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Far Right thugs or patriots

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posted on 8/8/24

comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Insufferable-Piffle (U4388)
posted 12 seconds ago
comment by John McGlashan (U1734)
posted 6 minutes ago
How is met office data skewed?
Because we do not know weather it is correct or not.
Nice work there Barry
duh, needs to be made clear Weather this is barry or not
Fair play, I usually remember the Dundee players names thankfully

posted on 8/8/24

comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 8 minutes ago
Amazing that CIC is using the same playbook that the far right use when downplaying Islamaphobia to downplay Antisemitism.

Currentlyin1939 is right though. Why are we giving Jews special treatment?

comment by mx4 (U23184)

posted on 8/8/24

comment by John McGlashan (U1734)
posted 59 seconds ago
comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 8 minutes ago
Amazing that CIC is using the same playbook that the far right use when downplaying Islamaphobia to downplay Antisemitism.

Currentlyin1939 is right though. Why are we giving Jews special treatment?

posted on 8/8/24

All this crap going on is hiding the real thugs, the Labour Party, Kicking the hell out of the poor pensioners!!!

posted on 8/8/24

I'm pretty sure that refraining from partaking in violence against people of Asian heritage doesn't count as antisemitism.

posted on 8/8/24

comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 12 minutes ago
All this crap going on is hiding the real thugs, the Labour Party, Kicking the hell out of the poor pensioners!!!

posted on 8/8/24

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 12 minutes ago
All this crap going on is hiding the real thugs, the Labour Party, Kicking the hell out of the poor pensioners!!!

The obsession continues I post and you react!

So now I’ve caught your attention yet again!

In May Keir Starmer was slamming the Tories for even suggesting dropping the fuel allowance and what do Labour go and do when they got into power.

Do you believe this is hypocrisy at its very best?

Is it right people who’ve worked for most of their lives are treated like that?

posted on 8/8/24

comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 12 minutes ago
All this crap going on is hiding the real thugs, the Labour Party, Kicking the hell out of the poor pensioners!!!

The obsession continues I post and you react!

So now I’ve caught your attention yet again!

In May Keir Starmer was slamming the Tories for even suggesting dropping the fuel allowance and what do Labour go and do when they got into power.

Do you believe this is hypocrisy at its very best?

Is it right people who’ve worked for most of their lives are treated like that?

Just for banter, can you give me a single reason why winter fuel payments should NOT be means tested.

Anything will do.

posted on 8/8/24

comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 12 minutes ago
All this crap going on is hiding the real thugs, the Labour Party, Kicking the hell out of the poor pensioners!!!

The obsession continues I post and you react!

So now I’ve caught your attention yet again!

In May Keir Starmer was slamming the Tories for even suggesting dropping the fuel allowance and what do Labour go and do when they got into power.

Do you believe this is hypocrisy at its very best?

Is it right people who’ve worked for most of their lives are treated like that?

Just to check, you are the lad who told anyone and everyone on here you wanted 5 more years of Tory government after the previous 14 years of shiite.

I've told you before, don't stray beyond 'bite', 'chomp', 'you're angry' and 'obsession'. You always make an idiot of yourself when you do.

posted on 8/8/24


Should a 70 something Earl of wherever with a stately home be as entitled to winter fuel allowance as a widowed pensioner living in a 2 up 2 down terrace in a northern town or city?

Not a difficult juxtaposition.

posted on 8/8/24

Tbf to RED666, who is genuinely vulnerable, he’ll have read a headline in the Express, or some other rag that should be banned, and that will have misled him. Again.

posted on 8/8/24

comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 2 hours, 26 minutes ago
comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)

If they find River to the Sea anti-Semitic and this is one of the things that is brought up (something the academic increases, amongst other things, be related to), the data will be skewed.



How is met office data skewed?

How is the "River to the Sea" chant skewing data when The Met said a chant used by some protesters – “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” – would usually be treated as lawful

How are the assaults on people and attacks on property listed in that article skewed? Again, who is making these attacks? What's their label? Why should I answer any questions of yours when you're not prepared to answer mine.
The Met's own data sees a rise in attacks when Israel carries out attacks on Palestinians on a large scale.
They also reference CST, which they themselves say that CTS lack the ability to monitor anti-Semitism online, and while anti-Semitism is higher online, CST have recorded the same comments on twitter as multiple instances of antisemitism.

Woman who chanted From the River to the Sea was arrested. So while the Police do say one thing, during the marches and demo and other situation bore fruit

We also see arrests and confiscation of materials deemed anti-Semitic.
Arrested and then released and maeritals returned.

Silencing dissent in Universities and conflating anything against Israel Antisemitism.

The difference in treatment of antisemitism and Islamaphobia is quite evident. I thought since you like to read the Guardian, you might enjoy this.

This was on the news a few months ago:

Now why is it you avoided answering my questions? Am I to assume you support the genocide in Gaza? As I've asked you about it multiple times and multiple times you avoided it.

You've ignored clear bias from German courts and government regarding their bias against Muslims and bias for Israel, where government have said and repeated their reason of state is linked with Israel - especially regarding the chant. You questioned my reasoning yet you have displayed the same thing regarding biases against Muslims. Ironic.

No condemnation of Genocide in Gaza. Or Brits going over to partake in said Genocide and the law does nothing to them on their return. If Israel is convicted of carrying out Genocide, do you think UK will go after Brits who partook in it? Or are they going to so what has been happening and turning a blind eye to it?

posted on 8/8/24

comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)
posted 42 minutes ago

No condemnation of Genocide in Gaza. Or Brits going over to partake in said Genocide and the law does nothing to them on their return. If Israel is convicted of carrying out Genocide, do you think UK will go after Brits who partook in it?

I mean, our armed forces are literally on standby to intervene on behalf of Israel. If a civilian was prosecuted, where would that put the armed forces?

comment by mx4 (U23184)

posted on 8/8/24

No condemnation of Genocide in Gaza..
The only reason you ask is because you want anyone that presents an uncomfortable truth to be a pro-Israel warmonger. If there can't even be any recognition of religious violence in this Country, or compromise over a chant, there cannot be any compromise and understanding between people of different religions in the Middle East to bring about peace.

This is why wars over religion are so destructive, you can reason over resources but there's no way to reason over people's religious identities as they defy reason in the first place. It's extremely likely that the region will become uninhabitable soon enough and you'll get your wish for no Israel. The sky fairy doesn't discriminate when it comes to human insanity.

posted on 8/8/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 1 hour, 45 minutes ago
comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 12 minutes ago
All this crap going on is hiding the real thugs, the Labour Party, Kicking the hell out of the poor pensioners!!!

The obsession continues I post and you react!

So now I’ve caught your attention yet again!

In May Keir Starmer was slamming the Tories for even suggesting dropping the fuel allowance and what do Labour go and do when they got into power.

Do you believe this is hypocrisy at its very best?

Is it right people who’ve worked for most of their lives are treated like that?

Just for banter, can you give me a single reason why winter fuel payments should NOT be means tested.

Anything will do.
Where have i said it shouldn’t be means tested?

It wont be an issue for pensioners who have decent pensions, my concerns are for the pensioners who are just over the £218.15 limit to get pension credit are going to find it tough!

Surely the limit should apply to the ones that can afford not to do without the allowance!

FYI and the other obsessive one Annie, I’ll be well over the limit so it won’t be an issue for lil ole me!

To you and Annie!

Do you believe this is hypocrisy at its very best from the Labour party?

Do you think the limit should be increased?

posted on 8/8/24

comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 8 minutes ago
No condemnation of Genocide in Gaza..
The only reason you ask is because you want anyone that presents an uncomfortable truth to be a pro-Israel warmonger. If there can't even be any recognition of religious violence in this Country, or compromise over a chant, there cannot be any compromise and understanding between people of different religions in the Middle East to bring about peace.

This is why wars over religion are so destructive, you can reason over resources but there's no way to reason over people's religious identities as they defy reason in the first place. It's extremely likely that the region will become uninhabitable soon enough and you'll get your wish for no Israel. The sky fairy doesn't discriminate when it comes to human insanity.

A lot of waffle and ad homs without answering any of my questions. The uncomfortable truth is that you don't like answering hard questions but find it easier to ask and strawman others. Your own biases have been plainly put on display and you've displayed the same thing you've accused others of. You want to accuse me of antisemitism yet you've displayed that you view some racism or discrimination more worthy of others. And that's not a surprise really.

comment by mx4 (U23184)

posted on 8/8/24

comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)
posted 31 seconds ago
comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 8 minutes ago
No condemnation of Genocide in Gaza..
The only reason you ask is because you want anyone that presents an uncomfortable truth to be a pro-Israel warmonger. If there can't even be any recognition of religious violence in this Country, or compromise over a chant, there cannot be any compromise and understanding between people of different religions in the Middle East to bring about peace.

This is why wars over religion are so destructive, you can reason over resources but there's no way to reason over people's religious identities as they defy reason in the first place. It's extremely likely that the region will become uninhabitable soon enough and you'll get your wish for no Israel. The sky fairy doesn't discriminate when it comes to human insanity.

A lot of waffle and ad homs without answering any of my questions. The uncomfortable truth is that you don't like answering hard questions but find it easier to ask and strawman others. Your own biases have been plainly put on display and you've displayed the same thing you've accused others of. You want to accuse me of antisemitism yet you've displayed that you view some racism or discrimination more worthy of others. And that's not a surprise really.
It's not a hard question, it's a stupid one.

posted on 8/8/24

posted 16 minutes ago
comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)
posted 42 minutes ago

No condemnation of Genocide in Gaza. Or Brits going over to partake in said Genocide and the law does nothing to them on their return. If Israel is convicted of carrying out Genocide, do you think UK will go after Brits who partook in it?

I mean, our armed forces are literally on standby to intervene on behalf of Israel. If a civilian was prosecuted, where would that put the armed forces?
I'm not sure on the law but would protecting Israeli civilians against attacks because of Israeli actions in the region, including their genocide, put them at risk? They're not directly taking part in it but our government clearly supports Israel in their actions. Where as Brits have gone over and actively entered Gaza and took part in what's happening. We've even had people go over and sign bombs headed for Gaza. Will they also fall under this as they didn't fire anything into Gaza?

posted on 8/8/24


"German authorities declared the slogan forbidden and indictable and called on schools in the capital, Berlin, to ban the use of keffiyehs, the Palestinian scarf."

Yet Germany is meant to be unbiased according to some. Yet here not only a ban on the chant but also keffiyehs. Germany taking part in trying to erase Palestinian identity.

posted on 8/8/24

comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)
posted 31 seconds ago
comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 8 minutes ago
No condemnation of Genocide in Gaza..
The only reason you ask is because you want anyone that presents an uncomfortable truth to be a pro-Israel warmonger. If there can't even be any recognition of religious violence in this Country, or compromise over a chant, there cannot be any compromise and understanding between people of different religions in the Middle East to bring about peace.

This is why wars over religion are so destructive, you can reason over resources but there's no way to reason over people's religious identities as they defy reason in the first place. It's extremely likely that the region will become uninhabitable soon enough and you'll get your wish for no Israel. The sky fairy doesn't discriminate when it comes to human insanity.

A lot of waffle and ad homs without answering any of my questions. The uncomfortable truth is that you don't like answering hard questions but find it easier to ask and strawman others. Your own biases have been plainly put on display and you've displayed the same thing you've accused others of. You want to accuse me of antisemitism yet you've displayed that you view some racism or discrimination more worthy of others. And that's not a surprise really.
It's not a hard question, it's a stupid one.
No. It clearly shows who you really are when you're unable to even condemn the genocide. Nothing more needs to be said.

comment by mx4 (U23184)

posted on 8/8/24

comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)

No. It clearly shows who you really are when you're unable to even condemn the genocide. Nothing more needs to be said.
Not everyone is like you. I can simultaneously acknowledge that Muslims are discriminated against and the atrocities in Gaza. It goes without saying for someone who's not caught up in blind rage that they don't need to downplay human suffering.

posted on 8/8/24

comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)

No. It clearly shows who you really are when you're unable to even condemn the genocide. Nothing more needs to be said.
Not everyone is like you. I can simultaneously acknowledge that Muslims are discriminated against and the atrocities in Gaza. It goes without saying for someone who's not caught up in blind rage that they don't need to downplay human suffering.
Sure. Yet unable to actually condemn genocide of one group of people by another.

Or that your example of Germany, when shown Germany's bias, unable to acknowledge it.

comment by mx4 (U23184)

posted on 8/8/24

comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)
posted 3 seconds ago
comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)

No. It clearly shows who you really are when you're unable to even condemn the genocide. Nothing more needs to be said.
Not everyone is like you. I can simultaneously acknowledge that Muslims are discriminated against and the atrocities in Gaza. It goes without saying for someone who's not caught up in blind rage that they don't need to downplay human suffering.
Sure. Yet unable to actually condemn genocide of one group of people by another.

Or that your example of Germany, when shown Germany's bias, unable to acknowledge it.
I can do both here condemned,

And Germany has an obvious bias because of their past. That bias does not negate their reasoning.

Any other stupid questions while you're at it?

posted on 8/8/24

comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 13 seconds ago
comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)
posted 3 seconds ago
comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)

No. It clearly shows who you really are when you're unable to even condemn the genocide. Nothing more needs to be said.
Not everyone is like you. I can simultaneously acknowledge that Muslims are discriminated against and the atrocities in Gaza. It goes without saying for someone who's not caught up in blind rage that they don't need to downplay human suffering.
Sure. Yet unable to actually condemn genocide of one group of people by another.

Or that your example of Germany, when shown Germany's bias, unable to acknowledge it.
I can do both here condemned,

And Germany has an obvious bias because of their past. That bias does not negate their reasoning.

Any other stupid questions while you're at it?
It does effect their reasoning though. Not only a ban on the chant but keffiyehs as well.

posted on 8/8/24


"The only reason you ask is because you want anyone that presents an uncomfortable truth to be a pro-Israel warmonger. If there can't even be any recognition of religious violence in this Country, or compromise over a chant, there cannot be any compromise and understanding between people of different religions in the Middle East to bring about peace"

It's conveniently ignored when RW Israeli politicians use this chant whilst talking of driving Gazans out of Gaza to the Sinai and suggesting Europe can deal with them. But some protesters chant the same thing in London pro Palestine demonstrations.

This is just another example of the discrepancy in how similar actions are treated dependant on whether it's Israel or Gazans & Palestinians in the West Bank. Israel highlighted the disgusting brutality and sexual violence Hamas fighters engaged in on Oct 7th. Yet Israel has been doing the same thing for years to Palestinian prisoners.

There's justified outrage at one and ignorance or turn a blind eye at the other. This level of hypocrisy undermines and legit argument Israel has IMO.

Page 27 of 65

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