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These 38 comments are related to an article called:

Why Defend Bates?

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posted on 11/10/11

"Given all that Leeds and its fans are, is a small profit achieving its potential? Yes. I want the club to spend it's income on the team or infastructure. If we were making big profits and not reinvesting then I would be worried."

So a small profit, with a huge, unexplained increase in overhead the last few years is achievingits potential? I just don't agree with that.

"I'm not sure where all this is going to end, but I just want my club to be successful whoever is the owner. When it was a plc did we know all the owners? Don't we just want a winning team, but now within our means so we don't go through the nightmare of "living the dream". Are we just synical as we don't want something to come back a bite the club in the future."

We all want a successful team on the pitch but that is mostly dependent on the ownership. When it was a PLC, the owners were in the public records. I don't think we are cynical, I think many of us are skeptical and find all the goings on suspicious. Yes, we definitely don't want the bad surprise again. Some of us will not be surprised when it all comes out but it will be interesting to see the reaction of the others.

Thaks for a good exchange of thoughts.

posted on 11/10/11


when it all comes out?

Making assumptions again?

posted on 11/10/11


The big question for me is, given some very suspicious events, why haven't the issues that have been raised before, and now once again, ever been investigated?

Perhaps they have and no 'evidence' of unlawful acts and was found. I would assume that the police, the fraud squad or whoever has maybe looked at it.

Can you say they haven't?

posted on 11/10/11

So a small profit, with a huge, unexplained increase in overhead the last few years is achievingits potential? I just don't agree with that.
Well we would need to breakdown all the expenses prevously. Obviously wages are lower than post admin days and probably take a 35% slice of the income. Then you have the rent and upkeep on TA and ER, police costs etc etc.
I do understand why people are worried as we have turnover of £27m and make little profit, although have heard it mentioned it will be £3m this year. I would love to know what the turnover would be if it hadn't been for Bates' improvements ie
Billy's Bar
More hospitality
Howards' etc etc
It would also be good for an explanation of the consultant fees everyone goes on about. But having looked at different planning applications can see architects must have received a bit of money, plus accountants and other legal advice.
Do like a good structured exchange

posted on 11/10/11

No Chorley, making a prediction.

posted on 11/10/11

"It would also be good for an explanation of the consultant fees everyone goes on about."

That is really the crux of it all, isn't it?

Tell us what's going on and we won't be so suspicious.

Others will scream we are just fans and not entitled to any transparency, its "their business."

Well, you just cannot have it both ways - not with his track record.

posted on 11/10/11

It's ok having suspicions, but some people feel it just proves something is wrong. The assume the fees are going, well to Monaco, but when you actually think about the work done on the ground etc this does explain some of this. How much do you think it would have cost in architect fees and planning permission for the East Stand for example.

posted on 11/10/11

Don`t know who Bransley are or Baaaaaaaarnsley for that matter.

I do know the time though.


How do you like them onions Eric?

posted on 11/10/11

On the Pitch

Have you had a drink dear?

posted on 12/10/11

Every time we play you!

posted on 12/10/11

Vimto is too strong for you then!

posted on 12/10/11

JLA..Everybody doesn't go on about consultant fees! haven't I told you a million times about exagerating? MOT with proper fans who support the club!

posted on 13/10/11

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