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These 32 comments are related to an article called:

Contemplating My Own Mortality

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posted 4 days, 6 hours ago

Beeb, terribly sorry to read your news. We'll all be rooting for you. That was a beautiful meditation, despite the light-hearted tone.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted 4 days, 6 hours ago

Sorry to hear the cancer is back and thanks for sharing your post. I did lol on the Lidl iPhone joke.

posted 4 days, 6 hours ago

Haha good read.

Sorry to hear about the cancer and good luck with the battle.

posted 4 days, 6 hours ago

Sorry to hear this news Beeb, keep up the battle

posted 4 days, 5 hours ago

Hi Beeb, I'm seventy nine and contemplate my mortality more often these days. But the granddaughters soon change that, plus I'm here with no knowledge of anything seriously wrong with me.
Good luck, hope to see you on here again.

posted 4 days, 4 hours ago

Hey Beeb

Sorry to read this, I am still a few years shy of being 40.

In April I was diagnosed with End Stage Liver Disease, when I was hospitalized with heptorenal syndrome.

My MELD score gave me 40% chance of seeing July.

My life these days is weighing 50kg, looking like the worst Simpsons drawn pregnant alien ever.

I’m now entirely bed ridden been taken to and from the hospital weekly to have a procedure to drain about 6 litres of fluid off me.

I made my peace with it, knowing my nine year daughter is gonna grow without me crushes me insufferably and is maybe the reason my body won’t let go and I continue he taking all these meds multiple times a day and going for all the test and procedures etc in the minuscule hope I get a transplant I dunno.

My life has taken me to Australia where my daughter was born and after nearly a decade I moved to California with work.

I was non stop, I didn’t have time to stop and enjoy as they say. These days, the lucid days when ammonia isn’t poisoning my brain and when pain is relatively low I enjoy reading, whittling, reminiscing.

I had my sister send me a multipack of space raiders, monster munch, pot noodles and irn bru and a few other things they’re all junk but at this point who cares

Side note price/portions back home are shocking. When did midget gems and sports kid become so soft? Where did shandy bass go? That was the taste of my childhood Thursday night after football chip shop dinner and a can of “bass”

The little things, the simple things, enjoy the nonsensical sports tv world of the US, even sports I hated, just enjoying, making convos with nurses, helpers, -“actually getting to know people properly

In a way it fills me with regret I wasted so much time, speaking as a man on his death bed, it’s true you make peace easy with anything wrong you’ve done but it’s far harder to live with the regret of things not done.

Anyway, stay strong Beeb

Didn’t mean to try steal your thunder just that this post finally allowed me to open up on here

posted 4 days, 4 hours ago

Really sorry to hear this beeb and Dwight.

posted 4 days, 4 hours ago

Reading this just shows how cruel life can be at times.

I wish you all the very best Beeb/Dwight - indeed everyone on here and that includes those I nearly always disagree with. Life would be boring if we were all the same, right?

posted 4 days, 3 hours ago


When I first came across this thread title, my immediate visceral was to post some inane, hurtful drivel such as ‘go ferruck yourself and die’. However, having read the whole thing now, together with the postscript, I want to change my tack somewhat.

First of all, I want to reach out to you as a beautiful, thoughtful, sensitive human being. Quoting my fave artiste also helps😁.

Secondly, and much more importantly, I wanted to send you my sincere best wishes and oodles of positive thoughts. Stupid perhaps; I don’t know you, have never met you and never will (not in this life anyway) but nonetheless, for what it’s worth, I send them to you , with love.

All of us, even me, have a limited time on this planet. Whilst we’re here, I think we should all try our best to make the collective experience of ‘life’ as best as it possibly can be. I have failed in that respect, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many … er, many times. Nevertheless, as long as I’ve got air in my lungs, I’m gonna try to get it right, next time.

It’s not clear from your post whether or not you believe in any God/Deity. It doesn’t matter to me either way. What I want to say is that I send you a piece of my spirit to guide, love and comfort you. I hope you receive it and use it to make your existence, here and beyond, better for you and your love ones.

I look forward to your future posts on JA606 … I hope you get pisssed this afternoon 🍷 … and I hope you feel loved and cherished for what you are. One of God’s special creations💙.

posted 4 days, 3 hours ago

comment by Dwight K Schrute (U22590)
posted 1 hour, 31 minutes ago
Hey Beeb

Sorry to read this, I am still a few years shy of being 40.

In April I was diagnosed with End Stage Liver Disease, when I was hospitalized with heptorenal syndrome.

My MELD score gave me 40% chance of seeing July.

My life these days is weighing 50kg, looking like the worst Simpsons drawn pregnant alien ever.

I’m now entirely bed ridden been taken to and from the hospital weekly to have a procedure to drain about 6 litres of fluid off me.

I made my peace with it, knowing my nine year daughter is gonna grow without me crushes me insufferably and is maybe the reason my body won’t let go and I continue he taking all these meds multiple times a day and going for all the test and procedures etc in the minuscule hope I get a transplant I dunno.

My life has taken me to Australia where my daughter was born and after nearly a decade I moved to California with work.

I was non stop, I didn’t have time to stop and enjoy as they say. These days, the lucid days when ammonia isn’t poisoning my brain and when pain is relatively low I enjoy reading, whittling, reminiscing.

I had my sister send me a multipack of space raiders, monster munch, pot noodles and irn bru and a few other things they’re all junk but at this point who cares

Side note price/portions back home are shocking. When did midget gems and sports kid become so soft? Where did shandy bass go? That was the taste of my childhood Thursday night after football chip shop dinner and a can of “bass”

The little things, the simple things, enjoy the nonsensical sports tv world of the US, even sports I hated, just enjoying, making convos with nurses, helpers, -“actually getting to know people properly

In a way it fills me with regret I wasted so much time, speaking as a man on his death bed, it’s true you make peace easy with anything wrong you’ve done but it’s far harder to live with the regret of things not done.

Anyway, stay strong Beeb

Didn’t mean to try steal your thunder just that this post finally allowed me to open up on here


Dwight … Love. Support. Kindness. Understanding. Positiveness. Hope. Peace. Gratitude. Life. Warmth💙

posted 4 days, 3 hours ago

Stay strong Beeb, if you beat it twice before you sure as hell can do it a third time. Wishing you good health and love.

posted 4 days, 2 hours ago

Of course when I get into the second bottle I can get a little maudlin, or so I'm told.

posted 4 days, 2 hours ago

comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 11 minutes ago
Of course when I get into the second bottle I can get a little maudlin, or so I'm told.
2nd bottle of what? Do tell … 🍷

posted 4 days, 2 hours ago


All the best bud. Hope you beat the big C again.

posted 4 days, 2 hours ago

Absolutely heartbreaking to read but equally quite uplifting.

One thought - I don’t think this life is the end and never have. I dont accept that human beings with their incredible capabilities can only live 70 years or so while some trees live 1000 years. It doesn’t make any sense to me and never has. I don’t believe this earth came about by chance and I don’t believe something came from nothing. I think if someone made all of this possible- they must have had a purpose for doing so even that’s become so apparently lost because of the direction human beings have taken.

That’s just my personal thought and I don’t want to get dragged into endless debates with those who have made up their mind differently. But I believe this isn’t the end - I think it’s just the end of one chapter before the next one begins and none of us know what’s in it.

posted 4 days, 1 hour ago

comment by Baz tard - Ineos your face (U19119)
posted 2 hours, 27 minutes ago
Really sorry to hear this beeb and Dwight.

posted 4 days, 1 hour ago

😞hope you beat it & live many more years

posted 4 days ago

comment by The Light Brigade (U22847)
posted 1 hour, 47 minutes ago
comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 11 minutes ago
Of course when I get into the second bottle I can get a little maudlin, or so I'm told.
2nd bottle of what? Do tell … 🍷
You've pictured well

comment by Beeb (U1841)

posted 4 days ago

comment by Dwight K Schrute (U22590)
posted 4 hours, 37 minutes ago
Hey Beeb

Sorry to read this, I am still a few years shy of being 40.

In April I was diagnosed with End Stage Liver Disease, when I was hospitalized with heptorenal syndrome.

My MELD score gave me 40% chance of seeing July.

My life these days is weighing 50kg, looking like the worst Simpsons drawn pregnant alien ever.

I’m now entirely bed ridden been taken to and from the hospital weekly to have a procedure to drain about 6 litres of fluid off me.

I made my peace with it, knowing my nine year daughter is gonna grow without me crushes me insufferably and is maybe the reason my body won’t let go and I continue he taking all these meds multiple times a day and going for all the test and procedures etc in the minuscule hope I get a transplant I dunno.

My life has taken me to Australia where my daughter was born and after nearly a decade I moved to California with work.

I was non stop, I didn’t have time to stop and enjoy as they say. These days, the lucid days when ammonia isn’t poisoning my brain and when pain is relatively low I enjoy reading, whittling, reminiscing.

I had my sister send me a multipack of space raiders, monster munch, pot noodles and irn bru and a few other things they’re all junk but at this point who cares

Side note price/portions back home are shocking. When did midget gems and sports kid become so soft? Where did shandy bass go? That was the taste of my childhood Thursday night after football chip shop dinner and a can of “bass”

The little things, the simple things, enjoy the nonsensical sports tv world of the US, even sports I hated, just enjoying, making convos with nurses, helpers, -“actually getting to know people properly

In a way it fills me with regret I wasted so much time, speaking as a man on his death bed, it’s true you make peace easy with anything wrong you’ve done but it’s far harder to live with the regret of things not done.

Anyway, stay strong Beeb

Didn’t mean to try steal your thunder just that this post finally allowed me to open up on here


Dwight. That brought tears to my eyes. But I needed that, to put everything - including my own battle - into context. If there is such a thing as a non-religious prayer, I’ll be on my knees tonight.

It’s somewhat re-assuring to have a fellow passenger with me in the departure lounge. I’ve checked in my bags but, unlike you, my flight may be delayed a tad longer than yours. Technically, they still haven’t issued my boarding pass yet. Although, as you would expect from my personal low-cost carrier, I’ve been told that my emotional baggage won’t fit in the overhead celestial locker and it needs to go in the hold.

Have a good flight bro, and I’ll see you on the other side.

posted 4 days ago

It's funny how all view it.
I don't want any of that suffering malarkey.
But after that I'm sure it's just like before I was born.

comment by kinsang (U3346)

posted 3 days, 23 hours ago

Wish you all the best with 'round 3' versus the big C. We have probably all been close to someone who has had some form of cancer, some will have come through it, some will sadly have not.

Obviously hope you come through again, and the battle isn't too painful

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted 3 days, 21 hours ago

Dwight - had no idea you weren’t well, your post is incredibly close to home at a similar age with two young daughters myself.

Best of luck with your journey Beeb, you’ve beaten it twice you can do it again!! Do you mind me asking how old you are and how you found out?

I hear more and more stories of people finding prostate cancer on their first routine check up. I wonder why the NHS don’t test younger men?

comment by Beeb (U1841)

posted 3 days, 19 hours ago

Busby - Incredible. We’ve all known each other - through JA606 - for so many years and yet, none of us have really shared our darkest thoughts. That’s the downside of being born male, I suppose. We just don’t share such stuff. Plus the old “British Stiff Upper Lip” mannerism. Just a flesh wound.

The thought of having your doctor’s finger up your Argentina is not - I assume, in most cases - a thought to dwell on. It’ll last 30 seconds. But it could extend your life by 30 years.

Do it. For your kids’ sake. For your wife’s sake. For your own peace of mind.

comment by Beeb (U1841)

posted 3 days, 19 hours ago

Sorry - that’s generally aimed at all of JA606, not specifically Busby.

Dwight - as promised, I’m saying that non-religious prayer for you. Don’t know the exact words but it goes something like;

Crank. Crank. Crank… Pop!…. Glug, glug, glug…

I do love a good red wine sacrament. Blessings, dude.

posted 3 days, 18 hours ago

Stay strong dude. Praying for you. I have no doubt you will pull through the 3rd time and beat the bastard

Keep fighting!

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