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posted on 11/12/20

No Pants

posted on 11/12/20

Pants r grate

posted on 14/12/20

I miss Ramsey and the songs we used to sing about him.

I hope he is well

posted on 22/12/20

Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve everyone

posted on 22/12/20

No wait that's too many Eves

posted on 22/12/20

It did Adam's head in as well.

posted on 22/12/20

Great banter

posted on 29/1/21

So, on no pantz Fridays. Did we mean pants in the British or American context? I wore neither to cover all bases, naturally

posted on 29/1/21

I was on a work call with neither on. Then someone turned their camera on so everyone else did. My internet suddenly had a poor connection

posted on 29/1/21

I wonder is Sagna is 18 yet?

posted on 29/1/21

Why do you all hate pants what did pants do to you

posted on 29/1/21

comment by RonAlvinho (U6117)
posted 11 minutes ago
I wonder is Sagna is 18 yet?
Probably in four years time

posted on 29/1/21

comment by Osman Sow (U1734)
posted 13 minutes ago
I was on a work call with neither on. Then someone turned their camera on so everyone else did. My internet suddenly had a poor connection

Yeah that’s the worst. I’ve been caught in the dressing gown often

posted on 29/1/21

comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 6 minutes ago
Why do you all hate pants what did pants do to you

What did pants do to YOU?

posted on 29/1/21

comment by Edinspur (U1109)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 6 minutes ago
Why do you all hate pants what did pants do to you

What did pants do to YOU?
Last pants I had were London Bridge pants. They were rubbish, kept falling down.

posted on 29/1/21

comment by Edinspur (U1109)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 6 minutes ago
Why do you all hate pants what did pants do to you

What did pants do to YOU?
I forced Pun to have dragon soop in Dundee

posted on 29/1/21

comment by Edinspur (U1109)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by RonAlvinho (U6117)
posted 11 minutes ago
I wonder is Sagna is 18 yet?
Probably in four years time
13 in 2011. He will be 23 this year. That's strange

posted on 29/1/21

comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 17 minutes ago
Why do you all hate pants what did pants do to you

They failed to hold my urine suitably.

posted on 29/1/21

What's everyone's record for days in a row wearing the same pants? Mine is a few days. But I only put them on briefly to go to the kitchen where people could see

posted on 30/1/21

I've worn the same pants all my life. I have no texture to my crotch and everything is the colour nude like an action man doll.

posted on 30/1/21

Alvin can you currently do muscle ups? Return to gayman chat of 9 years ago

posted on 30/1/21

comment by Osman Sow (U1734)
posted 9 hours, 46 minutes ago
Alvin can you currently do muscle ups? Return to gayman chat of 9 years ago


I herniated a disc back in September or October and it caused some pretty bad nerve damage. Lost all strength in my right tricep and part of my right pec... Soooo facking painful.

Bench went from 117.5kg for 5 to struggling to lift 40kg. Couldn't do a single tricep extension with even 2kg and pull ups/dips just completely disappeared.

I can manage 6 pull ups now although they're not particularly strict. Can bench 100kg for 5 again but it's predominantly left sided. I also couldn't flex my right tricep until earlier this month so it's healing pretty well.

Such a bizarre injury. Anyone who sleeps on their stomach, I suggest you train yourself to sleep on your back, because it wrecks havoc on your spine.

posted on 30/1/21


posted on 3/2/21

comment by The Owl 🦉 & hELLo Kitty (U1750)
posted 4 days, 5 hours ago

Kittabelle hope you're well?

posted on 3/2/21

Sorry Alvin meant to reply. That sounds terrible. Injuries are the worst.

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