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These 1623 comments are related to an article called:

Far Right thugs or patriots

Page 42 of 65

comment by Beeb (U1841)

posted on 17/8/24

“ You’re basically the Liz Truss of JA.”


posted on 17/8/24

comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 37 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by RB&W - He kicked lumps out of them (U21434)
posted 7 minutes ago
Google is often our friend. This is correct. Which is why most sensible people find it easy enough to find the true meaning of the English word, 'woke'.

However some people (usually of Right-Wing, racist, sexist, etc., etc., political persuasion and agenda), who often dont have an adequate command of the English language themselves, us the word incorrectly, as a descriptive insult to others, who they strongly believe to be 'woke,' by their own limited, undestanding of the real meaning of 'being woke'.

This strange and it seems, remedial educated fella Red666, falls into this category. He neither knows what woke really means or his ego prevents him from finding out or admitting that he does know, as most other people are prepared to do. Yet he is still happy to call people out (usually those with a liberal agenda) as 'woke', as an insult. Yet he fails to understand that most sensible people who are 'woke' are happy to be described so, by definition. Because being mindful to and highlighting racial prejudice and discrimination towards others, is a good thing. Not being so probably makes you a bit of a racist. And even racists don't like being called out as racist.

“people who are 'woke' are happy to be described so”

Well it’s certainly caused a stir with lefty hypocrites, you’ve all been blubbering away over it! 🤣🤣

Na, that's more you using a word as a pejorative without knowing what it actually means. You're too thick to see you're being laughed at not with

You're basically the Liz Truss of JA.
Wow! I really can’t believe how this has wound you all up!

Annie as per coming back after throwing his teddy out then when the comments start flying in from all the lefty wokes he then feels he can join in again, safety in numbers I guess! 🤣🤣
Keep coming back for more.

You clearly have very little self-awarensss. Do you?

posted on 17/8/24

comment by RB&W - He kicked lumps out of them (U21434)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 37 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by RB&W - He kicked lumps out of them (U21434)
posted 7 minutes ago
Google is often our friend. This is correct. Which is why most sensible people find it easy enough to find the true meaning of the English word, 'woke'.

However some people (usually of Right-Wing, racist, sexist, etc., etc., political persuasion and agenda), who often dont have an adequate command of the English language themselves, us the word incorrectly, as a descriptive insult to others, who they strongly believe to be 'woke,' by their own limited, undestanding of the real meaning of 'being woke'.

This strange and it seems, remedial educated fella Red666, falls into this category. He neither knows what woke really means or his ego prevents him from finding out or admitting that he does know, as most other people are prepared to do. Yet he is still happy to call people out (usually those with a liberal agenda) as 'woke', as an insult. Yet he fails to understand that most sensible people who are 'woke' are happy to be described so, by definition. Because being mindful to and highlighting racial prejudice and discrimination towards others, is a good thing. Not being so probably makes you a bit of a racist. And even racists don't like being called out as racist.

“people who are 'woke' are happy to be described so”

Well it’s certainly caused a stir with lefty hypocrites, you’ve all been blubbering away over it! 🤣🤣

Na, that's more you using a word as a pejorative without knowing what it actually means. You're too thick to see you're being laughed at not with

You're basically the Liz Truss of JA.
Wow! I really can’t believe how this has wound you all up!

Annie as per coming back after throwing his teddy out then when the comments start flying in from all the lefty wokes he then feels he can join in again, safety in numbers I guess! 🤣🤣
Keep coming back for more.

You clearly have very little self-awarensss. Do you?
I think we can rule out Red being AI

posted on 17/8/24

Glad this numpty is in jail.
His Twitter was called "sick of it" or something. I'll link it when I find it.


35 apparently. He's lost his birth certificate.

posted on 17/8/24

comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 21 minutes ago
Glad this numpty is in jail.
His Twitter was called "sick of it" or something. I'll link it when I find it.


35 apparently. He's lost his birth certificate.
It will be very interesting to see how these cowards deal with the real life proposition of prison. It's one thing being big and hard on the internet, totally different face yo face.

posted on 17/8/24

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 hours, 56 minutes ago
comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 21 minutes ago
Glad this numpty is in jail.
His Twitter was called "sick of it" or something. I'll link it when I find it.


35 apparently. He's lost his birth certificate.
It will be very interesting to see how these cowards deal with the real life proposition of prison. It's one thing being big and hard on the internet, totally different face yo face.
Farage literally posted the same bullsheet. Why isn't he coming under any pressure from authorities?

posted on 17/8/24

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 hours, 56 minutes ago
comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 21 minutes ago
Glad this numpty is in jail.
His Twitter was called "sick of it" or something. I'll link it when I find it.


35 apparently. He's lost his birth certificate.
It will be very interesting to see how these cowards deal with the real life proposition of prison. It's one thing being big and hard on the internet, totally different face yo face.
I did think about that yesterday, whether there are some crimes that are a definite no-no. We probably all know that child abusers and killers don't last long in prison.

I guess you mean the day to day life in prison though?

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 17/8/24

comment by Arne Sabah Nur (U1282)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 hours, 56 minutes ago
comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 21 minutes ago
Glad this numpty is in jail.
His Twitter was called "sick of it" or something. I'll link it when I find it.


35 apparently. He's lost his birth certificate.
It will be very interesting to see how these cowards deal with the real life proposition of prison. It's one thing being big and hard on the internet, totally different face yo face.
Farage literally posted the same bullsheet. Why isn't he coming under any pressure from authorities?
too tear jusstiss innit

posted on 17/8/24

comment by mancW🏆🏆h🏆🏆- maximus mardius cob-onius (U10676)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 hours, 56 minutes ago
comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 21 minutes ago
Glad this numpty is in jail.
His Twitter was called "sick of it" or something. I'll link it when I find it.


35 apparently. He's lost his birth certificate.
It will be very interesting to see how these cowards deal with the real life proposition of prison. It's one thing being big and hard on the internet, totally different face yo face.
I did think about that yesterday, whether there are some crimes that are a definite no-no. We probably all know that child abusers and killers don't last long in prison.

I guess you mean the day to day life in prison though?

I mean it will be interesting to see people adept at doshing out bile anonymously via a computer or phone deal with the RL interactions in prison. Safe to say these keyboard warriors haven't got the cajones to practice what they preach, nor do they get out much.

posted on 17/8/24

Wow. His lawyer claims O'Rourke was 'caught up in the media frenzy'.

That is extremely disingenuous. From what I remember, the media were simply relating info from eyewitnesses and the police – as they tend to do in these situations.

I think she means the *social* media frenzy – which of course her client was a big part of

posted on 17/8/24

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 53 minutes ago

I mean it will be interesting to see people adept at doshing out bile anonymously via a computer or phone deal with the RL interactions in prison. Safe to say these keyboard warriors haven't got the cajones to practice what they preach, nor do they get out much.
Yeah. Immediate consequences to their actions will be a shock to their system.

Worse would be that they won't be able to retort with emojis. The horror!

posted on 17/8/24

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 4 hours, 6 minutes ago
comment by mancW🏆🏆h🏆🏆- maximus mardius cob-onius (U10676)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 hours, 56 minutes ago
comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 21 minutes ago
Glad this numpty is in jail.
His Twitter was called "sick of it" or something. I'll link it when I find it.


35 apparently. He's lost his birth certificate.
It will be very interesting to see how these cowards deal with the real life proposition of prison. It's one thing being big and hard on the internet, totally different face yo face.
I did think about that yesterday, whether there are some crimes that are a definite no-no. We probably all know that child abusers and killers don't last long in prison.

I guess you mean the day to day life in prison though?

I mean it will be interesting to see people adept at doshing out bile anonymously via a computer or phone deal with the RL interactions in prison. Safe to say these keyboard warriors haven't got the cajones to practice what they preach, nor do they get out much.
I can imagine the conversations now.

What you in for?

Being racist on Twitter.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 17/8/24

comment by Arne Sabah Nur (U1282)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 4 hours, 6 minutes ago
comment by mancW🏆🏆h🏆🏆- maximus mardius cob-onius (U10676)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 hours, 56 minutes ago
comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 21 minutes ago
Glad this numpty is in jail.
His Twitter was called "sick of it" or something. I'll link it when I find it.


35 apparently. He's lost his birth certificate.
It will be very interesting to see how these cowards deal with the real life proposition of prison. It's one thing being big and hard on the internet, totally different face yo face.
I did think about that yesterday, whether there are some crimes that are a definite no-no. We probably all know that child abusers and killers don't last long in prison.

I guess you mean the day to day life in prison though?

I mean it will be interesting to see people adept at doshing out bile anonymously via a computer or phone deal with the RL interactions in prison. Safe to say these keyboard warriors haven't got the cajones to practice what they preach, nor do they get out much.
I can imagine the conversations now.

What you in for?

Being racist on Twitter.

multypull homicide n international arms traffikin

posted on 17/8/24

John Coffey looking motherfacker beats the shiiiiiit out of him after hearing that.

Wayne O’Rourke: “Hypocrite, lefty wokie.”

posted on 17/8/24

comment by mancW🏆🏆h🏆🏆- maximus mardius cob-onius (U10676)
posted 4 hours, 1 minute ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 53 minutes ago

I mean it will be interesting to see people adept at doshing out bile anonymously via a computer or phone deal with the RL interactions in prison. Safe to say these keyboard warriors haven't got the cajones to practice what they preach, nor do they get out much.
Yeah. Immediate consequences to their actions will be a shock to their system.

Worse would be that they won't be able to retort with emojis. The horror!
Being in an environment that isn't their bedsit/parents spare room is going to be a shock I suspect. That and the realisation you can't speak to people in prison the same way as they do strangers online.

posted on 17/8/24

comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 54 minutes ago
comment by Arne Sabah Nur (U1282)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 4 hours, 6 minutes ago
comment by mancW🏆🏆h🏆🏆- maximus mardius cob-onius (U10676)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 hours, 56 minutes ago
comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 21 minutes ago
Glad this numpty is in jail.
His Twitter was called "sick of it" or something. I'll link it when I find it.


35 apparently. He's lost his birth certificate.
It will be very interesting to see how these cowards deal with the real life proposition of prison. It's one thing being big and hard on the internet, totally different face yo face.
I did think about that yesterday, whether there are some crimes that are a definite no-no. We probably all know that child abusers and killers don't last long in prison.

I guess you mean the day to day life in prison though?

I mean it will be interesting to see people adept at doshing out bile anonymously via a computer or phone deal with the RL interactions in prison. Safe to say these keyboard warriors haven't got the cajones to practice what they preach, nor do they get out much.
I can imagine the conversations now.

What you in for?

Being racist on Twitter.

multypull homicide n international arms traffikin

posted on 17/8/24

Far Right are G0bsh1tes

posted on 18/8/24

comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 23 hours, 42 minutes ago
Glad this numpty is in jail.
His Twitter was called "sick of it" or something. I'll link it when I find it.


35 apparently. He's lost his birth certificate.
This is his Twitter https://x.com/WayneGb88

posted on 18/8/24

comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 53 minutes ago


Why would you give him any more views?

posted on 18/8/24

comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago
comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 23 hours, 42 minutes ago
Glad this numpty is in jail.
His Twitter was called "sick of it" or something. I'll link it when I find it.


35 apparently. He's lost his birth certificate.
This is his Twitter https://x.com/WayneGb88
The brave lad is doing the 'Tommy sleepout' whilst his hero hides in a 4 star hotel in Greece avoiding court in the UK.

Grifters gotta grift.

posted on 18/8/24

"Tommy sleepout" sounds like a bunch of fully grown men having a pyjama party. Wierdos.

posted on 18/8/24

comment by mancW🏆🏆h🏆🏆- maximus mardius cob-onius (U10676)
posted 20 minutes ago
"Tommy sleepout" sounds like a bunch of fully grown men having a pyjama party. Wierdos.
It's grim how these con men latch on to causes such as children being abused or murdered and veterans under the guise of being a patriot and to excuse being a vile racist.

posted on 18/8/24

The Great Tommy Sleep out is a marvellous event and shouldn’t be mocked!

posted on 18/8/24

comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 2 minutes ago
The Great Tommy Sleep out is a marvellous event and shouldn’t be mocked!
An alleged charitable event in the name of one of the countries most prominent racists shouldn't be mocked

You'll tell us your Tory heroes aren't lying, corrupt scvm next.

posted on 18/8/24

comment by RED666…Out on the “Right Wing” But not as far as Nige! (U6562)
posted 4 minutes ago
The Great Tommy Sleep out is a marvellous event and shouldn’t be mocked!
It definitely should be. Imagine being that angry at brown people based on lies on twitter that you go and sleep outside. And badge it as for homeless veterans that you think fought in world war 2 because you're a retaard.

Page 42 of 65

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