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Now this is funny...

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posted on 11/6/11

Congratulations you have found an idiot who supports Rangers now if only I could find one who supported Celtic hmmmm......

comment by (U7208)

posted on 11/6/11

Thought you said it was funny?

Fail, Fail

posted on 11/6/11

you are a flange

posted on 11/6/11

Sorry...what I should have said is that it would probably be amusing to all but Rangers supporters. Especially if that facebook page belongs to one of you two...hmmmmm...

posted on 11/6/11

Who was this Vic Flange on BBC606 I'm guessing he was banned or something because I've not seen him utter one word of sense.

posted on 11/6/11

I read bits of that page. I must have missed the funny part.

Did he write somewhere that Celtic didn't already win 9 in a row or is he saying they never will. i.e. future tense?

Anyhoos... if it is the latter then I would agree. Celtic will never again win 9 in a row.

posted on 11/6/11

Cheer up, BlackpoolBear (U4507) it's just a bit of lighthearted humour. I'm not saying he's representative of ALL Rangers fans although the comments so far would suggest otherwise. I mean, look that the bloke who canny work out how to display his username FFS.

posted on 11/6/11

"I mean, look that the bloke who canny work out how to display his username"

Look at the bloke who cannot type in English.


posted on 11/6/11


It was funny but don't expect the immature Rangers fans on here to agree with you. They are a tribal breed who can't even see how stupid the idiot of Facebook is and have a wee laugh at his expense.

Instead, like children, they go on the defensive.

comment by (U5278)

posted on 11/6/11

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posted on 11/6/11

Harry I didn't expect any Rangers fans to find it amusing and those who have commented have done so in the most predictable fashion possible....
I didn't post this to have a go at anyone. I just found it quite amusing myself and thought I'd pass it on for those with a bit of a sense of humour.

posted on 11/6/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 11/6/11

"any Rangers fans to find it amusing and those who have commented have done so in the most predictable fashion possible.... "- - - - - - -

I didn't see your post there Dos when I typed that last bit out. At least you took in the spirit it was intended.

posted on 11/6/11

Harry... what exactly is the part you are finding funny? Seriously?

Dados... same question to you. Also, what 'historical idiocy' are you referring to? The title of the page states 'will'. That is future tense. If he had written, 'have never' or if he had ommited the word 'will', then fair enough, but maybe you and your tim mates are seeing something different than I am.

comment by (U5278)

posted on 11/6/11

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comment by (U5278)

posted on 11/6/11

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posted on 11/6/11

"The title of the page states 'will'. That is future tense. "

It's pretty obvious that this lad had no idea that we already have done 9 in a row. I think most other folk see this too. It's ok though..you dont find it amusing....we get it...no big deal.

posted on 11/6/11

Dados.. I SEE what he wrote. But saying they WILL never win it is not the same as saying they never HAVE. I don't think they ever will win 9 in a row either. I don't even think Rangers will win 9 in a row. Those statements do not deny that both teams already HAVE won 9 in a row. (Rangers have done so twice! )

posted on 11/6/11

"It's pretty obvious that this lad had no idea that we already have done 9 in a row"

Is it? Is it really? What you mean is, that is how YOU interpret it. I read what it says... not what i THINK it says.

comment by (U5278)

posted on 11/6/11

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posted on 11/6/11

Then why didnt he save himself from the potential ridicule by adding "they will never get 9 in a row......AGAIN" at the end of it? I think its pretty clear that this guy just didnt have a clue about Celtics 9.
Fair play to you for defending him though.

posted on 11/6/11

God almighty Ismael, give it up. You're just making yourself look nearly as foolish as the bloke on facebook.

posted on 11/6/11

"semantics ish,

try telling a man he'll never get aids when he's allready got it."

Whit!!! Are you trying to equate your statement with what the daft wee boy wrote? Your statement just doesn't make ANY sense whatsoever.

I love how people use the term 'semantics' when what they REALLY should be using is "I mis-read or mis-interpreted that'.

And stop using the word 'allready'. There IS no such word.

Now, if you say, as you nurse a hangover, "Aw man... I will never drink on an empty stomach'. Does that mean you never have? Or you never WILL? Hm?

comment by (U5278)

posted on 11/6/11

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posted on 11/6/11

"Then why didnt he save himself from the potential ridicule by adding "they will never get 9 in a row......AGAIN" at the end of it? "

Because, I imagine, he wrote it the way I have read it. It is YOU and the other thick chunts on the Facebook page that are mis-interpreting it.

If you can give me an example when the word 'will' is used as past tense, then I'll be very interested to see it.

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