by NJS (U8272)

posted on 27/9/11

"Bates does seem a controversial figure!"

Septimus NJS, 27/9/'11

posted on 27/9/11

NJS - if ever you see a life size doll of Bates, can you send him to Jonty... he loves him

comment by NJS (U8272)

posted on 27/9/11

As it happens I do have a life size doll of Bates as I do
have Jonty...I can assure you they get it together every
night...I master bates regularly at the sight!

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/9/11

Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

posted on 27/9/11

- maybe we should stick to football... Si?

maybe this isn't the place to be making light of things, people say your a WUM if you do, maybe we all are I suppose, anyone with a sense of humour of course... I think I'll stick to football..

I am having a great argumnet with a Man Utd fan currebtly.. the guy threatened to shoot me haha..

comment by NJS (U8272)

posted on 27/9/11

My son is completely illogical when it comes to ManU,
recently he told me that even when they win by a
cricket score he's convinced they are lucky!
And he's not joking

posted on 27/9/11

Sorry Pete, but if that's a positive article then i'm a Dutchman.
Hopeless, completely hopeless i'm afraid.

posted on 27/9/11

I think Jonty is getting a bit of a bad press in this article!

He is not a glass half full or glass half empty type at all. He's the warmest, most interesting, likeable and most knowledgeable football commentator on these boards.

You are talking about Jonty Hargreaves from Halton aren't you? That's the one I mean.

posted on 28/9/11

LeedsSouth- how is Holland?
No need to be afraid, of course its positive, you just took a negative view of it.

posted on 28/9/11

LeedsSouth- how is Holland?
Flat Pete, a bit like your article in general.
I took an open view BTW, not a negative one.

Quite ironic that just before you created this 'positive' article you posted on another thread that you expected us to get just 11 points from 8 games, hardly positive stuff eh Pete?

So in truth you have issues with our performance but don't want to discuss these on here, in case you come across all negative, which then defeats the overall objective of your article.

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