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Charlton Athletic 0 - 1 Derby County

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posted on 7/2/24

Bristol C currently drawing down the other end of the A52.
'Skipper Jason Knight prods home after an assist by Haydon Roberts.'
Once a Ram

posted on 7/2/24

No idea why Roberts was credited with the assist, mind...🤔

posted on 8/2/24

NML seems to be AOK for the weekend ....

posted on 8/2/24

Tyreece John-Jules on the other hand isn't. Ruled out for the season and returning to Arsenal.

All the best kid. Hope the injuries woes are resolved.

posted on 8/2/24

Makes you wonder Desi. Hardly a one-off, is it ?

posted on 8/2/24

Sadly not. Most likely to be seen in the lower leagues due to his injury record.

posted on 8/2/24


This might explain why Wildsmith was dropped in favour of Vickers.

I'd look to tie Wilson down to a longer contract quickly and get new terms signed up with Thompson.

Sibley's wages and performances makes me reluctant to offer him new terms. The fact he's done well at LB recently and could develop in that role still is the only reason to offer him maybe a new contract? Also to ensure we hold on to our assets. Could see him at Bristol city next!

posted on 8/2/24

Roughly how much does Sibs earn, Desi ?

posted on 8/2/24

More than us....combined possibly.


posted on 8/2/24

Hmm, wonder how they know ?
Sibs on more than 2x Cash (old contract?). Wonder why ?

posted on 8/2/24

He last renewed his contract in 2020, so it would have been under Mad Mel. Sibley's agent probably squeezed Morris fairly easily and got an extra 15-20% increase.

I'm taking these figures with a slight pinch of salt but it would be crazy if he's the 4th highest paid player among the seasoned pros.

posted on 8/2/24

Think Id be more concerned about how much we might have paid for Embleton's contribution 🤔

comment by Scouse (U9675)

posted on 8/2/24

According to that site, Man City exceed out annual salary bill in less than three weeks!

comment by Scouse (U9675)

posted on 8/2/24

Over £3.5m a week!

comment by Scouse (U9675)

posted on 8/2/24

De Brunyne and Haaland individually earn twice as much as our entire squad. 😳

posted on 8/2/24


Gayle ruled out apparently due to high wage demands. I had a look in the basement bin list and noticed Connor Wickham's name,he played on loan at FGR last season and scored 8 goals.

Possibly out of our league but Locadia (ex Brighton) also on the free agent list.

Ex Reading striker Joao would be top on my list as a til the end of season option.

posted on 8/2/24

Isnt Wickham another one who spends most of his time in the treatment room ?

posted on 8/2/24

Fit right in. We could call him Connor Wick-Ham.

comment by Scouse (U9675)

posted on 9/2/24

Has View absconded for half-term?

posted on 9/2/24

comment by Scouse (U9675)
posted 9 minutes ago
Has View absconded for half-term?
Bog off - had a jolly afternoon doing TU rep training - 'Are you strike ready?'

Half term next Friday

posted on 9/2/24

comment by Desicafu (U8481)
posted about 21 hours ago
Fit right in. We could call him Connor Wick-Ham.
Isn't he a Jane Austen character - Pride and Prejudice?

posted on 9/2/24

comment by 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 HebridesRam (U2909)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Desicafu (U8481)
posted about 21 hours ago
Fit right in. We could call him Connor Wick-Ham.
Isn't he a Jane Austen character - Pride and Prejudice?
Time to switch Heb

posted on 9/2/24

And whoosh................🌬️

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