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posted on 7/9/20

I could potentially take part. Depending on when it's being done etc

posted on 7/9/20

So, i'm about to create it.I was gonna set the Draft for Thursday or Friday 8pm. 10 man league.
I'll create it and drop the link in.

posted on 7/9/20

You have been invited to play in the JA606 DRAFT LEAGUE FPL Draft league. Join the game here: https://draft.premierleague.com

Once you have logged in or registered click on 'Start' and then 'Join a league'. You can then enter the league code 264v04 to join the league.

Never done this before, hope it works.

posted on 7/9/20

I've joined 👍

posted on 7/9/20

Brilliant, Welcome aboard. Any queries, don't hesitate to ask, i'll do me best.

posted on 7/9/20

No worries mate. Might be best to try to start on Thursday, just in case there are any delays etc. At least then there will be an extra day to wrap things up

posted on 7/9/20

Yep, good idea. done.

posted on 7/9/20

I’ve joined! Interested to see how this works

posted on 7/9/20

me too, looks fun but not sure how it works after the draft

posted on 7/9/20

comment by *Prankster 20/20 everything you want from a poster and a little bit more. (U22336)
posted 5 minutes ago
me too, looks fun but not sure how it works after the draft
I think you just select your team every week, like in normal FPL. There are no captains as far as I know, but you can make transfers to bring in undrafted players I think

posted on 7/9/20

So. After the Draft.Depending on results and standings.
whomever is bottom of the league, will get 1st priority to pick any player on the Player list.
Then onto 2nd from bottom until 1st place picks last.

You can also do a Trade between teams, but thats between you and the other Manager.
And they have to be Like for Like Trade i.e. Mid for Mid. etc

Point scoring is the same, just without the gimmicky bonus rounds. No Cup entries.
Just a straight shoot-out between us for the league title.

posted on 7/9/20

I've joined! Interested to see how this works.

Hey Divock, its great. I prefer it. No copycat teams.
I think its cos i've played Fantasy NFL for nearly 20 years, and i've been screaming for someone to do it for Football.
Great that EPL have done it, but its not perfect.
The Like for Like trade is annoying, it shouldn't be that way.
But last year was their 2nd time, and it was pretty successful.

posted on 7/9/20


posted on 7/9/20

Should i open the league to more players. Obviously it gets harder that way.
Don't want DJ to miss out. He was up for it.

posted on 7/9/20

Go for it. Probably want to limit the number of teams to about a dozen at most. Just thinking in terms of rattling through it and people being available at the one time to participate

posted on 7/9/20

5 players to date

posted on 7/9/20

comment by merrysupersteve (U1132)
posted 12 seconds ago
Go for it. Probably want to limit the number of teams to about a dozen at most. Just thinking in terms of rattling through it and people being available at the one time to participate

This ^^^

posted on 7/9/20

You could keep it to 10 and if DJ doesn't get in open up another place.

posted on 7/9/20

I hear ya Merry. So i have it at 10 at the moment.
purely just for the fact, that after a certain point it gets harder to select good players.
But maybe thats a challenge in itself. Dammit, gonna have to pick Leeds players, i bet ya

posted on 7/9/20

You could keep it to 10 and if DJ doesn't get in open up another place.

posted on 7/9/20

my watch list is at 68 but that just ain't gonna cut it.

Really if there's ten teams you need well over a 120 plus players on there given not everyone will have the same watch list

8pm thursday gonna be exciting and stressful.

Already told the mrs I'm booked out in between 8-10pm Thursday evening

posted on 7/9/20

oh man, look right off the bat, anybodys relationship that suffers as result of thursdays draft, I cannot be held responsible.

posted on 7/9/20

Nothing a hitachi wand won’t fix

“Here love, I got you a present. Why don’t you give it a whirl and while I do boring man stuff”

posted on 7/9/20

oh man. I'd be so dead

posted on 7/9/20

Ill play too

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