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These 265 comments are related to an article called:

Woke Argument (Debate Isn't Possible)

Page 4 of 11

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

Why is every one so easily offended WOKE ENGLAND FLAG ON SHIRT

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

This feels like Question Time with a bunch of apes swinging around.

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 23 minutes ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 29 seconds ago
comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 1 minute ago
For me woke is a term used by people who don't understand or like or are threatened by people doing things they don't understand and instead of trying to understand and show a bit of empathy (it's not easy tbf) they default to fear and anger over things that don't actually affect their lives. When this is pointed out, rather than engage in debate or questioning their own behaviour, it's easier to fire back with an insult to protect the ego.

It's difficult to talk to someone and have a reasonable discussion with someone making ignorant comments who acts as if they're informed. I do try with people I care about but it takes a lot of patience and the acceptance of discomfort to get to a place of understanding.
You mean, like people who can’t or won’t accept that weird ideology of believing a man must now be treated as a woman just because he wears woman’s clothes and make-up and insists on being called a woman because they’ll be offended with your refusal to buy into their crackpot ideology
How many people have you met that have ever actually insisted this? I wonder how many trans people you've actually met period.

The point is that you're shouting into a void really because I don't think anyone is actually saying you do have to do any of the things that you've listed.

For instance, my default work email signature template had pronouns on. Now because I don't need them or use them, I deleted it because I don't think it's necessary. Have my work said anything? No. So the idea that we're forced to adhere to certain things is complete nonsense fabricated by certain media outlets for clicks. Ignore it all and let people live how they want to live and know that it doesn't affect your life one bit.

Although I feel we may have differing political views, very well said

The trans people I know don't get offended if you mistakenly mis-gender etc. Especially if you knew them before

Unfortunately, the very focal minority online and on any news channel you care to mention gives the impression that everyone is that hardcore.

Each should be able live how they wish within reason, obviously), but can't dictate how everyone should treat them.

I worked with a Trans Lady in the early 2000's, before it was so accepted. Very brave back then, as you can imagine, was a bit weird in the office for about a week, but then it was just normal.

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

Well I think we've proven the title of the thread incorrect. Of course debate is possible. You just have to take a moment to not demonize someone who disagrees with you

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 1 minute ago
Well I think we've proven the title of the thread incorrect. Of course debate is possible. You just have to take a moment to not demonize someone who disagrees with you

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

Protect are kids from grooming gang's but only if the perpetrator's are Muslim

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by Randy Wolters (U1734)
posted 1 minute ago
Protect are kids from grooming gang's but only if the perpetrator's are Muslim
Not this

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 1 minute ago
TBF - this Forum is governed by dictators - The Admins openly admit to this forum NOT being open to free speech

I’ve been banned from here previously for sharing my views on Hillsborough which TBH aren’t popular or accepted by the majority

But from someone who was actually there, I feel my opinion is just as valid as those who weren’t there and who tell me I’m working for saying what I say

The irony is, this forum is all about opinions and debating, but as I say, I’ve had my account banned for speaking out on a subject, which just made me walk away and not comm et on here for a couple of years

I’ve only come back on here in the past month, but expect to be kicked out again for saying what I’ve just said
What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. You can say what you want, doesn't mean there aren't consequences for being a vindictive lying сunt. Free speech doesn't entitle you to protection from consequences of your speech. I don't think you know what free speech means.
‘What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. ‘

By people who weren’t even there

I know what I saw and witnessed that day, and no amount of screaming, accusing, lying or cancelling will ever change my mind to the things I saw an witnessed

Trust that helps

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 4 minutes ago
Well I think we've proven the title of the thread incorrect. Of course debate is possible. You just have to take a moment to not demonize someone who disagrees with you
I would not wholly agree. Although some very sensible comments, there has also been the normal extremes thrown at both ends of the spectrum.

comment by PPPR (U23205)

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 28 minutes ago
woke to me means someone who is ignorant of major issues then suddenly wakes up to its existence one day and begins lecturing others about it without knowing what the f*ck they're talking about

That's not what it means but does demonstrate how it's often being used. Which makes a debate difficult. It's like 'snowflake'. Someone who's easily offended right? Except people shouting at snowflakes were offended they'd been told they were being offensive..

It's a divided, polarised society right now. Which is sad
nobody knows what it means.

it's not a divided polarised society either, most people bump along ok. debating on forums isn't particularly important to most people.

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 1 minute ago
TBF - this Forum is governed by dictators - The Admins openly admit to this forum NOT being open to free speech

I’ve been banned from here previously for sharing my views on Hillsborough which TBH aren’t popular or accepted by the majority

But from someone who was actually there, I feel my opinion is just as valid as those who weren’t there and who tell me I’m working for saying what I say

The irony is, this forum is all about opinions and debating, but as I say, I’ve had my account banned for speaking out on a subject, which just made me walk away and not comm et on here for a couple of years

I’ve only come back on here in the past month, but expect to be kicked out again for saying what I’ve just said
What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. You can say what you want, doesn't mean there aren't consequences for being a vindictive lying сunt. Free speech doesn't entitle you to protection from consequences of your speech. I don't think you know what free speech means.
‘What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. ‘

By people who weren’t even there

I know what I saw and witnessed that day, and no amount of screaming, accusing, lying or cancelling will ever change my mind to the things I saw an witnessed

Trust that helps
Not wanting to open a can of worms, but I am fascinated to know what your views are that are not popular.

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by PPPR (U23205)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 28 minutes ago
woke to me means someone who is ignorant of major issues then suddenly wakes up to its existence one day and begins lecturing others about it without knowing what the f*ck they're talking about

That's not what it means but does demonstrate how it's often being used. Which makes a debate difficult. It's like 'snowflake'. Someone who's easily offended right? Except people shouting at snowflakes were offended they'd been told they were being offensive..

It's a divided, polarised society right now. Which is sad
nobody knows what it means.

it's not a divided polarised society either, most people bump along ok. debating on forums isn't particularly important to most people.

Well they do in as much as any word has a meaning that is usually attributed to it.

Yeah fair enough that was a bit melodramatic. It's not divided so much in every day life. But in terms of political discourse I certainly think society is more polarised than ever before. And yeah most people bump along not having political discourse but a lot do. And generally they're on social media, following things they agree with and not being exposed to things they don't

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

Its just a buzz word used for how society and corperations behave nowadays and its heavily linked to DEI issues that are plaguing pretty much everything we do now.

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago


posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by Bored As Fudge Again (U21998)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 4 minutes ago
Well I think we've proven the title of the thread incorrect. Of course debate is possible. You just have to take a moment to not demonize someone who disagrees with you
I would not wholly agree. Although some very sensible comments, there has also been the normal extremes thrown at both ends of the spectrum.
Some people just want to argue will always be a true statement, certainly on an internet forum. 'Debate is impossible' is clearly incorrect

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by Bored As Fudge Again (U21998)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 1 minute ago
TBF - this Forum is governed by dictators - The Admins openly admit to this forum NOT being open to free speech

I’ve been banned from here previously for sharing my views on Hillsborough which TBH aren’t popular or accepted by the majority

But from someone who was actually there, I feel my opinion is just as valid as those who weren’t there and who tell me I’m working for saying what I say

The irony is, this forum is all about opinions and debating, but as I say, I’ve had my account banned for speaking out on a subject, which just made me walk away and not comm et on here for a couple of years

I’ve only come back on here in the past month, but expect to be kicked out again for saying what I’ve just said
What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. You can say what you want, doesn't mean there aren't consequences for being a vindictive lying сunt. Free speech doesn't entitle you to protection from consequences of your speech. I don't think you know what free speech means.
‘What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. ‘

By people who weren’t even there

I know what I saw and witnessed that day, and no amount of screaming, accusing, lying or cancelling will ever change my mind to the things I saw an witnessed

Trust that helps
Not wanting to open a can of worms, but I am fascinated to know what your views are that are not popular.
Just read the Sun reports of that day, the lies the police made where they redacted and changed statements etc. and they are his views.

Don't want him getting cancelled for his free speech now do we?

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

Burning down mosques is free speech

comment by PPPR (U23205)

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)

Well they do in as much as any word has a meaning that is usually attributed to it.

i get what you're saying, but snowflake as you pointed out is an example of a word that evolved when people started turning it back on those that are using the term against them.

people use woke as a slur against the left, but there's as many people on the right that have suddenly woken up to issues and become very vocal about them overnight.

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by Bored As Fudge Again (U21998)
posted 11 seconds ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 1 minute ago
TBF - this Forum is governed by dictators - The Admins openly admit to this forum NOT being open to free speech

I’ve been banned from here previously for sharing my views on Hillsborough which TBH aren’t popular or accepted by the majority

But from someone who was actually there, I feel my opinion is just as valid as those who weren’t there and who tell me I’m working for saying what I say

The irony is, this forum is all about opinions and debating, but as I say, I’ve had my account banned for speaking out on a subject, which just made me walk away and not comm et on here for a couple of years

I’ve only come back on here in the past month, but expect to be kicked out again for saying what I’ve just said
What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. You can say what you want, doesn't mean there aren't consequences for being a vindictive lying сunt. Free speech doesn't entitle you to protection from consequences of your speech. I don't think you know what free speech means.
‘What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. ‘

By people who weren’t even there

I know what I saw and witnessed that day, and no amount of screaming, accusing, lying or cancelling will ever change my mind to the things I saw an witnessed

Trust that helps
Not wanting to open a can of worms, but I am fascinated to know what your views are that are not popular.
My views on Hillsborough are simple:

Having been there, I 100% believe that the innocent victims of Hillsborough were those who had been in the ground for a couple of hours - they were killed because of a crush when the gates were opened and the 1000’s of ticketless supporters that were undoubtedly there saw their opportunity of getting into the match on a freebie

Of course there were other factors involved, and I’m not saying that the Liverpool supporters intended for anything like what happened to happen

However, the whitewash over the years to say that the Liverpool supporters were totally blameless is totally incorrect - they contributed to causing that disaster - which should never have happened

But for them to continually scream victim and Justice without actually facing up to the part they played is utterly dishonest wrong

The poor innocents one were killed at the front ofnthe stadium partly by the hoards behind them, many without tickets

I’ll probably get banned for voicing these views, but TBH, I don’t greatly care, I’ve not been on here for the past 2 years anyway, so I’ll hardly miss it

I just find it a shame that the admins don’t allow ALL views to be shared and debated but rather ban someone who actually speaks the truth from his perspective

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 18 seconds ago
comment by Bored As Fudge Again (U21998)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 4 minutes ago
Well I think we've proven the title of the thread incorrect. Of course debate is possible. You just have to take a moment to not demonize someone who disagrees with you
I would not wholly agree. Although some very sensible comments, there has also been the normal extremes thrown at both ends of the spectrum.
Some people just want to argue will always be a true statement, certainly on an internet forum. 'Debate is impossible' is clearly incorrect
Depends on parameters.

Debate is clearly possible with sensible reasonable people.

But there are also people who believe so strongly in their views, there is no other way.

For example, my Son believes strongly in the Cisgender and I will debate that we don't need to label a woman who is born a woman. They don't have to be differentiated from other women. Light the fireworks.

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Bored As Fudge Again (U21998)
posted 11 seconds ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 1 minute ago
TBF - this Forum is governed by dictators - The Admins openly admit to this forum NOT being open to free speech

I’ve been banned from here previously for sharing my views on Hillsborough which TBH aren’t popular or accepted by the majority

But from someone who was actually there, I feel my opinion is just as valid as those who weren’t there and who tell me I’m working for saying what I say

The irony is, this forum is all about opinions and debating, but as I say, I’ve had my account banned for speaking out on a subject, which just made me walk away and not comm et on here for a couple of years

I’ve only come back on here in the past month, but expect to be kicked out again for saying what I’ve just said
What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. You can say what you want, doesn't mean there aren't consequences for being a vindictive lying сunt. Free speech doesn't entitle you to protection from consequences of your speech. I don't think you know what free speech means.
‘What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. ‘

By people who weren’t even there

I know what I saw and witnessed that day, and no amount of screaming, accusing, lying or cancelling will ever change my mind to the things I saw an witnessed

Trust that helps
Not wanting to open a can of worms, but I am fascinated to know what your views are that are not popular.
My views on Hillsborough are simple:

Having been there, I 100% believe that the innocent victims of Hillsborough were those who had been in the ground for a couple of hours - they were killed because of a crush when the gates were opened and the 1000’s of ticketless supporters that were undoubtedly there saw their opportunity of getting into the match on a freebie

Of course there were other factors involved, and I’m not saying that the Liverpool supporters intended for anything like what happened to happen

However, the whitewash over the years to say that the Liverpool supporters were totally blameless is totally incorrect - they contributed to causing that disaster - which should never have happened

But for them to continually scream victim and Justice without actually facing up to the part they played is utterly dishonest wrong

The poor innocents one were killed at the front ofnthe stadium partly by the hoards behind them, many without tickets

I’ll probably get banned for voicing these views, but TBH, I don’t greatly care, I’ve not been on here for the past 2 years anyway, so I’ll hardly miss it

I just find it a shame that the admins don’t allow ALL views to be shared and debated but rather ban someone who actually speaks the truth from his perspective
Yeah. I remember there was a disaster in China where they opened a damn and the water from the reservoir went down the river and killed lots of people in a village and they blamed the people who opened the damn and not the WATER IN THE RIVER WHICH OS ACTUALLY WHAT KILLED PEOPLE. I know cos I saw the water with my own eyes. Ignore others mate. They weren't there

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Bored As Fudge Again (U21998)
posted 11 seconds ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 1 minute ago
TBF - this Forum is governed by dictators - The Admins openly admit to this forum NOT being open to free speech

I’ve been banned from here previously for sharing my views on Hillsborough which TBH aren’t popular or accepted by the majority

But from someone who was actually there, I feel my opinion is just as valid as those who weren’t there and who tell me I’m working for saying what I say

The irony is, this forum is all about opinions and debating, but as I say, I’ve had my account banned for speaking out on a subject, which just made me walk away and not comm et on here for a couple of years

I’ve only come back on here in the past month, but expect to be kicked out again for saying what I’ve just said
What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. You can say what you want, doesn't mean there aren't consequences for being a vindictive lying сunt. Free speech doesn't entitle you to protection from consequences of your speech. I don't think you know what free speech means.
‘What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. ‘

By people who weren’t even there

I know what I saw and witnessed that day, and no amount of screaming, accusing, lying or cancelling will ever change my mind to the things I saw an witnessed

Trust that helps
Not wanting to open a can of worms, but I am fascinated to know what your views are that are not popular.
My views on Hillsborough are simple:

Having been there, I 100% believe that the innocent victims of Hillsborough were those who had been in the ground for a couple of hours - they were killed because of a crush when the gates were opened and the 1000’s of ticketless supporters that were undoubtedly there saw their opportunity of getting into the match on a freebie

Of course there were other factors involved, and I’m not saying that the Liverpool supporters intended for anything like what happened to happen

However, the whitewash over the years to say that the Liverpool supporters were totally blameless is totally incorrect - they contributed to causing that disaster - which should never have happened

But for them to continually scream victim and Justice without actually facing up to the part they played is utterly dishonest wrong

The poor innocents one were killed at the front ofnthe stadium partly by the hoards behind them, many without tickets

I’ll probably get banned for voicing these views, but TBH, I don’t greatly care, I’ve not been on here for the past 2 years anyway, so I’ll hardly miss it

I just find it a shame that the admins don’t allow ALL views to be shared and debated but rather ban someone who actually speaks the truth from his perspective
Actually, I have said something very similar. That is not to say the police are innocent, they lied about events and demonised innocent supporters.

But, if you investigate for route causes, the crush at the gate starts the incident on the day. But, if you go back further to earlier rounds if that FA Cup, it had happened before with these supporters and police had acted in the same way, but without the terrible consequences.

I am not aware of any supporter who was trying to force the gate being named or prosecuted.

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Bored As Fudge Again (U21998)
posted 11 seconds ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 1 minute ago
TBF - this Forum is governed by dictators - The Admins openly admit to this forum NOT being open to free speech

I’ve been banned from here previously for sharing my views on Hillsborough which TBH aren’t popular or accepted by the majority

But from someone who was actually there, I feel my opinion is just as valid as those who weren’t there and who tell me I’m working for saying what I say

The irony is, this forum is all about opinions and debating, but as I say, I’ve had my account banned for speaking out on a subject, which just made me walk away and not comm et on here for a couple of years

I’ve only come back on here in the past month, but expect to be kicked out again for saying what I’ve just said
What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. You can say what you want, doesn't mean there aren't consequences for being a vindictive lying сunt. Free speech doesn't entitle you to protection from consequences of your speech. I don't think you know what free speech means.
‘What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. ‘

By people who weren’t even there

I know what I saw and witnessed that day, and no amount of screaming, accusing, lying or cancelling will ever change my mind to the things I saw an witnessed

Trust that helps
Not wanting to open a can of worms, but I am fascinated to know what your views are that are not popular.
My views on Hillsborough are simple:

Having been there, I 100% believe that the innocent victims of Hillsborough were those who had been in the ground for a couple of hours - they were killed because of a crush when the gates were opened and the 1000’s of ticketless supporters that were undoubtedly there saw their opportunity of getting into the match on a freebie

Of course there were other factors involved, and I’m not saying that the Liverpool supporters intended for anything like what happened to happen

However, the whitewash over the years to say that the Liverpool supporters were totally blameless is totally incorrect - they contributed to causing that disaster - which should never have happened

But for them to continually scream victim and Justice without actually facing up to the part they played is utterly dishonest wrong

The poor innocents one were killed at the front ofnthe stadium partly by the hoards behind them, many without tickets

I’ll probably get banned for voicing these views, but TBH, I don’t greatly care, I’ve not been on here for the past 2 years anyway, so I’ll hardly miss it

I just find it a shame that the admins don’t allow ALL views to be shared and debated but rather ban someone who actually speaks the truth from his perspective
Just out of interest how do you know many were without tickets just because you were there? This has been proven incorrect on multiple occasions.

Also how did Liverpool fans contribute to the deaths apart from unknowingly being directed into an already full area? This again has been proven multiple times or you being there you somehow so the fans entered differently from your seat?

You're a lying сunt and your lies has been proven incorrect by actual evidence and police admitting what actually happened as well as being told what to say and having their evidence changed by their bosses.

That's not free speech, that's being a сunt.

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Bored As Fudge Again (U21998)
posted 11 seconds ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 1 minute ago
TBF - this Forum is governed by dictators - The Admins openly admit to this forum NOT being open to free speech

I’ve been banned from here previously for sharing my views on Hillsborough which TBH aren’t popular or accepted by the majority

But from someone who was actually there, I feel my opinion is just as valid as those who weren’t there and who tell me I’m working for saying what I say

The irony is, this forum is all about opinions and debating, but as I say, I’ve had my account banned for speaking out on a subject, which just made me walk away and not comm et on here for a couple of years

I’ve only come back on here in the past month, but expect to be kicked out again for saying what I’ve just said
What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. You can say what you want, doesn't mean there aren't consequences for being a vindictive lying сunt. Free speech doesn't entitle you to protection from consequences of your speech. I don't think you know what free speech means.
‘What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. ‘

By people who weren’t even there

I know what I saw and witnessed that day, and no amount of screaming, accusing, lying or cancelling will ever change my mind to the things I saw an witnessed

Trust that helps
Not wanting to open a can of worms, but I am fascinated to know what your views are that are not popular.
My views on Hillsborough are simple:

Having been there, I 100% believe that the innocent victims of Hillsborough were those who had been in the ground for a couple of hours - they were killed because of a crush when the gates were opened and the 1000’s of ticketless supporters that were undoubtedly there saw their opportunity of getting into the match on a freebie

Of course there were other factors involved, and I’m not saying that the Liverpool supporters intended for anything like what happened to happen

However, the whitewash over the years to say that the Liverpool supporters were totally blameless is totally incorrect - they contributed to causing that disaster - which should never have happened

But for them to continually scream victim and Justice without actually facing up to the part they played is utterly dishonest wrong

The poor innocents one were killed at the front ofnthe stadium partly by the hoards behind them, many without tickets

I’ll probably get banned for voicing these views, but TBH, I don’t greatly care, I’ve not been on here for the past 2 years anyway, so I’ll hardly miss it

I just find it a shame that the admins don’t allow ALL views to be shared and debated but rather ban someone who actually speaks the truth from his perspective
Just out of interest how do you know many were without tickets just because you were there? This has been proven incorrect on multiple occasions.

Also how did Liverpool fans contribute to the deaths apart from unknowingly being directed into an already full area? This again has been proven multiple times or you being there you somehow so the fans entered differently from your seat?

You're a lying сunt and your lies has been proven incorrect by actual evidence and police admitting what actually happened as well as being told what to say and having their evidence changed by their bosses.

That's not free speech, that's being a сunt.
Are you saying that there were not tickets supporters trying to gain access to the ground?

posted 5 days, 20 hours ago

comment by Bored As Fudge Again (U21998)
posted 0 seconds ago
comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Bored As Fudge Again (U21998)
posted 11 seconds ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by HEY, WE'RE BACK (U22866)
posted 1 minute ago
TBF - this Forum is governed by dictators - The Admins openly admit to this forum NOT being open to free speech

I’ve been banned from here previously for sharing my views on Hillsborough which TBH aren’t popular or accepted by the majority

But from someone who was actually there, I feel my opinion is just as valid as those who weren’t there and who tell me I’m working for saying what I say

The irony is, this forum is all about opinions and debating, but as I say, I’ve had my account banned for speaking out on a subject, which just made me walk away and not comm et on here for a couple of years

I’ve only come back on here in the past month, but expect to be kicked out again for saying what I’ve just said
What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. You can say what you want, doesn't mean there aren't consequences for being a vindictive lying сunt. Free speech doesn't entitle you to protection from consequences of your speech. I don't think you know what free speech means.
‘What you said has been refuted, debunked, apologised for been shown to be incorrect with evidence. ‘

By people who weren’t even there

I know what I saw and witnessed that day, and no amount of screaming, accusing, lying or cancelling will ever change my mind to the things I saw an witnessed

Trust that helps
Not wanting to open a can of worms, but I am fascinated to know what your views are that are not popular.
My views on Hillsborough are simple:

Having been there, I 100% believe that the innocent victims of Hillsborough were those who had been in the ground for a couple of hours - they were killed because of a crush when the gates were opened and the 1000’s of ticketless supporters that were undoubtedly there saw their opportunity of getting into the match on a freebie

Of course there were other factors involved, and I’m not saying that the Liverpool supporters intended for anything like what happened to happen

However, the whitewash over the years to say that the Liverpool supporters were totally blameless is totally incorrect - they contributed to causing that disaster - which should never have happened

But for them to continually scream victim and Justice without actually facing up to the part they played is utterly dishonest wrong

The poor innocents one were killed at the front ofnthe stadium partly by the hoards behind them, many without tickets

I’ll probably get banned for voicing these views, but TBH, I don’t greatly care, I’ve not been on here for the past 2 years anyway, so I’ll hardly miss it

I just find it a shame that the admins don’t allow ALL views to be shared and debated but rather ban someone who actually speaks the truth from his perspective
Just out of interest how do you know many were without tickets just because you were there? This has been proven incorrect on multiple occasions.

Also how did Liverpool fans contribute to the deaths apart from unknowingly being directed into an already full area? This again has been proven multiple times or you being there you somehow so the fans entered differently from your seat?

You're a lying сunt and your lies has been proven incorrect by actual evidence and police admitting what actually happened as well as being told what to say and having their evidence changed by their bosses.

That's not free speech, that's being a сunt.
Are you saying that there were not tickets supporters trying to gain access to the ground?

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