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These 26 comments are related to an article called:

How many games do we give him?

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posted on 29/9/11

It's not 'how long do you give him' its given the resources available, who could you bring in who would do any better.

Who would you replace him with?

posted on 29/9/11

is there an echo in here i have read that retort 6 times so far today your becoming rather boring and predictable now

posted on 29/9/11

It's a valid question. The fact you don't have an answer for me suggests what I already know, that Coyle is the best man for the job.

posted on 29/9/11

I would personally give Adkins the job from Southampton or try for Ancellotti as he is still out of work Laudrup as just left Mallorca as well there are other options out there but many fans are blinded by the fact Coyle is an ex Wanderer and a nice bloke as we all have said would you be saying this if Megson was on this run of form?

comment by kronk81 (U2731)

posted on 29/9/11

What a joke. We finished 14th after spending most of the season in the top 8 and got to a cup semi last year. This season is 5 games old and you want to know how long Coyle has left??? He has as long as it takes. He has improved us as a football club and we will continue to improve. He is the right man for the job and will prove himself if you give him time. I am amazed that people are even considering his position. Madness.

posted on 29/9/11

Coyle should be hung for the simple reason that Mears, Lee and Holden are unavailable for selection. How dare he? And, can you believe the audacity of the guy allowing Davis and Jaaskelainen, our most consistent player for years, to lose form?
I don't know how he sleeps at night!

posted on 29/9/11

since December Coyle has delivered just 8 wins from 29 attempts 26 points from 89 that is relegation form as said many time on other articles the rot has been here for 10 months it just carried on from where it left off.

comment by Firstof (U4545)

posted on 29/9/11

It's a valid question. The fact you don't have an answer for me suggests what I already know, that Coyle is the best man for the job.
What a pity YOU can't answer the valid question that this thread poses, without asking the same old question you always post

That's pyssed on yer chips hasn't it, now that bwfc forever has given you that all-important (to you) answer, eh?
If everyone thought like you, no club would ever change their manager, barring death

posted on 29/9/11

I've given my answer in the 'would you swap places?' topic.

But, to reiterate, Coyle gets my backing for a lot longer, because we all know about the strength of his man management skills, and his main weakness was being inflexible tactically and having his favourites. By changing formation, dropping SKD and even leaving a man up for corners and free kicks he's addressed what most people have identified as being our main weaknesses. That's why we need time to see how this now pans out, he changed things at Aston Villa, which is why I'm not too interested in all that has gone before.

posted on 29/9/11

I will tell you who else anyone if it looks like we could go down. That is a worst case scenario going down. In reality like the look of poyet or Adkins. No experience but if we are looking likely to drop then they can't do a worse job.

posted on 29/9/11

What's funny is some fans on here are giving coyle more slack than arsenal fans give wenger and think what he has done for them.

posted on 29/9/11

What's funny is some fans on here are giving
coyle more slack than arsenal fans give wenger
and think what he has done for them.


Coyle has done wonders for us, when Megsons left, we were in real risk of going down, would we have thought we would have got to a cup aemi final .......

posted on 29/9/11

Sorry forgot that's better than fa cup league titles 12 month unbeaten run and champs league final.

posted on 29/9/11

Moses it was December when megson left we had only just dropped bottom three. It could have been turned round. He had done that as well with infamous derby comment. Are you on another planet with regards our current plight. There is a real chance we could go down.

posted on 29/9/11

Sorry forgot that's better than fa cup league
titles 12 month unbeaten run and champs
league final.


Well, the considering the position we were in when he took over and the resources he has to spend, he has done well IMO.

posted on 29/9/11

The position? Is that league position?

posted on 29/9/11

The position? Is that league position?


At the time, the club was in trouble, the fans were dienchanted with the football and hated the manager.

We were playing terrible football and our players were so low on confidence.

Yes we are in a bad position now but this is SIX games in, there is still plenty of time for OC to turn it around like he did last time.....

posted on 29/9/11

There was time for megson it was December yet he never got the time coyle is allowed. Players are low in confidence now. Megson had also turned it round after sammy Lee. Your right fans hated him. That's what got him sacked not performance. Cause if it was performance he was no worse than coyle.

posted on 29/9/11

Megson never got the time Coyle is allowed? Coyle hasn't been in the job for as long as Megson was yet, which makes all of this all the more ridiculous.

posted on 29/9/11

Taken from another article, just to show how Coyle has had better results than Megson:

Gary Smeg.

98 Games. 27 Wins. 26 Draws. 45 Defeats. 27.55 % Win Rate.

Super Owen

77 Games. 27 Wins. 15 Draws. 35 Defeats 35.06% Win Rate.

These are only facts though.

comment by JAH (U1627)

posted on 29/9/11

I've figured u out Petrover. There is only one poster who was SO outspoken and argumentative and was against OC becoming our manager was Boltwan1. It's you isn't it? Pro Megson boy! I thought I recognised your sentence construction! Pretending that you don't want OC out while all the while making sly underhand comments that he should be removed. Anyone who is in and around the club will vouch for how much good work OC does on limited resources! OC is here for the season so get over it and yourself and try writing something positive. You're in the minority throughout our club because we care more about the club to know how bad it can really get!

posted on 30/9/11

Wrong hate the guy. Glad he has gone! You called me stupid ha!

posted on 30/9/11

Ok well in response to the OP I'd like to say a few things.

One: Gary Megson had two and a hlaf years and a huge amount of money to play with. I was one of his most avid supporters when he joined us but over time with his negative tactics, poor man management skills, rotten PR abilities and poor results I turned against him. His comments about the fans being pathetic, defeat to other teams being a reality check (the home loss to fulham was THE most craven surrender I've ever seen in thirty five years of following the trotters) and then his blithe comment after a game against Villa. " We have to accept that other teams are going to win every ball, header, tackle, pass and run because they're just better than we are everywhere and any one who says different is wrong" coupled with his absolute refusal to admit any other view could have a shred of validity turned me against him. Owen has not been in the job anywhere near as long or had anything like the resources that Gary had.

Yes I agree that the record especially since the FA Cup Semi final is nowhere near good enough but others have pointed out the main reasons for this and I broadly agree so won't go over it again.

Now, how long do we give Owen Coyle? At least until December, preferably the whole season and a few more besides. It's just too easy to say 'sack the manager' when things look a bit bleak. May I point out that the most successful manager in the premiership by a country mile won absolutely NOTHING for three and a half years despite being in charge of one of football's richest and biggest clubs. The board in Salford kept faith with him and as they say the rest is history. Arsene Wenger at Arsenal has won nothing for SIX years and yet their board and a significant percentage of the fans are still behind him.

The fact is that Owen has nothing like the kind of resources those two have, nowhere near the personnel either. So rather than asking How long do we give Owen I actually wonder how long Owen will give us before he decides that working with next to no money and being slated for losing to the likes of Man U, Man C, L'Pool and Arsenal is simply not worth the hassle?

He can't be blamed for the constraints he works under and let's face it, the injury list would be bad at a top four club, here it's very close to catastrophic.

Time, money, support. Owen needs all three and I for one will give him all of the time and support he needs and spend my money following my beloved trotters and their very promising, positive, talented young manager and hopefully we will see them develop together.

comment by JAH (U1627)

posted on 30/9/11

LPP - the single best post on this forum for ages!!! Completely agree with everything you wrote! I just hope that some of the other lads start seeing things this way too and take the blinkers off ans see the bigger picture.

posted on 30/9/11

Holdsworth I agree lpp's article is good. Only thing I would query is coyles time in the job will be tied to relegation potential and nothing else. If it does become apparent that we could go down then will be the time to end it. Otherwise keep calm and carry on.

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