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City v utd

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posted on 1/9/22

In short /- if you think this is about some mistakes during one transfer window you’re being very naive. You don’t reach this financial cliff edge because of one window Mersey - this has been 2 years in the making

posted on 2/9/22

You remind me of us last season, except you’ve had a better manager, and like with us the manager was only a part of the problem.

The degradation of the squad has been pretty obvious to most on the outside. There was also a lot of players overperforming (when you were good) that are now underperforming - something that seems to happen with Rodgers during his tenures at clubs.

I suspect Rodgers will be gone soon and you’ll get an upturn in results, but not by much. It’s still the same stale squad, and you won’t attract the same quality of coach as Rodgers.

Shame because I like Leicester, hopefully you’ll get things sorted sooner rather than later. But it looks like it could be a difficult couple of seasons, much like it was between winning the league and Rodgers coming in.

posted on 2/9/22

It’s Rodgers that’s stale and he knows it, he’s been building his defenders pretty much most of last Season but he made a mistake after the Forest game.

This is a weasel who’s blamed the Fans, blamed the players and in his desperation is blaming the Club.

All to protect his brand, well it works with those on the outside, you can see it with the pundits, poor little Brendan.

His next job might be with a Club similar sized Club to us, maybe a Villa etc but he’s not a top Manager and our fans, albeit slowly have realised that.

Good riddance when he goes.

posted on 2/9/22


posted on 2/9/22

Darren is absolutely spot on.

posted on 2/9/22

I don’t think Rodgers is the ONLY problem, but I think he’s become a MAJOR problem!

His interview last night undermines the players, the owners and the club for me.

I’m totally aware it’s not just the manager and anyone coming in has got a massive job on their hands to turn it around. But after Rodgers behaviour and his recent statements, surely his position has become untenable?

posted on 2/9/22

The weasel is looking for a big compensation pay off

Bring Pearson back!

posted on 2/9/22

comment by Foxy Boy (U20186)
posted 1 minute ago
The weasel is looking for a big compensation pay off

Bring Pearson back!

The pay off is the downside to getting rid, hopefully the Club are waiting for him to either walk or for Billa to come in for him.

posted on 2/9/22

Not gonna lie TB. Part of me wants Rodgers to stay and prove he is a top manager that can turn this around, and if not he’ll have a relegation and whinging on his CV instead of his belief that he’s elite.

posted on 2/9/22

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 24 minutes ago
I don’t think Rodgers is the ONLY problem, but I think he’s become a MAJOR problem!

His interview last night undermines the players, the owners and the club for me.

I’m totally aware it’s not just the manager and anyone coming in has got a massive job on their hands to turn it around. But after Rodgers behaviour and his recent statements, surely his position has become untenable?
You’re completely right he has become a major problem. His position isn’t untenable however because I’m not sure the club can afford to get rid of him. I think they’ve snookered themselves by making such poor decisions over a number of months

They have a squad that’s in desperate need of refresh (whether fans can see this or not), they haven’t been able to invest for 2 windows, have lost 2 of their top performers, have no strength in depth in key positions to fight a battle to stay in this division and have a manager on their hands who is paid huge money with plenty of time left on his contract. Maybe that’s why he’s saying what he is?

Let’s be honest though - and I’m defending Rodgers here who shouldn’t be airing his grievances with the club in public - can you even imagine what Conte or Tuchel would be saying after 2 windows of no signings? Make that 3 on Jan 2023

We’re headed for the championship. The blinkered small minded fans on here will say it’s the result of one person who destroyed the club single handedly from within. They’ll be blaming him for years to come. I think it’s collective and ultimately brought about by financially snookering ourselves with a manager and squad that no longer has the fight to stay in this division

posted on 2/9/22

*im not defending

posted on 2/9/22

comment by Foxy Boy (U20186)
posted 22 minutes ago
The weasel is looking for a big compensation pay off

Bring Pearson back!
Did you vote for Brexit as well by any chance and do you buy the Daily Mail? <wink>

posted on 2/9/22

He can’t because he’s the issue, it’s been a downward trajectory for too long, he’s been lost in his own stale brand of football for too long

posted on 2/9/22

It’s at times like this I like to apportion blame. If we go down it will be:

55% and the majority down to Rodgers for pressing his failed vision of how top teams play football, influencing the board to low him the bring congerton in and change the sport science structure.

35% down to the directors for lowing the move to happen and investing badly in contract length and signing off a poor recruitment strategy.

10% down to the owners for lowering them to allow it to happen.

But for me the majority of the blame goes

posted on 2/9/22

* allowing
** in my opinion

posted on 2/9/22

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 3 minutes ago
It’s at times like this I like to apportion blame. If we go down it will be:

55% and the majority down to Rodgers for pressing his failed vision of how top teams play football, influencing the board to low him the bring congerton in and change the sport science structure.

35% down to the directors for lowing the move to happen and investing badly in contract length and signing off a poor recruitment strategy.

10% down to the owners for lowering them to allow it to happen.

But for me the majority of the blame goes
Well that’s certainly an improvement on True Blues ratio of

100% Rodgers who is a cancer that has destroyed Leicester single handedly from within (while delivering 3 top half finishes, an FA cup and European football)

The truth is always somewhere in the middle. I think your ratio is fair but many Leicester fans take TBs blinkered view unfortunately and can’t see the bigger picture. They think this is a European challenging squad, destroyed by one man. They can’t see that a cycle was coming to an end and the club have let themselves get into a position where they can’t refresh a squad that desperately needs it. They ignore the initial success Rodgers had and are convinced it’s all going to change the moment he walks

Rodgers is making an already bad situation worse. He needs to go. He isn’t the man for this job - but my fear is it won’t matter whether he does or doesn’t. Top is about to learn a very harsh lesson about who you hand power to

posted on 2/9/22

Comments from the post match presser

“I’m happy that the window’s shut, if I’m being honest,” Foxes boss Rodgers said. “I mean, there were huge distractions for this window.

“You’ll have read the programme notes and seen the situation that the club is in, so to have to watch virtually every single club in the top five leagues get players in and for us not to be able to improve, that was difficult, not just as a manager but for the players, because players want to compete.

“This group have shown that they can compete, but we needed (help) - but unfortunately, we haven’t been able to get that.

“So, in terms of the results, it’s my responsibility. I take that.

“We should have won by now. We’ve been in a couple of games and in really good positions, but we weren’t able to see it through, so I totally understand it.

posted on 2/9/22

“Supporters want to see the team win and if they’re not, they’ll tell you.”

“So, for us, we won’t hide behind the rock and go away. We’re ready to fight now but it’s going to be really, really important that the supporters really get behind the players.

posted on 2/9/22

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 39 minutes ago
It’s at times like this I like to apportion blame. If we go down it will be:

55% and the majority down to Rodgers for pressing his failed vision of how top teams play football, influencing the board to low him the bring congerton in and change the sport science structure.

35% down to the directors for lowing the move to happen and investing badly in contract length and signing off a poor recruitment strategy.

10% down to the owners for lowering them to allow it to happen.

But for me the majority of the blame goes
The Club obviously have made mistakes.

They rewarded Rodgers with his new Player style contract for bottling CL twice when history tells you he's a 2 Season wonder.

He then Bottled Europe Last Season with his Dire Football Tactics.

They have though got a massive amount by giving players lengthy contracts, Maguire, Chilwell and now Fofana.

Unfortunately Rodgers has mostly p!ssed the £199 million he's been given for players, he has stagnated and reversed their careers of so many creating this apparently toxic atmotsphere in the Club.

I can really understand him looking so depressed last night, I mean he did miss out on Jan Bednarek from Southampton didn't he.

posted on 2/9/22

I am struggling to see how Rodgers can possibly stay on after his comments last night. It was very akin to what Scott Parker did after their tonking, and he was sacked a couple of days later. You can't just attack the owners and their strategy in dealing with the finances of the club and ensuring we stick to FFP rules and then expect to keep your job, surely? If things are so bad for him, why does he even want to stay? Not to mention his criticism of several of the players, whilst simultaneously defending the guy who has just left the club...

You also have to put his comments into the context of him being an absolute PR machine who will always ensure that whatever the circumstances, he is not tarred. The media gammons love him and happily lap it up. It's clear that he is trying to engineer a narrative where he avoids the blame for our disastrous start to the season by blaming the owners and the players.

My suspicion is he is trying to force a situation where he and the club part on mutual terms. It would be best for all parties if that happened now. He would still depart with some respect for the FA Cup win, he would avoid the stigma of being sacked and we would be able to move forward with someone who actually wants the job for what it is now, not what it was 2 years ago.

Let's be clear - regardless of the financial situation and lack of transfer activity, Leicester City is still a very good club for managers to come into. We are not a bottom 3 side, we have some very good players and, with a new manager coming in and rejuvenating the squad, we can still have a relatively good season under the circumstances.

I just hope that we are not trying to hold out until the World Cup to make a change, as we could be well and truly in a relegation scrap by then and it would make it very difficult for us to stay up if we were significantly cut adrift.

posted on 2/9/22

Foxello - we don’t have the money to sack him, why do you think he’s making these comments in the first place? Any idea of mutual consent is optimistic, if you’re Rodgers you would keep playing the ‘poor me’ card and hang on for your £30m pay off - why would you sacrifice even part of that? The best scenario is that another club comes in and meets the compensation or Leicester somehow have something in reserve to meet his contract obligations

It’s an unholy mess and one of the clubs making I’m afraid. Rudkin gave him the 5.5 year contract before any top 5 finish, Rudkin hired Congerton and sanctioned the moves for the trash we signed last summer and Rudkin failed to manage the contractual situation so we will lose 2 expensive assets for nothing in Jan.

In summary - Rodgers has been enabled at every turn and the FFP situation is of our own making

posted on 2/9/22

comment by Foxello (U6985)
posted 16 minutes ago
I am struggling to see how Rodgers can possibly stay on after his comments last night. It was very akin to what Scott Parker did after their tonking, and he was sacked a couple of days later. You can't just attack the owners and their strategy in dealing with the finances of the club and ensuring we stick to FFP rules and then expect to keep your job, surely? If things are so bad for him, why does he even want to stay? Not to mention his criticism of several of the players, whilst simultaneously defending the guy who has just left the club...

You also have to put his comments into the context of him being an absolute PR machine who will always ensure that whatever the circumstances, he is not tarred. The media gammons love him and happily lap it up. It's clear that he is trying to engineer a narrative where he avoids the blame for our disastrous start to the season by blaming the owners and the players.

My suspicion is he is trying to force a situation where he and the club part on mutual terms. It would be best for all parties if that happened now. He would still depart with some respect for the FA Cup win, he would avoid the stigma of being sacked and we would be able to move forward with someone who actually wants the job for what it is now, not what it was 2 years ago.

Let's be clear - regardless of the financial situation and lack of transfer activity, Leicester City is still a very good club for managers to come into. We are not a bottom 3 side, we have some very good players and, with a new manager coming in and rejuvenating the squad, we can still have a relatively good season under the circumstances.

I just hope that we are not trying to hold out until the World Cup to make a change, as we could be well and truly in a relegation scrap by then and it would make it very difficult for us to stay up if we were significantly cut adrift.


posted on 2/9/22

comment by 99 Problems (U12353)
posted 3 minutes ago
Foxello - we don’t have the money to sack him, why do you think he’s making these comments in the first place? Any idea of mutual consent is optimistic, if you’re Rodgers you would keep playing the ‘poor me’ card and hang on for your £30m pay off - why would you sacrifice even part of that? The best scenario is that another club comes in and meets the compensation or Leicester somehow have something in reserve to meet his contract obligations

It’s an unholy mess and one of the clubs making I’m afraid. Rudkin gave him the 5.5 year contract before any top 5 finish, Rudkin hired Congerton and sanctioned the moves for the trash we signed last summer and Rudkin failed to manage the contractual situation so we will lose 2 expensive assets for nothing in Jan.

In summary - Rodgers has been enabled at every turn and the FFP situation is of our own making
The club has undoubtedly made some bad business decisions in recent years which are starting to have a real impact on how we operate. We do have some of the money from the Fofana transfer and we have only spent £16m or so on the Faes transfer, so there are some funds available that weren't a few weeks ago. Also, it depends on the terms of the contract, but my understanding is that he could be placed on gardening leave and we would only have to pay him until he gets another job. I can't imagine him wanting to be out of the game for too long and his stock is still relatively high, despite our troubles.

Regarding why he would go for the mutual consent option, it's simple - his ego. He has an over-inflated opinion of himself. Does he want to be involved in a relegation battle? Does he want to potentially sully his brand if the poor results continue and the media start to question him rather than the club now that the transfer window is shut? He has been successfully able to lay the blame at the owners door but that has a short lifespan. He doesn't have a bottom 3 side and that excuse will only last for so long. By staying at the club under continuingly poor results, he is risking tarnishing his PR reputation. Ultimately, I think that matters most to him.

Of course, the best option all around is for Villa to sack Gerrard and then come in for Rodgers whilst he is still here, meaning we get some compo as well. That is the ideal scenario right now.

posted on 2/9/22

That’s a fair assessment Foxello. What pains me about all of this is that we’ve given him the excuses on a plate and it would be far more preferable to fail on his own terms but there you go, it is what it is. I still maintain that whoever comes here has a number of problems on there hands particularly from a personnel perspective

While this isn’t a bottom 3 side I don’t think it’s that far off. Much depends on Faes but if he doesn’t work out we have one decent central defender who is 34. Next to Barnes we don’t have any decent wide players. That’s a real problem for any manager to have to contend with because you have to focus everything through the middle of the park - the lack of quality out wide was a massive issue last night. Any manager coming in here would rightly dismayed at the lack of quality out wide, the failure to secure a decent wide player in the last 2 years is criminal

We also have a striker who will be 36 in January and whether the fans want to admit it or not, his powers are waning. We at least have options at front which Rodgers doesn’t want to consider

I really hope we can get rid of him before it’s too late, I really hope this job still appeals to decent managers but I’m afraid the financial messages being sent out by the club aren’t exactly enticing. We could end up with Scott Parker!!!

posted on 2/9/22

Rodgers and Soyuncu at open war now, which one is leaving 😂😂😂😂

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