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Tez4Life! (weirdo 5)

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posted on 8/10/11

Good point Snowy!!

They really ain't any good with their stats though!! Getting nearly twice as many in our attendance today was nice as well!!

posted on 8/10/11

ey giddy owls....you,ll get a nose bleed up there!
back down to earth next week when you get your first real test me thinks.....as for us we,ll just keep rolling on..cant wait to give you your annual drubbing for crimbo!!

posted on 8/10/11

Never been our first real test!! Charlton and Hartlepool away and MK at home, 2 wins and a draw qualify as tests!!

I'll take the nose bleed position though for now!! You can draw your next two games and keep your precious "unbeaten (expect for defeats)" run going!!

posted on 8/10/11

Exeter away next week, 3 points 2nd place, won there 4-1 last year, how did you do down there?

posted on 8/10/11

Oh, you are a wag, Wetherbyterrier! I'm sure you already know the answer. But we stuck three past them at home a few weeks ago.

Hope this helps.

posted on 8/10/11

Wetherby, haven't played them at their place yet this season!!

You can have that 2nd spot for 24 hours, enjoy it while you can!! Still at least the playoff final is at Wembley for your annual trip and loss this season!!

posted on 8/10/11

charlton not really a test..they will fall away...we have also played the other two away and they both just scraped a draw.....your real yardstick comes when you play us..thats a fact charles..were in it for the long haul!..are you?...we will know a bit more next week when you play the blunts..a decent team and will be up there come may.....forget the result against us,we just dish it out to whoever we play!!

posted on 8/10/11

Not really, after your defeat next week we will be top 2, for the rest of the season. Then our first home test against Preston. Don't forget we have already been to Sheff U, MK, Hartlepool and Brentford, played no-one at home yet.

posted on 8/10/11

to say what a massive big huge club huddersfield are, their crowds are a bit laughable. Averaging a little over 12,000.
24,500 at hillsborough this afternoon.

posted on 8/10/11

we have already been there m8....1% of sheff watch wendies.......10% of hudds population watch town!! Fact!
crowd size doesnt win you promotion...as we already know!!
we do our talking on the football pitch!...

posted on 8/10/11

comment by rocket ron (U7763)
posted 4 minutes ago

we do our talking on the football pitch!...

So do we, thats why we are second!!

posted on 8/10/11

Till next weekend.

posted on 8/10/11

Actually might only be until Monday when MK play!!

comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 8/10/11

wendies are punching above their weight.. fact

posted on 8/10/11

It counts for nothing till May!

posted on 8/10/11

ah, the fool's favorit. "fact" on the end of opinion.
huddersfield are tin pot...FACT (caps lock counts double)

posted on 8/10/11

Wednesday are in second, one point ahead of Huddersfield - FACT

posted on 8/10/11

Who decided that to try and convince people, they would put fact at the end of the sentence?

"Hmm it seems like an opinion we should debate but as you put fact on the end of it you must be correct and I can't argue at all!"

posted on 8/10/11

lets hope you can keep your chins high enough to keep this going until the end of the season!!....we are the only team with a proven track record! its how you finish that matters...we were 2nd after 40 games last season,and still ended up in the playoffs....so a long way to go yet!!
hope u guys go up alongside us and blunts too then we can have 7 yorkshire clubs in the championship and a derby every other week..

posted on 8/10/11

Yes you do have a proven track record

Of falling at the final hurdle.

posted on 8/10/11

Not this year! BELIEVE that!

posted on 8/10/11

Its like God. You can say it as much as you like, Im not gonna believe it until I see it.

posted on 8/10/11

Dec 17 & April 7 will do that owl!

posted on 8/10/11

Dec 17th is my 26th. Megson said he's getting me a mississippi hot pocket and 3 points

posted on 8/10/11

Rocket Ron, your posts are hilarious!!!

You were second after 40 games, so you blew auto promotion in the last 6 games!!!

I would be inclined to ask Millwall and Peterborough about finishing strong, they seem to have mastered it!!

Your fellow Udders fans must love your posts!!

I do agree with us both being in the auto spots though, you can even go unbeaten and have the trophy as well!!

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