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These 76 comments are related to an article called:

Where is the supposed Tottenham support?

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posted on 22/10/11

Looks like a Wum to me

At least you didn't mention Kevin Costner

posted on 22/10/11

Tottenham could have done with Kevin Costner at the last home game to boost the numbers.

posted on 22/10/11

I thought you two were one and the same

Op, are you the infamous "Holte Legends?"

comment by oddiY.. (U1585)

posted on 22/10/11

Is that it?

you actually researched those attendances for this article?

on a saturday night?

I think you need to look in the mirror and ask some serious soul searching questions mate

posted on 22/10/11

He's my apprentice Culty.

posted on 22/10/11

Maybe he just did a google search?

posted on 22/10/11

Culty - I'm Warm Feet

OddiY - it would be great if you could make a contribution about Tottenham's missing numbers (last home game less than two thirds full)

comment by oddiY.. (U1585)

posted on 22/10/11

Culty, even a google search would take a few minutes

Come on Warm Feet, buck up mate, if you are going to wum, please do it properly with a bit of originality

posted on 22/10/11

Are you disputing the numbers?

comment by oddiY.. (U1585)

posted on 22/10/11

Warm Feet, i could go on about it being Mid Week, Second Stream, Europa cup, etc etc ..but i wont fuel your less than average Wum attempt

posted on 22/10/11

Mid week = mid week for all the teams
Second stream = most the teams rested players
Europa Cup/Uefa Cup = same for all the teams

So you have no good reasons why Tottenham have less fans?

comment by oddiY.. (U1585)

posted on 22/10/11

And no mate, im disputing, or confirming the numbers, im not 4rsed enough to research them ....im more concerned that you consider it important, and why.

do you need a hug?

posted on 22/10/11

Just curious why Tottenham don't have the support to fill their ground a bit more

I'll have a hug anyway though

posted on 22/10/11

They can clear it pretty sharpish as well,when City scored the fifth I thought it was a fire drill

comment by oddiY.. (U1585)

posted on 22/10/11

Warm Feet

I Dont know the answers mate, i dont pretend to be an expert, or to be concerned - what would be your explanation, its is surely something you find important?

posted on 22/10/11

I'm interested to hear others views on the lack of numbers hence me asking the question

Just a topic of discussion - nothing more than that

posted on 22/10/11

Well I am one of five who were unable to attend last Thursday. Five of us driving up and got stuck on m3 an unable to get up to whl

posted on 22/10/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 22/10/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 22/10/11

What the OP completely fails to understand is that we bring our "B crowd" to watch our B team play in the Europa league.

36K (A Crowd) + 24K (B Crowd) = 60K

Hence the need for a higher capacity of a least 55,000+

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 22/10/11

Warm you crazy old chrone! whatca doing in on a Sat night! isn't it Bingo down the local?

I couldn't give a <toss> about the attendance, we won


comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 22/10/11

Warm I have decided to steal your wheelchair you pension loving

No more wumming for you!

posted on 23/10/11

Warm Feet.... where you at, you old foooooo! Let's throw down

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 23/10/11









posted on 23/10/11

Warm Feet, aka podiatrist to pensioners was formerly rogerbold.

The evidence is plain to see; sad and Spurs obsessed, unoriginal thoughts, comments and posts, derogatory towards Spurs, too ashamed to make public which team he actually followers and a constant troll on the Spurs board.

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