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These 17 comments are related to an article called:

The 5 Stages of Grief

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posted on 1/3/23

You`ll never be more than a mid table PL club long term, your PL and FA Cup wins were a once in a lifetime occurrence. You are more likely to slip back into the Championship than to repeat that success.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 1/3/23

comment by ●Billy The Spur● 20*21*22* ENIC OUT! (U3924)
posted 17 minutes ago
You`ll never be more than a mid table PL club long term, your PL and FA Cup wins were a once in a lifetime occurrence. You are more likely to slip back into the Championship than to repeat that success.
This is true, a once in a couple of generations group of players. Great story because it was so rare.

posted on 1/3/23

I can sometimes feel all five stages during the same match...

In general though, I alternate between anger and acceptance. I get angry when I watch a performance like yesterday, want to smash up a few things, ram a magnet down Rodgers' throat and hang him off my fridge, and then dump a great big nuclear missile on the KP and watch it burn to the ground. And then I simmer down and, by morning, realise that we're sh*t and get on with my day.

I certainly don't get depressed with them anymore - there's enough genuinely depressing things going on in this godforsaken country. And denial and bargaining are out of the question.

One thing that warms my soul is the fact that for a few years, we were the magical, mesmeric, impossible Leicester City, living a truly remarkable dream. We were the club that every other club other than the self-serving, self-appointed elite dreamed to be. Those days around winning and lifting the title were truly the days of our lives. My dad's last trip to the city of his birth was in 2016, to watch his beloved club, one that he had followed since 1958, lift a trophy that he never dreamed could happen. I am so thankful that he was alive to witness it and I hope, when he faded from this existence, that he was perhaps thinking of those moments.

We will always have those moments, whatever happens from this moment onwards. Forest have lived off the past for 40 years, so we have a few decades left to bathe in the warm bathwater of nostalgic glory.

Just remember that things could always be worse - we could have had the misfortune of being born as Tottenham fans.

posted on 1/3/23

comment by Foxello (U6985)
posted 17 minutes ago
I can sometimes feel all five stages during the same match...

In general though, I alternate between anger and acceptance. I get angry when I watch a performance like yesterday, want to smash up a few things, ram a magnet down Rodgers' throat and hang him off my fridge, and then dump a great big nuclear missile on the KP and watch it burn to the ground. And then I simmer down and, by morning, realise that we're sh*t and get on with my day.

I certainly don't get depressed with them anymore - there's enough genuinely depressing things going on in this godforsaken country. And denial and bargaining are out of the question.

One thing that warms my soul is the fact that for a few years, we were the magical, mesmeric, impossible Leicester City, living a truly remarkable dream. We were the club that every other club other than the self-serving, self-appointed elite dreamed to be. Those days around winning and lifting the title were truly the days of our lives. My dad's last trip to the city of his birth was in 2016, to watch his beloved club, one that he had followed since 1958, lift a trophy that he never dreamed could happen. I am so thankful that he was alive to witness it and I hope, when he faded from this existence, that he was perhaps thinking of those moments.

We will always have those moments, whatever happens from this moment onwards. Forest have lived off the past for 40 years, so we have a few decades left to bathe in the warm bathwater of nostalgic glory.

Just remember that things could always be worse - we could have had the misfortune of being born as Tottenham fans.
That’s a great post

And there’s nothing worse than being a fan of a club that’s supposed to be successful and isn’t

posted on 1/3/23

I’m still bargaining I the main. But I have acceptance too.

I still have hope that this horrific decline can be halted and Rodgers will once again prove me wrong and turn around a slump (for the 2”3rd time it would be remember).

But then I watch a performance like last night and I just accept that if we go down, we will entirely deserve it.

So I’ve become almost apathetic towards it, which I think is a tragedy in itself. I’ve stopped caring about how bad we are and just accept that Rodger will continue to suck the soul out of this team. We’re played with fear under him. Players look done.

But I’m still bargaining. Because as a fan you always have to have hope don’t you. But it’s the hop that kills us!!

posted on 1/3/23

comment by ●Billy The Spur● 20*21*22* ENIC OUT! (U3924)
posted 2 hours, 30 minutes ago
You`ll never be more than a mid table PL club long term, your PL and FA Cup wins were a once in a lifetime occurrence. You are more likely to slip back into the Championship than to repeat that success.
Yet Spurs often finish in the Top 4 and still win fack all.

posted on 1/3/23

We might be nothing "more than a mid table PL club" that is more "likely to slip back into the Championship" - but at least we've won the Premier League and the FA Cup in the 21st century, eh?

posted on 1/3/23

comment by ●Billy The Spur● 20*21*22* ENIC OUT! (U3924)
posted 3 hours, 53 minutes ago
You`ll never be more than a mid table PL club long term, your PL and FA Cup wins were a once in a lifetime occurrence. You are more likely to slip back into the Championship than to repeat that success.
This aged well.

posted on 1/3/23

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 2 hours, 6 minutes ago
I’m still bargaining I the main. But I have acceptance too.

I still have hope that this horrific decline can be halted and Rodgers will once again prove me wrong and turn around a slump (for the 2”3rd time it would be remember).

But then I watch a performance like last night and I just accept that if we go down, we will entirely deserve it.

So I’ve become almost apathetic towards it, which I think is a tragedy in itself. I’ve stopped caring about how bad we are and just accept that Rodger will continue to suck the soul out of this team. We’re played with fear under him. Players look done.

But I’m still bargaining. Because as a fan you always have to have hope don’t you. But it’s the hop that kills us!!
We’ve been through this many times but acceptance for me has nothing to do with Rodgers and everything to do with the wider status of the club and the direction it’s heading in. For that reason I’d definitely say you’re still in a bit of denial Mersey - focussing on Rodgers as the sole problem and not seeing the inevitable slide of the club under Top.

posted on 2/3/23

comment by ●Billy The Spur● 20*21*22* ENIC OUT! (U3924)
posted 14 hours, 7 minutes ago
You`ll never be more than a mid table PL club long term, your PL and FA Cup wins were a once in a lifetime occurrence. You are more likely to slip back into the Championship than to repeat that success.
You may well be correct - it could easily happen this season; it's been an enjoyable ride all the same.

On a separate matter, how's this season going for your team? As a Spurs supporter, perhaps you can clarify if there is a particular disappointment in finishing as an also-ran to a nearby team rather than as an also-ran to the usual suspects?

posted on 2/3/23

comment by 99 Problems (Top - invest in the squad and sack Rodgers) (U12353)
posted 10 hours, 40 minutes ago
comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 2 hours, 6 minutes ago
I’m still bargaining I the main. But I have acceptance too.

I still have hope that this horrific decline can be halted and Rodgers will once again prove me wrong and turn around a slump (for the 2”3rd time it would be remember).

But then I watch a performance like last night and I just accept that if we go down, we will entirely deserve it.

So I’ve become almost apathetic towards it, which I think is a tragedy in itself. I’ve stopped caring about how bad we are and just accept that Rodger will continue to suck the soul out of this team. We’re played with fear under him. Players look done.

But I’m still bargaining. Because as a fan you always have to have hope don’t you. But it’s the hop that kills us!!
We’ve been through this many times but acceptance for me has nothing to do with Rodgers and everything to do with the wider status of the club and the direction it’s heading in. For that reason I’d definitely say you’re still in a bit of denial Mersey - focussing on Rodgers as the sole problem and not seeing the inevitable slide of the club under Top.

Yeah, this is where our opinion differs.

I still think that we’re a reasonably well run club. The signings we’ve just made look good, and the training ground, expansion of the stadium and long term plans all look good to me.

Where I fully agree is that the strength of leadership and decision making looks to have weakened. Top for me seems too friendly with Rodgers and that should never happen to the point where sound business decisions have been clouded. I’d say they are right now.

But do I think that the management of our club that was heralded as the model to follow by so many only 1-2 seasons ago has fallen apart? No, I don’t. I think in Whelan we have one of the best leaders and I think the club is, in the main, well run.

I think that short term mistakes have been made and Top’s major failing was giving too much power to Rodgers. He now needs to remove that power. That for me is the fatal mistake.

But do I think the club is on its knees and Top has destroying it like I feel that your posts are suggesting, then no. I don’t. Do I think Top is wrong not to sack Rodgers and has made huge mistake. Yes.

posted on 2/3/23

I’ve certainly never suggested the club is on its knees but equally the model of the club for all other clubs to follow 2 years ago was never completely true either. We were put on a pedestal based on some very smart recruitment but after Vichai there were already warning signs in terms of how player contracts were being managed, the head of recruitment position and indeed the lack of squad depth that was beginning to emerge

That was before the financial mess started to unravel. A well run club doesn’t rack up the kind of unsustainable losses we’re about to announce which forces us to undergo a self imposed embargo pushing the club dangerously to relegation

You see that as a ‘few mistakes’, I see that as a fundamental mismanagement of the club, its direction and the finances over a 2 year period.

I think the denial you’re in about Leicester direction under Top is going to be replaced with depression and acceptance at some stage Mersey - but not until Rodgers is long gone and we’re still hanging around in the championship

posted on 2/3/23

But hey - out of the two of us I hope I’m completely and utterly wrong. It’s a distinct possibility!

posted on 2/3/23

comment by 99 Problems (Top - invest in the squad and sack Rodgers) (U12353)
posted 11 hours, 2 minutes ago
But hey - out of the two of us I hope I’m completely and utterly wrong. It’s a distinct possibility!

I don’t think we’re as far away in our opinions as you think we are. There’s a lot in what you say I’m totally aligned with. The one difference I think is I still want to give Top the benefit and I think you blame him. That’s probably the major variance.

posted on 3/3/23

Yeah I think that’s true. I hold him more to account than even Rodgers because ultimately he has control of whether Rodgers is allowed to continue wrecking us. I can understand given everything we’ve achieved under King Power why fans would give Top the benefit - my counter to that is I don’t think we have the same owners as we did in 2016. I see Top as much weaker than his father and not really capable of taking this club forward into a new era

posted on 3/3/23

Maybe Top isn’t his father but His dad achieved the impossible by promising to get us into Europe with a maximum spend of 60 million and actually did it by spending 25 million (I know he paid off our debt on top of that).
The world and the football world is totally different to 2016. Top has had to battle to save his company which saw 75% wiped off its value and one family football club owners are rare now.
Still wouldn’t be surprised if he is looking to sell but, on balance, I still feel he has been a good owner.
I sincerely hope, however, that he has the guts to send BR packing if we don’t win tomorrow.

posted on 3/3/23

comment by 99 Problems (Top - invest in the squad and sack Rodgers) (U12353)
posted 2 hours, 23 minutes ago
Yeah I think that’s true. I hold him more to account than even Rodgers because ultimately he has control of whether Rodgers is allowed to continue wrecking us. I can understand given everything we’ve achieved under King Power why fans would give Top the benefit - my counter to that is I don’t think we have the same owners as we did in 2016. I see Top as much weaker than his father and not really capable of taking this club forward into a new era
For me Rodgers has shown a thoroughly unpleasant self-serving side over the last year or so and needs to be shown the door no matter what happens this season.

You are right 99P and Mersey wrong in the view of Top, he has the ultimate responsibility for everything that happens at the club, that doesn't stop me directing my ire at Brendan.

I'm still hopeful that Top was thrust into the management situation some 10 years earlier than planned owing to Vichai's sad demise, is accordingly on a steep learning curve and will come good in due course; hopefully before our club is completely trashed - hence I am still willing to give Top some latitude.

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