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Leeds Utd v Leicester Matchday Thread

Page 10 of 17

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 31/1/21

comment by Mirrorman (U21921)
posted 15 seconds ago
Ayling looks like a suet pudding
thats one of the nicest things you've ever said about him!

posted on 31/1/21

Agreed (above) ... we’re playing the percentages atm

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 31/1/21

comment by Lorralorimer (U18994)
posted 34 seconds ago
Is it just me or do we usually fade in the second half against the top teams?
no not just you, you'd expect our "superior" fitness to tell, but it doesn't.

posted on 31/1/21

Jonty = 😁👍

comment by Sol (U2745)

posted on 31/1/21

Think we're starting to edge our way back into this.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 31/1/21

it feels like we've got a chance here if use subs right, but not if we dont change anything.

posted on 31/1/21

Back by Philips...Too much of that today

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 31/1/21

Rodgers half time adjustments were spot on.

posted on 31/1/21

Bamford been poor again this match. Missed a total sitter with his head first half. Been poor last few games. Keep him on? Or roberts/pablo up front?

posted on 31/1/21


comment by Sol (U2745)

posted on 31/1/21

Ggggeeetttt iiinnnnn

comment by Sol (U2745)

posted on 31/1/21

Brilliant finish

comment by RobLUFC (U5692)

posted on 31/1/21

Sensational goal Bamford.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 31/1/21

wow, great pass from Struijk, great decisive finish

posted on 31/1/21

Kern ... explain (genuine) please

posted on 31/1/21

Ignore that comment omg

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 31/1/21

Which bit mirror?

posted on 31/1/21

posted 29 seconds ago
Bamford been poor again this match. Missed a total sitter with his head first half. Been poor last few games.


Stick to champ manager pal

posted on 31/1/21

Totally against the run of play

Love it

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 31/1/21

hes been ineffective for most of game, but 2 decisive contributions!!!

posted on 31/1/21

Raph quick passing makes such a difference

posted on 31/1/21

Keep Bamford on lol

posted on 31/1/21

Paddy I ferrruuucccking love you !!!💙

posted on 31/1/21


comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 31/1/21

Holy hell, ill take that.

Glad he is back on the scoresheet

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