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Tez4Life! (weirdo 5)

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posted on 8/10/11

We didn't blow it in the last 6 games, Southampton had an amazing run and deservedly got 2nd spot, hope we both go up top 2.

posted on 8/10/11

no we didnt blow it charles...we went to mk in the last six and won..brighton and won with 3 left...southampton just had 2 games in hand and matched us and won their 2 in hand simples!!
you wont even be around to blow it come may..its the playoff for you...you have already lost 3 games already and played nobody away from home....wendies never fail to dissapoint!!

posted on 8/10/11

Ron- they have drawn at Charlton, but lost 5-1 at Stevenage, so yes play offs for them.

posted on 8/10/11

he even classes hartlepool as a test..deluded or what...come next week and a crushing defeat..will they still be posting,or just dissapear like the rest???
we dont!! but hey we never lose cos
we are unbeatable..we are unbeatable..

posted on 8/10/11

"the rest"
are they the people you told you were going up last season? or the season before? and so on ...

posted on 8/10/11

"we are unbeatable..we are unbeatable.."

I'm assuming that's some sort of self-deprecating sarcastic irony...

...stand by for the usual "Clark out!" refrain when they next lose at home.

posted on 8/10/11

Ron, up to your usual standard!!

When we played Hartlepool they were unbeaten and in the top 4 I believe. So away from home that was a test.

And come next week we will still be here, win, lose or draw!! As for you being unbeatable then so far in the league, yes that is true but you are still behind little old us with our 3 defeats!!

Wetherby, we are hoping that Stevenage result was simply a blip and having won all our games since, the signs look good. But boy that was a bad performance and bad result!! Charlton I think are vulnerable and they are sneaking results more and more, but then we said that about Brighton last season, can't let them get too far ahead so them drawing today was good. Still think Preston will be there or thereabouts, unless their financial situation forces them to sell their best players in Jan. Jury out on blunts at moment, started well but have struggled recently.

This league is there for the taking for anyone who can go on a good run. We have won 4 on the trot, got to keep that going, you guys have drawn too many so far, but I think we are both capable of going up.

posted on 8/10/11

That loss at Stevenage was what we needed, a jar to the system to get us actually trying, and that defeat has given us a four streak win that has put us above your supposedly superior side!

posted on 8/10/11

Reguarding our draws, we drew the first 3, now we have 6 wins from 9, happy with those stats, we arn't playing well either, which is the sign of a good team. I agree about Preston, who are our next home opposition.

comment by jonnyh (U8462)

posted on 8/10/11

Int banter brilliant. It's only October and all of a sudden the touch papers been lit. The only team over the last 5 or 6 years that I thought were absolutely nailed on to gain promotion after 10 or so games were Norwich. They were the real deal. No one this season can say anyone's leaps and bounds better than anybody else. Records mean nowt, 4 games won on the spin after losing 5-1 means nowt. The month of May means everything but all in all JA606 just got a bit more interesting.

posted on 8/10/11

bout time hey jonny!

posted on 8/10/11

Agreed jonnyh, love the banter. Just keep Tez off here, he just seems like a complete t0sser!! Never debates, just calls everyone names!!

posted on 8/10/11

I also thought Leicester were a gud team, which from early doors looked certain for promotion!

posted on 9/10/11

St Charles, its just a shame its only our 2 teams involved.

posted on 9/10/11

Wetherby, all the blunts have disappeared completely, used to have fun with them!! We have had a running feud with Bolton fans but that is quiet at the moment.

posted on 9/10/11

Ja is a bit weird, everyone knew that bbc 606 was closing and this was the natural site to turn to. Hardly any clubs in our league have any/many fans on here. We had some gud banter with Southampton last season, they don't post anymore.

posted on 9/10/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 9/10/11

comment by Professor Erno Breastpinchd  (U5359)
posted 9 hours, 44 minutes ago
to say what a massive big huge club huddersfield are, their crowds are a bit laughable. Averaging a little over 12,000.
24,500 at hillsborough this afternoon.


If you can't work out why your attendance yesterday was abnormally high I'll give you few little clues as to why, because you were quite obviously at the back of the queue when the brain cells were being handed out..........


Local Derby

Not played them for quite a while

Lots of Chesterfield fans at Hillsborough

Beginning to get the drift?

As it happens though, the 24,000 or so that watched your match yesterday really was pathetic and just about sums up the apathy in your city to your SKINT, apathetic little football club.

At the last census :

Sheffield = 440,000
Huddersfield = 140,000

That's population, if you're struggling.

And let's not forget that your Average home attendance last season was 17,000.

Yes, I know I said 17,000, but it's true!

Based on Towns average home attendance last season, if Huddersfield had the same population as Sheffield we'd have to build a new stadium because we'd be packing it out with over 41,000 each week.

Put it the other way, if Sheffield had the same population as Huddersfield, they'd be getting crowds of about 5,000.


Sheff Weds, "big club" my backside.

Tin-pot club, SKINT, run down ground that needs knocking down before it falls down, 99% of fans behave as if they have Downs Syndrome.

posted on 9/10/11

^ Offside Ref - There has been some good, harmless banter on here. Your last statement is going too far.

comment by jonnyh (U8462)

posted on 9/10/11

Wethers, yeah yer right. Leicester were good. Forgot about them. That's when they had Fryatt, 30 odd goals etc.
Just watched football league show. There's not much effort put into the show when championship sides aren't playing.
Offside, a bit harsh mate.

posted on 9/10/11

That could be us jonny, loads of goals, don't lose many/any. Sounds a perfect recipe to me!

comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 9/10/11

our goal difference is looking awesome. whos off to exeter? im not but was wondering.

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 9/10/11

i will be attending, along with 4 others...gotta fill the car..for the long ones..share the costs/driving and have a laugh..glad we lost plymouth and bristol rovers.. we are better away from home anyhow..

comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 9/10/11

you trust other ppl driving your car 38?

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 9/10/11

very old friends..i drive a lot on my own during the week and am glad to handover.. the car drives itself near enough..
i usually try to organise my work visits around away games as best i can.. cant this weekend so its just a long haul to the game and back afterwards and up to abroath on monday morning, its a jet setting life!!!!!

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