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These 51 comments are related to an article called:

Judicial Review

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posted on 18/10/11

We see your words myhammers but all I'm seeing is

posted on 18/10/11

"Here's the story of a love;y lady
Who was bringing up three very pretty
All of them had hair of gold, like their mother,
The youngest one in curls.

Here's the store, of a man named Brady,
Who was busy with three boys of his own,
They were four men, living all together,
Yet they were all alone.

Till the one day when the lady met this fellow
And they knew it was much more than a hunch,
That this group would somehow form a family.
That's the way we all became the Brady Bunch.
The Brady Bunch,

That's the way we all became the Brady Bunch.
The Brady Bunch."

posted on 18/10/11

Here's the story, of a moon-faced lady
Who was bringing up ad sales for three bosses exploiting pretty girls.
Some of them had a name of Gold, like their mother,
The short-a-r-sed one never with hair in curls.

posted on 18/10/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 18/10/11

I've said it before and I'll say it again...
West Ham....

posted on 19/10/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 19/10/11

It's telling that no one has given a serious and sensible reason as to why the JR application was withdrawn by dishonest Dan. The silence is deafening from those who insisted that Tottenham simply wanted to recouip their expenses and expose the flawed and corrupt bidding process.

It's clear that there was no substance in the JR application. It was merely pure greed by a greedy club that wanted to get its greedy hands on something it had no right wanting in the first place.
West Ham may be in the Championship, but at least we're proud of our heritage and borough. I guess the same could be said of the overwhelming majority of clubs in England. Except for those opportunist north London vultures.

posted on 19/10/11

"It's telling that no one has given a serious and sensible reason as to why the JR application was withdrawn by dishonest Dan. The silence is deafening from those who insisted that Tottenham simply wanted to recouip their expenses and expose the flawed and corrupt bidding process."

From this very article ...

The PLC are are not vindictive enough (unless they eventually got the true nature of the Newham bid finances from the FOI request - denial of which led to the Newham setting themselves up for the first JR ) .

Perhaps you have have the full details of the Newham intended financing (could have saved a lot of aggro for the Spanners if you had just posted it on 606 )

myhammers : <doh

"It's clear that there was no substance in the JR application."


The burden on proof is now on you to show that the Newham OS bid does not constitute state aid (the remit of the granted JR) .
If you could start by telling us :

- how Newham intended to secure the 40m loan, what interest rate they would be paying to the lender etc

- the terms of the loan to the Spanners (interest rate etc)

that will get things moving.

Otherwise, myhammers :

posted on 19/10/11

RDBD: I believe you were one of those who were quite adamant that the 'truth' would be exposed in the JR application.
Maybe Levy/THFC/PLC doesn't wish to embarrass Newham, West Ham, the govt and the Mayor and that's why he's withdrawn it.

posted on 19/10/11

myhammers :

Doesn't read what people wrote. Too spineless to admit so.
Still prevaricating.

posted on 19/10/11

It's a simple question. You were so sure that there was substaqnce in the JR application and the truth would out.
So what explanation have you for its withdrawal?

My contention was that it was merely a desperate and dishonest attempt by Levy to tie up the OS in the courts.

posted on 19/10/11

myhammers :

Already told you (on both counts) .
If you do not understand written English, please indicate which parts of :

"The PLC are are not vindictive enough (unless they eventually got the true nature of the Newham bid finances from the FOI request - denial of which led to the Newham setting themselves up for the first JR ) ."

you do not understand, and I will attempt to clarify things for you.

"My contention was that it was merely a desperate and dishonest attempt by Levy to tie up the OS in the courts. "

Your contention is wrong (both on "desperate" , and "dishonest" ) .
But as always, please feel free to show otherwise (distinguishing between the "desperate" and "dishonest" parts) ...

posted on 19/10/11

I understand written English, just not yours.

Anyway, the PLC do not necessarily have to be vindictive to not withdraw the JR (though quite how you can state they are not vindictive is interesting. Are you privy to this??).
If it was done on a sound basis and they felt they were right, surely they would pursue it to the end. And especially so in order to have their costs paid by the other parties (which was the main point made by Tottenham fans to justify the JR).

posted on 19/10/11

"If it was done on a sound basis and they felt they were right, surely they would pursue it to the end."

Perhaps in addition to now having the info that would have come out in the JR, they have been 'encouraged' not to push for that info to be revealed in the public domain.

posted on 19/10/11

As usual, cut through all the waffle, and what we're left with is mere fanciful opinion.

posted on 19/10/11

"As usual, cut through all the waffle, and what we're left with is mere fanciful opinion."

Oh the irony of the above, especially in the context of below (which you previously wrote) ... <doh

"My contention was that it was merely a desperate and dishonest attempt by Levy to tie up the OS in the courts."

posted on 19/10/11

There's a difference between reasonable opinion based on fact, and mere wishful thinking.

The OPLC made last week's decision becasuse they feared the OS would be tied up in the courts by Tottenham. It's on this basis that I say the JR application was merely a delaying tactic.

On what basis do you say "they have been 'encouraged' not to push for that info to be revealed in the public domain"?

posted on 19/10/11

"There's a difference between reasonable opinion based on fact, and mere wishful thinking."

And you have consistently showed us that you cannot distinguish one from the other.

"On what basis do you say "they have been 'encouraged' not to push for that info to be revealed in the public domain"?"

On what basis do I say :

"Perhaps" (conveniently elided by you - and noted )
"they have been 'encouraged' not to push for that info to be revealed in the public domain"

On the basis that revealing the info shows that the Newham bid funding was a joke. Which then turns the focus onto how the voting panel could vote 14-0 when the financing is a shambles.

posted on 19/10/11

That's not my question. I'm asking on what credible source are you putting forward that opinion.

posted on 19/10/11

On the basis that :

1. A Labour COUNCILLOR in Newham, who asked his OWN COUNCIL for the full details of the Newham OS bid, and on BBC London, told the reporter he was given ONE SHEET of A4 paper in response.

2. Newham Council procrastinating on an FOI request for details of the funding arrangements by THFC PLC (which gave the PLC the initial ammunition for a JR to be called) .

3. The OLPC panicking when they heard the EC (creators of the state aid legislation) might become DIRECTLY INVOLVED in the case (as opposed to on appeal by a losing party) .

posted on 19/10/11

I think you're inferring far too much. If there was anything dodgy or not quite right, you could be sure dishonest Dan would have made it known to the public and the relevant authorities.

posted on 19/10/11

"If there was anything dodgy or not quite right, you could be sure dishonest Dan would have made it known to the public and the relevant authorities."

Making the info known to the public allows a potential response by your opponent prior to the JR hearing.

Not sure who the "relevant authorities" are in your rhetoric, and what (if any) behaviour of note would be trigged in them by such info.

posted on 19/10/11

The hearing/ application has been withdrawn! Therefore any damaging info Levy had would surely have been disclosed.

'Relevant authorities' includes the Mayor, OPLC, govt ministers, Newham council etc.

posted on 19/10/11

"Therefore any damaging info Levy had would surely have been disclosed."

Why ??
Who knows what info the PLC now have, and how useful it will be to them in the new WHL proceedings ??

"'Relevant authorities' includes"

"the Mayor"

Politnik. Still ostensibly involved in the new WHL proceedings. ***


Still could be embarrassed at some later date.

"govt ministers"

Politniks. Still ostensibly involved in the new WHL proceedings. ***

"Newham council"

No value whatsoever, other than being the named correspondent in the JR. Everyone expects a Labour council like Newham to have made a complete mess of their financial proposals.

*** Not to say that damage can/may not be still be inflicted at some later date (Boris being a prime candidate with 2012 looming) .

posted on 19/10/11

Conjecture. Fanciful opinion. Clutching at straws.

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