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Leeds Utd v Leicester Matchday Thread

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posted on 31/1/21

Excellent performance

Hope Raphinha is ok.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 31/1/21

Strange that, I feel more concerned over Raph's injury than I do Rodrigo.

posted on 31/1/21

comment by Kern (U4664)
posted 5 seconds ago
Strange that, I feel more concerned over Raph's injury than I do Rodrigo.
Definitely agree.

Raphinha been a better player so far. But also think we have better cover for Rodrigo with both Klich & Pablo on the bench today

posted on 31/1/21

Raph and Rod's injuries looked similar to. I think it's the combination of a hard pitch and all players teararsing about to keep warm. Hopefully just minor muscle strains.

posted on 31/1/21

Well if we are doing this well with essentially a championship defence I can't wait to see what we do when are 2 star defensive signings return and that's if they can get back in the side. Incredible stuff.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 31/1/21

Did anyone notice if Raph's left thigh was taped all game or done when he went down with the injury? Trying to figure out if he aggravated an existing injury or not.

posted on 31/1/21

I'd an inkling we'd do well today and, for once, I was right.

Cheers Highland , cheers everyone

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 31/1/21

comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Kern (U4664)
posted less than a minute ago
Hopefully the 'Cooper's not good enough' chatter stops.
Along with the lets sign another defender cause they guy who he plays alongside isint good enough for some reason.
Or maybe because if we get another injury we are foooked?

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 31/1/21

comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Kern (U4664)
posted less than a minute ago
Hopefully the 'Cooper's not good enough' chatter stops.
Along with the lets sign another defender cause they guy who he plays alongside isint good enough for some reason.
Or maybe because if we get another injury we are foooked?
Not really.

Ayling can play there and we shouldn't sign a 6th centreback as it would be a waste of funds.

The injuries have built up, but you don't sign a sixth centreback because of injuries

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 31/1/21

Today I realized how big a bloke Struijk is. And he's
good with both feet. Unearthed a gem there.

posted on 31/1/21

It's no coincidence that since Ayling has returned to right back our results have improved.

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 31/1/21

comment by Macca: Emily Bishop's love child (U8194)
posted 0 seconds ago
It's no coincidence that since Ayling has returned to right back our results have improved.
This is true.

Alioski today was very effective.

They gave him far too much space on the left.

I couldn't get my headround why they were giving so much space to a player they must know loves to run forward with the ball

posted on 31/1/21

comment by Kern (U4664)
posted 5 minutes ago
Did anyone notice if Raph's left thigh was taped all game or done when he went down with the injury? Trying to figure out if he aggravated an existing injury or not.
when he went down he wasn't taped up. looked like a groin pull.

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 31/1/21

comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 46 seconds ago
comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Kern (U4664)
posted less than a minute ago
Hopefully the 'Cooper's not good enough' chatter stops.
Along with the lets sign another defender cause they guy who he plays alongside isint good enough for some reason.
Or maybe because if we get another injury we are foooked?
Not really.

Ayling can play there and we shouldn't sign a 6th centreback as it would be a waste of funds.

The injuries have built up, but you don't sign a sixth centreback because of injuries
We have Cooper, Koch, Llorente and now Struijk.

Two are injured and if you move Ayling there then the balance has gone. I can’t see Berardi back this season.

We are ok short term but get another injury to Coops or Struijk we will struggle.

As it is with 29 points it’s not that important but it would be a big worry if we weren’t.

posted on 31/1/21

comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Kern (U4664)
posted less than a minute ago
Hopefully the 'Cooper's not good enough' chatter stops.
Along with the lets sign another defender cause they guy who he plays alongside isint good enough for some reason.
Or maybe because if we get another injury we are foooked?
Not really.

Ayling can play there and we shouldn't sign a 6th centreback as it would be a waste of funds.

The injuries have built up, but you don't sign a sixth centreback because of injuries
agree with this but hope we don't have to move ayling.
so important at rb to the teams shape.

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 31/1/21

comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Kern (U4664)
posted 5 minutes ago
Did anyone notice if Raph's left thigh was taped all game or done when he went down with the injury? Trying to figure out if he aggravated an existing injury or not.
when he went down he wasn't taped up. looked like a groin pull.
Are you sure! Many players wear the tape for niggles.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 31/1/21

Cheers Highland!

posted on 31/1/21

i never go on the matchthread except for before and after the game. i'm too emotional and wrapped up in the game but a big shout out to highland ( i missed the thread yesterday ) a fixture on our board.

posted on 31/1/21

I have to say I’m worried about Costa. Wasn’t involved when he came on. He looks scared of making a mistake so ends up doing nothing which then makes him look worse and reduces his confidence even more. I think I’d even put Hernandez on the wing ahead of Costa.

posted on 31/1/21

comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 46 seconds ago
comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Kern (U4664)
posted less than a minute ago
Hopefully the 'Cooper's not good enough' chatter stops.
Along with the lets sign another defender cause they guy who he plays alongside isint good enough for some reason.
Or maybe because if we get another injury we are foooked?
Not really.

Ayling can play there and we shouldn't sign a 6th centreback as it would be a waste of funds.

The injuries have built up, but you don't sign a sixth centreback because of injuries
We have Cooper, Koch, Llorente and now Struijk.

Two are injured and if you move Ayling there then the balance has gone. I can’t see Berardi back this season.

We are ok short term but get another injury to Coops or Struijk we will struggle.

As it is with 29 points it’s not that important but it would be a big worry if we weren’t.

berardi expected back in training in February. Might take a month to get some fitness back so March. Koch expected back in Spring. Llorente probably back by March.

You want us to sign a Cb (I have repeatedly asked who you would get and you haven't answered) to cover a potential injury for a month, when we already have multiple potential short term options?

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 31/1/21

comment by Lubo - We're Home! (U14008)
posted 17 minutes ago
comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 46 seconds ago
comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Kern (U4664)
posted less than a minute ago
Hopefully the 'Cooper's not good enough' chatter stops.
Along with the lets sign another defender cause they guy who he plays alongside isint good enough for some reason.
Or maybe because if we get another injury we are foooked?
Not really.

Ayling can play there and we shouldn't sign a 6th centreback as it would be a waste of funds.

The injuries have built up, but you don't sign a sixth centreback because of injuries
We have Cooper, Koch, Llorente and now Struijk.

Two are injured and if you move Ayling there then the balance has gone. I can’t see Berardi back this season.

We are ok short term but get another injury to Coops or Struijk we will struggle.

As it is with 29 points it’s not that important but it would be a big worry if we weren’t.

berardi expected back in training in February. Might take a month to get some fitness back so March. Koch expected back in Spring. Llorente probably back by March.

You want us to sign a Cb (I have repeatedly asked who you would get and you haven't answered) to cover a potential injury for a month, when we already have multiple potential short term options?
I said I would consider a loan to be a good move. Let’s just see how it plays out. However, even though I trust Bielsa to make the correct decision, it still concerns me a little.

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 31/1/21

All things considered, if he gets himself fit and dosent have another injury id be very surprised if berardi isint here next season too.

As long as he dosent pick up another long term injury why wouldn't you have him another year when you see the injuries we have had having him as fifth choice centreback and third choice left and rightback is a bit of a no brainer for me.

Injuries aside that is..

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 31/1/21

Love Berardi. And would love it if he was here next season.

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 31/1/21

I wouldn't really expect him to be anywhere near the first team most of the time

However you can't really fault having him around when he would be perfect for cup games and emergency cover.

Not every player in your team can (or will be) a first team starter and having a little bit of depth to rely upon in a crunch is never a bad thing

posted on 31/1/21


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