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City v utd

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posted on 1/9/22

And that should be that. Another 90 mins towards confirming our relegation

posted on 1/9/22

Glory Glory Brendan Rodgers

Glory Glory Brendan Rodgers

posted on 1/9/22

Fans booing the Club eh Brendan?

Nothing to do with you is

posted on 1/9/22

The boos ring around the King Power at a truly toxic ground. Top probably thinks it will turn around any minute now. Rudkin will spend tonight going through the balance sheet really proud of himself. It’s looking all rosy from here on

posted on 1/9/22

Robbie Savage basically saying that Leicester have got over the hill players that have been here for ages and Rio saying they’ve gone backwards as a club due to a lack of investment with the players in the comfort zone

The club is stale, the crowd are stale, the players are not motivated. Blame it all on Rodgers if you want - you’ll get a new manager bounce when he goes but it will soon go right back to where it is now.

posted on 1/9/22

I've been, like Dubs, optimistically pessimistic until tonight. Really thought that a midweek game, under floodlights, against Man Utd would bring out the best of us, like it always has done. That was dire and I believe we are going down. Think everyone has given up, BR is waiting for his payoff and wouldn't surprise me if Top puts us up for sale soon. Kasper hinted at it.

posted on 1/9/22

Yeah the clubs on its backside and to be honest, as much as I love Top, I love being in the Premier League more. It doesn’t matter who the manager is, you can’t survive in this league without investment and good recruitment. We have had neither lately and if he’s run out of money then it may be the best thing all round for him to cash in, immortalise himself and say goodbye.

posted on 1/9/22

C'mon Villa, get rid of Gerrard, Rodgers is your man!

posted on 1/9/22

Depressingly predictable tonight from me, Rodgers and Leicester. Zero creativity the reason. We lose. We could be playing for another week and lose 1-0. Too easy to defend against. Vardy isolated, more of the same.

When will Rodgers realise this possession based build up play has to change???

posted on 1/9/22

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted less than a minute ago
Depressingly predictable tonight from me, Rodgers and Leicester. Zero creativity the reason. We lose. We could be playing for another week and lose 1-0. Too easy to defend against. Vardy isolated, more of the same.

When will Rodgers realise this possession based build up play has to change???
----------------------------------------------------------------------there are much bigger problems at the club than the manager. We are in huge trouble Mersey and it’s more than tactics - it’s morale, toxicity, confidence and frankly, not having a good enough squad.

Rodgers was very direct in his post match tonight and said that basically the team haven’t had the support from the club (investment) that was needed. While this masks his own shortcomings, any other manager might give us a lift but without new players it will start going to the same way.

Evans - over the hill. Albrighton - over the hill. Perez - awful. Amartey - awful. Soyuncu - lunatic. Ward - bang average, Soumare - non existent. Tielemans - doesn’t want to be here. Vardy - showing signs of finally slowing down

There’s far more to this situation than Rodgers - this is worse than any time I’ve seen Leicester

posted on 1/9/22

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 4 minutes ago
Depressingly predictable tonight from me, Rodgers and Leicester. Zero creativity the reason. We lose. We could be playing for another week and lose 1-0. Too easy to defend against. Vardy isolated, more of the same.

When will Rodgers realise this possession based build up play has to change???
C'mon Mersey, it's not him, he's had nothing to spend when all he's got is crap players, Vardy, Madders, KDH, Barnes, Justin etc, all sh!t and playing above expectations.

posted on 1/9/22

… in recent years. I could have added Vestergard to that list and Bertrand. It’s an over the hill stale squad, short of quality and lacking direction from the very top.

By all means Rodgers needs to go, but there are far bigger problems than him

posted on 1/9/22

I agree with a lot of that except that the squad is t good enough. We’ve lost Fofana and Kasper from a team tipped to challenge the top 4 last season.

Yes there are problems but the squad is better than performances and that is down to Rodgers.

If he’s genuinely said what you’ve suggested I hope he resigns and let’s a proper coach take over willing to get the best out of a team. What a cop out.

posted on 1/9/22

The beginning of the end hopefully after his comments calling out the club and their lack of activity in the transfer market.

posted on 1/9/22

comment by 99 Problems (U12353)
posted 4 minutes ago
… in recent years. I could have added Vestergard to that list and Bertrand. It’s an over the hill stale squad, short of quality and lacking direction from the very top.

By all means Rodgers needs to go, but there are far bigger problems than him
Come off it, he is the biggest problem at the club right now, this team will not do anything spectacular but should stay in this division.

posted on 1/9/22

I totally agree. It's been obvious that Man U problems have not been the manager but that is all they've Changed. BR is part of the problem now (with thanks for the FA cup and bottling Champions League twice) but changing manager is only part of the solution.

posted on 1/9/22

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 19 seconds ago
I agree with a lot of that except that the squad is t good enough. We’ve lost Fofana and Kasper from a team tipped to challenge the top 4 last season.

Yes there are problems but the squad is better than performances and that is down to Rodgers.

If he’s genuinely said what you’ve suggested I hope he resigns and let’s a proper coach take over willing to get the best out of a team. What a cop out.
I’m not saying this squad isn’t better than what we’re seeing on the pitch - but some Leicester fans are caught in the trap of believing it’s the squad of 2 years ago. It’s got a handful of very good players combined with some bloated rubbish driven by poor recruitment and no investment.

Losing Kasper and Fofana is absolutely massive for a club like ours. They are the difference between pushing for top 7 and being in the lower half. How on earth can we expect to keep clean sheets relying on Amartey and Evans? We’ve literally got no wide players apart from Barnes so everything has to go through the middle and it gets congested and breaks down

It’s not just me saying this, the pundits are saying it’s a stale squad made up of some over the hill players and players, squad players and first team players who don’t want to be there anymore.

I agree with Rodgers that the club has let the players down. This transfer window has been embarrassing and pathetic brought on by our own financial mismanagement. I also agree that Rodgers is no longer getting the best out of that group but I think some Leicester fans, expecting the immediate Craig Shakespeare upturn of a new manager are in for a real shock

This squad is nowhere near what it was when we won the FA cup on many levels

posted on 1/9/22

Hate to repeat what I said last Season, Rodgers is a Cancer in our Club, he's destroying it from the inside, from Sports Science to Player Morale, tactics, etc and now he's Blaming the Club at every turn.

Tonight's comments must surely be the final straw, he's desperate to get the sack, get a ton of money and get out.

posted on 1/9/22

comment by Your Honour (U17603)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by 99 Problems (U12353)
posted 4 minutes ago
… in recent years. I could have added Vestergard to that list and Bertrand. It’s an over the hill stale squad, short of quality and lacking direction from the very top.

By all means Rodgers needs to go, but there are far bigger problems than him
Come off it, he is the biggest problem at the club right now, this team will not do anything spectacular but should stay in this division.
I agree this squad should stay in this division but if you can’t see the alarming signs coming out of the club at the moment then I think you’re in for a bit of a shock when he does go and we don’t suddenly start smashing it out the park.

We’ve signed 1 outfield player FFS while Forest have spent £140m. We have no wide players outside of Barnes to choose from. We have a striker who is going to be 35 on Jan. we have a 34 year old central defender and Daniel Amartey and Soyuncu as back up. We’ve got no money to spend and have arguably lost our 2 best players. Are you seriously suggesting there aren’t issues at Leicester beyond just the manager?

posted on 1/9/22

*36 in Jan

posted on 1/9/22

comment by Bowstring (U17642)
posted 10 minutes ago
I totally agree. It's been obvious that Man U problems have not been the manager but that is all they've Changed. BR is part of the problem now (with thanks for the FA cup and bottling Champions League twice) but changing manager is only part of the solution.
Thank you! Someone gets it!!

posted on 1/9/22

Who on earth are we expecting to get by the way with no money to spend, a squad that needs refreshing and probably sitting bottom of the league cut adrift by the end of September? Poch?! Potter??

Don’t get me wrong I’ll gift Rodgers a lift to Villa tomorrow. - he’s clearly thrown the towel in and has no idea how to sort this out, but God knows who we’ll end up with. At least we’ve got a great training ground though……

posted on 1/9/22

comment by Your Honour (U17603)
posted 21 minutes ago
The beginning of the end hopefully after his comments calling out the club and their lack of activity in the transfer market.
He’s right though. That’s what’s frustrating. I’d love him to be wrong but he’s not. Now he’s clearly using the situation to mask his own shortcomings. He’s not picking the right first team. He’s playing a central midfielder in defence cos he doesn’t rate Soyuncu. He’s not changing things during games, he isn’t using Iheanacho or Daka to support Vardy. I agree with all of that but you know what? What he says is absolutely right. The club have completely let the team and the fans down.

posted on 1/9/22

I couldn’t disagree more with that last post. The club have not let the fans down - they’ve given us everything. Literally everything.

The first sign of difficult times and stop Cole’s out to make a statement saying we’re investing in the ground and infrastructure for long term success.

They’ve made some short term mistakes and we’ve paid for them in one transfer window. That’s it.

I certainly don’t feel let down by Whelan or Top. For me they’ve run out club better than almost any at our size. We backed Rodgers last year. He failed and we failed. Now we’re all paying.

But let’s not suggest that our owners not backing us in one window is the cause of all of this. Rodgers comments are so disrespectful it’s unreal.

posted on 1/9/22

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 3 minutes ago
I couldn’t disagree more with that last post. The club have not let the fans down - they’ve given us everything. Literally everything.

The first sign of difficult times and stop Cole’s out to make a statement saying we’re investing in the ground and infrastructure for long term success.

They’ve made some short term mistakes and we’ve paid for them in one transfer window. That’s it.

I certainly don’t feel let down by Whelan or Top. For me they’ve run out club better than almost any at our size. We backed Rodgers last year. He failed and we failed. Now we’re all paying.

But let’s not suggest that our owners not backing us in one window is the cause of all of this. Rodgers comments are so disrespectful it’s unreal.
Our owners have been amazing over the last few years but they have trusted people in senior positions who have made mistakes that in turn have I believe impacted Top and subsequently the fans

In that respect those people who have made those decisions have let the fans down by reaching a financial cliff edge that should never have been reached through a combination of poor recruitment and a financial gamble to get European football when we couldn’t afford it. Don’t get mugged off that this was somehow unavoidable because of the investment into the training facilities - it’s happened because of poor planning and poor decision making

You seem to think I’m calling out Top. I’m not. He’s been as let down by this as we have. There is absolutely no excuse for piiiisssing money we didn’t have up the wall on bad signings we are now lumbered with. Rodgers was given way too much power by Rudkin and Lee Congerton, against all common sense, was appointed as head of recruitment when all the evidence was that it didn’t work out at Celtic.

Not investing this summer, alongside not making a clear decision on BR, could very well culminate in this club being relegated. If that happens what do you think the long term sustainability of the club will look like then? You need to stop being so influenced by TBs one man agenda and see that there are some real issues at this club right now which won’t be fixed simply by hiring a new manager. The senior execs are not beyond criticism and I don’t know why you think they are

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