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These 471 comments are related to an article called:

Leeds v Leicester City

Page 12 of 19

posted on 25/4/23

No composure here we keep clearing it to Leicester can we keep the ball

posted on 25/4/23

We need some composure.

posted on 25/4/23

Leeds deep again

posted on 25/4/23

I'm getting really jittery now ... I'll just keep typing any old scheidt..

posted on 25/4/23


posted on 25/4/23

Looks more and more like the 2nd half of the last games this

posted on 25/4/23

Clean sheet clean sheet. If i say it enough times, it’s bound to come true

posted on 25/4/23

Rocking here

posted on 25/4/23

If we keep dropping deep they'll score. C'mon guys, get your sh!t together.

posted on 25/4/23

Only a matter of time before they score.. need to change things around

posted on 25/4/23

Keep the ber luddy ball for Kerr-ist's sake !!!!

posted on 25/4/23

Sounds like we're in panic mode ffs

posted on 25/4/23

They're bound to come at us, just need to ride it out.

posted on 25/4/23

We win possession and then lose it straight away. So frustrating

posted on 25/4/23


Free kick incoming ..


posted on 25/4/23

Just like the Palace game - 2nd half we come out as a different team.

posted on 25/4/23

Here it comes ....

posted on 25/4/23

Suddenly Leeds players look like thay haven't seen a ball before.
Never going to finish with 11 vs 11

posted on 25/4/23


posted on 25/4/23

Hanging on for dear life against a team with 1 win in 9 ffs

posted on 25/4/23

Just a matter of time before Leicester score

posted on 25/4/23

Maybe need forshaw on to shore up the midfield

posted on 25/4/23

How's that not a yellow
Bamford been good doing that tonight

posted on 25/4/23

comment by Loidis-Norvegicus (U9680)
posted less than a minute ago

Just a matter of time before Leicester score
Might just be ' one of those nights ' when they dont, Loidis

< praying fervently >

comment by tslufc (U12903)

posted on 25/4/23

I hope this ref is not conned into dishing out a second yellow to one of ours

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