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A wee joke as there's no football

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comment by kinsang (U3346)

posted on 3/7/24

It's a good joke, but as old as the hills....

posted on 3/7/24

Very good Cloggy.

posted on 3/7/24

posted on 3/7/24

It's quite a good joke.

Not the goat by any means, but not bad.

posted on 4/7/24

Problem is it wasn't just one goat, was it?

No goat is safe.

posted on 4/7/24

u have to be kidding me

posted on 4/7/24

little Timmy ran into his house screaming "Farmer Dad, the Bull is r@pin a cow!"
Farmer Tom said to little Timmy "no no thats not the correct term little Timmy my boy, the bull is...'surprising' the cow"
little timmy hopped along with his newfound education on mating.

next morning little Timmy runs into the house and screams "Farmer Dad! the Bull is 'Surprising ALL the cows!"

Farmer Tom scratches his head and says to Little Timmy "thats not possible Little Timmy, the Bull can only 'Surprise' one cow at a time..."

Little TImmy relayes "no, Hes outside Fucin the horse"

comment by kinsang (U3346)

posted on 4/7/24

Here's an old one but quite funny classic.
Englishman, Scotsman and Irishman are on a hunting holiday. They have been out for a few day and got nothing, so decide to try separately.

That night at the bar, the Englishman comes back with 2 deer over his shoulders. the other 2 go 'wow, where did you get them?' he replies, I saw the tracks, I smelt the tracks, I followed the tracks, and 'bang', I shot the deer.

Next night in the bar, the Scotsman comes back with 2 deer over his shoulders. He says, I saw the tracks, I smelt the tracks, I followed the tracks, and 'bang', I shot the deer.

The Irishman is gleeful and can't wait for his turn. The next night, it's quite late in the bar, and the other 2 notice there is no sign of the Irishman.

Then the door slams open and he limps in, on crutches, head bandaged, struggling to walk.

The other 2 say, 'what happened to you??!!'

The Irishman replies, I saw the tracks, I smelt the tracks, I followed the tracks, and 'bang', I got hit by a train.

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