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Far Right thugs or patriots

Page 31 of 65

posted on 9/8/24

comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)
posted 13 hours, 8 minutes ago
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)
posted 42 minutes ago

No condemnation of Genocide in Gaza. Or Brits going over to partake in said Genocide and the law does nothing to them on their return. If Israel is convicted of carrying out Genocide, do you think UK will go after Brits who partook in it?

I mean, our armed forces are literally on standby to intervene on behalf of Israel. If a civilian was prosecuted, where would that put the armed forces?
I'm not sure on the law but would protecting Israeli civilians against attacks because of Israeli actions in the region, including their genocide, put them at risk? They're not directly taking part in it but our government clearly supports Israel in their actions. Where as Brits have gone over and actively entered Gaza and took part in what's happening. We've even had people go over and sign bombs headed for Gaza. Will they also fall under this as they didn't fire anything into Gaza?

Press release
Prime Minister deploys UK military to Eastern Mediterranean to support Israel
The Prime Minister has deployed UK military to the Eastern Mediterranean to support Israel and reinforce regional stability.

13 October 2023

posted on 9/8/24

I see that leftie MP was arrested after encouraging his supporters to cut the throats of the far right.

As for the far right 2024, are the clothes they wear made in Korea Bangladesh and Pakistan or places similar.
I think this would be quite embarrassing for them

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 9/8/24

comment by Ras Clar Teta (U22980)
posted 2 hours, 7 minutes ago
I see that leftie MP was arrested after encouraging his supporters to cut the throats of the far right.

As for the far right 2024, are the clothes they wear made in Korea Bangladesh and Pakistan or places similar.
I think this would be quite embarrassing for them

I'm not sure that they far right have got an issue with buying clothes made in other countries. Not really sure of the relevance.

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 9/8/24

Just having a read of an article on the BBC website and its good to see that decent sentences are being handed out to those involved in the riots etc.


I also read last night that a guy called Phil Hobarn from Leeds has been convicted of causing racially and religiously aggravated harassment as well as alarm and distress through words. For anyone that doesn't know, he heads up a team of paedophile hunters in the Leeds area and they are regularly doing stings. A bit of a shame to see him stoop to this, as he and his team have caught out loads of paedos over the years.


posted on 9/8/24

its great to see the far rightwing MPS in the Tory and Reform parties such as 30p Lee squirming with indignation now that we have a PM who is standing up to the rightwing thugery and disorder and rhetoric of their 'stormtrooper' followers and footsoldiers that the previous PMs recently have been unable to quell. Keep jailing these thugs and make the streets of the UK safe for people of all colour and creeds.

posted on 9/8/24

The counter protests on Wednesday have warmed my heart.

They demonstrated that outside of their daft echo chambers, there really is no appetite for their rhetoric and in reality it’s just a small section of racist, seemingly genuinely stupid, criminals.

Lovely stuff.

posted on 9/8/24

comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 58 minutes ago
comment by Ras Clar Teta (U22980)
posted 2 hours, 7 minutes ago
I see that leftie MP was arrested after encouraging his supporters to cut the throats of the far right.

As for the far right 2024, are the clothes they wear made in Korea Bangladesh and Pakistan or places similar.
I think this would be quite embarrassing for them

I'm not sure that they far right have got an issue with buying clothes made in other countries. Not really sure of the relevance.

They should only wear clothes made in the UK or they are hypocrites

posted on 9/8/24

The Right thugs are quick to moan about Asains Arabs and Muslims in the UK for wearing clothes that they dont regard as being 'English' enough. Mabe they should all be wearing bowler hats and carry brollies.

Just like Reece Mogg does.

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 9/8/24

comment by Ras Clar Teta (U22980)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 58 minutes ago
comment by Ras Clar Teta (U22980)
posted 2 hours, 7 minutes ago
I see that leftie MP was arrested after encouraging his supporters to cut the throats of the far right.

As for the far right 2024, are the clothes they wear made in Korea Bangladesh and Pakistan or places similar.
I think this would be quite embarrassing for them

I'm not sure that they far right have got an issue with buying clothes made in other countries. Not really sure of the relevance.

They should only wear clothes made in the UK or they are hypocrites

Why? Are they demonstrating about people wearing clothes made in foreign countries?

posted on 9/8/24

comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Ras Clar Teta (U22980)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 58 minutes ago
comment by Ras Clar Teta (U22980)
posted 2 hours, 7 minutes ago
I see that leftie MP was arrested after encouraging his supporters to cut the throats of the far right.

As for the far right 2024, are the clothes they wear made in Korea Bangladesh and Pakistan or places similar.
I think this would be quite embarrassing for them

I'm not sure that they far right have got an issue with buying clothes made in other countries. Not really sure of the relevance.

They should only wear clothes made in the UK or they are hypocrites

Why? Are they demonstrating about people wearing clothes made in foreign countries?
Are they not badged as "Pro UK" rallies? Are they not shouting about British jobs for British people and the like?

posted on 9/8/24

comment by John McGlashan (U1734)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Ras Clar Teta (U22980)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 58 minutes ago
comment by Ras Clar Teta (U22980)
posted 2 hours, 7 minutes ago
I see that leftie MP was arrested after encouraging his supporters to cut the throats of the far right.

As for the far right 2024, are the clothes they wear made in Korea Bangladesh and Pakistan or places similar.
I think this would be quite embarrassing for them

I'm not sure that they far right have got an issue with buying clothes made in other countries. Not really sure of the relevance.

They should only wear clothes made in the UK or they are hypocrites

Why? Are they demonstrating about people wearing clothes made in foreign countries?
Are they not badged as "Pro UK" rallies? Are they not shouting about British jobs for British people and the like?
A couple of years in prison on the CV always boosts their chances of getting a British job when they get out.

posted on 9/8/24

comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Ras Clar Teta (U22980)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 58 minutes ago
comment by Ras Clar Teta (U22980)
posted 2 hours, 7 minutes ago
I see that leftie MP was arrested after encouraging his supporters to cut the throats of the far right.

As for the far right 2024, are the clothes they wear made in Korea Bangladesh and Pakistan or places similar.
I think this would be quite embarrassing for them

I'm not sure that they far right have got an issue with buying clothes made in other countries. Not really sure of the relevance.

They should only wear clothes made in the UK or they are hypocrites

Why? Are they demonstrating about people wearing clothes made in foreign countries?
Its not about just clothes
If somebody is a racist they should reject all non british items. Clothes food music cars

posted on 9/8/24

I see there has been a massive fall in migrant Visa applications over the past year, with an 80% reduction in the health sector in particular. We are on the verge of migrant numbers in this sector being so low that they are at crisis point? We are at the point now that we should be out protesting against the lack of immigration into the UK. We are EMPTY (in this sector). Something needs to be done to attract more migrants to the UK.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 9/8/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
The counter protests on Wednesday have warmed my heart.

They demonstrated that outside of their daft echo chambers, there really is no appetite for their rhetoric and in reality it’s just a small section of racist, seemingly genuinely stupid, criminals.

Lovely stuff.

posted on 9/8/24

comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
The counter protests on Wednesday have warmed my heart.

They demonstrated that outside of their daft echo chambers, there really is no appetite for their rhetoric and in reality it’s just a small section of racist, seemingly genuinely stupid, criminals.

Lovely stuff.

It doesn't go far enough. It is not enough to just tell the racists that the current level of immigration is actually ok. We need to be fighting for more immigration or our country, in particular our health and service industries will collapse.

posted on 9/8/24

comment by Cinciwolf-----JA606 NFL fantasy champ 2023 (U11551)
posted 10 hours, 41 minutes ago
Debating with Billy is like dragging your nuts over a bramble bush.
Sounds infinitely preferable

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 9/8/24

comment by John McGlashan (U1734)
posted 30 minutes ago
I see there has been a massive fall in migrant Visa applications over the past year, with an 80% reduction in the health sector in particular.
No no no it is a INVATION

posted on 9/8/24

comment by John McGlashan (U1734)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
The counter protests on Wednesday have warmed my heart.

They demonstrated that outside of their daft echo chambers, there really is no appetite for their rhetoric and in reality it’s just a small section of racist, seemingly genuinely stupid, criminals.

Lovely stuff.

It doesn't go far enough. It is not enough to just tell the racists that the current level of immigration is actually ok. We need to be fighting for more immigration or our country, in particular our health and service industries will collapse.
The only the reason the health industry is set to collapse is because we've let millions of people into the country and not improved infrastructure to cope with the vast numbers of extra people.

That's why British born people's lives have gone down the drain, there are too many people in this country, it's over crowded and the British culture is being diluted at an alarming rate.

All Two Tier Keir and his band of left wing simpletons do is sit back and let it happen, the invasion continues.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 9/8/24

comment by ●Billy The Spur● LEVY OUT- ENIC OUT! (U3924)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by John McGlashan (U1734)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
The counter protests on Wednesday have warmed my heart.

They demonstrated that outside of their daft echo chambers, there really is no appetite for their rhetoric and in reality it’s just a small section of racist, seemingly genuinely stupid, criminals.

Lovely stuff.

It doesn't go far enough. It is not enough to just tell the racists that the current level of immigration is actually ok. We need to be fighting for more immigration or our country, in particular our health and service industries will collapse.
The only the reason the health industry is set to collapse is because we've let millions of people into the country and not improved infrastructure to cope with the vast numbers of extra people.

That's why British born people's lives have gone down the drain, there are too many people in this country, it's over crowded and the British culture is being diluted at an alarming rate.

All Two Tier Keir and his band of left wing simpletons do is sit back and let it happen, the invasion continues.
British culture of curries n nandos n Taylor Swift n McDonalds bein dielooted

posted on 9/8/24

comment by ●Billy The Spur● LEVY OUT- ENIC OUT! (U3924)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by John McGlashan (U1734)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
The counter protests on Wednesday have warmed my heart.

They demonstrated that outside of their daft echo chambers, there really is no appetite for their rhetoric and in reality it’s just a small section of racist, seemingly genuinely stupid, criminals.

Lovely stuff.

It doesn't go far enough. It is not enough to just tell the racists that the current level of immigration is actually ok. We need to be fighting for more immigration or our country, in particular our health and service industries will collapse.
The only the reason the health industry is set to collapse is because we've let millions of people into the country and not improved infrastructure to cope with the vast numbers of extra people.

That's why British born people's lives have gone down the drain, there are too many people in this country, it's over crowded and the British culture is being diluted at an alarming rate.

All Two Tier Keir and his band of left wing simpletons do is sit back and let it happen, the invasion continues.
You really are a moron.

posted on 9/8/24

comment by ●Billy The Spur● LEVY OUT- ENIC OUT! (U3924)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by John McGlashan (U1734)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
The counter protests on Wednesday have warmed my heart.

They demonstrated that outside of their daft echo chambers, there really is no appetite for their rhetoric and in reality it’s just a small section of racist, seemingly genuinely stupid, criminals.

Lovely stuff.

It doesn't go far enough. It is not enough to just tell the racists that the current level of immigration is actually ok. We need to be fighting for more immigration or our country, in particular our health and service industries will collapse.
The only the reason the health industry is set to collapse is because we've let millions of people into the country and not improved infrastructure to cope with the vast numbers of extra people.

That's why British born people's lives have gone down the drain, there are too many people in this country, it's over crowded and the British culture is being diluted at an alarming rate.

All Two Tier Keir and his band of left wing simpletons do is sit back and let it happen, the invasion continues.

Fvcking hell

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 9/8/24

comment by John McGlashan (U1734)
posted 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Ras Clar Teta (U22980)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 58 minutes ago
comment by Ras Clar Teta (U22980)
posted 2 hours, 7 minutes ago
I see that leftie MP was arrested after encouraging his supporters to cut the throats of the far right.

As for the far right 2024, are the clothes they wear made in Korea Bangladesh and Pakistan or places similar.
I think this would be quite embarrassing for them

I'm not sure that they far right have got an issue with buying clothes made in other countries. Not really sure of the relevance.

They should only wear clothes made in the UK or they are hypocrites

Why? Are they demonstrating about people wearing clothes made in foreign countries?
Are they not badged as "Pro UK" rallies? Are they not shouting about British jobs for British people and the like?
Are jobs in Korea and Pakistan classed as British jobs?

posted on 9/8/24

comment by ●Billy The Spur● LEVY OUT- ENIC OUT! (U3924)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by John McGlashan (U1734)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
The counter protests on Wednesday have warmed my heart.

They demonstrated that outside of their daft echo chambers, there really is no appetite for their rhetoric and in reality it’s just a small section of racist, seemingly genuinely stupid, criminals.

Lovely stuff.

It doesn't go far enough. It is not enough to just tell the racists that the current level of immigration is actually ok. We need to be fighting for more immigration or our country, in particular our health and service industries will collapse.
The only the reason the health industry is set to collapse is because we've let millions of people into the country and not improved infrastructure to cope with the vast numbers of extra people.

That's why British born people's lives have gone down the drain, there are too many people in this country, it's over crowded and the British culture is being diluted at an alarming rate.

All Two Tier Keir and his band of left wing simpletons do is sit back and let it happen, the invasion continues.


Please explain exactly what British Culture is and how is it being eroded? One example will do.

posted on 9/8/24

Still chuckling at Billy’s post

There’s just so much factually wrong with it, it’s making my head hurt.

Is that what these people really think like? Seriously?

posted on 9/8/24

Crazy as it seems, i think ja606 has become one of the most sensible places on the Internet where an absolute fūvkwit like Billy is quite rightly laughed at and ridiculed. It's nice to see.

Most other places are a cesspit of individuals like him. It's scary.

Page 31 of 65

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