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ja 606 record

Page 18380 of 18448

posted on 8/5/21

S1 was so strong it's etched in my mind. 2 is very different. 3 is the most separate, probably the worst of the 3 but still good. Can barely glean what the 4th one is about from the trailers but looking forward to it

posted on 10/5/21

I liked da fart scene

posted on 30/5/21


posted on 10/6/21

Killed the thread

posted on 17/6/21

comment by Andrei Sergeyevich Arshavin - Make ja 606 record thread Great Again! (U4416)
posted on 8/5/21
S1 was so strong it's etched in my mind. 2 is very different. 3 is the most separate, probably the worst of the 3 but still good. Can barely glean what the 4th one is about from the trailers but looking forward to it

posted on 18/6/21

Fargo ranked:

not seen s4 yet

posted on 26/6/21

I am sad at the football

posted on 26/6/21

This Fargo is nearly finished btw and I still have no idea what Oraetta's deal is

posted on 26/6/21

Why are you sad at the football

posted on 27/6/21

I am from a constituent nation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland that are no longer in the delayed 2020 European Football Championships

posted on 28/6/21

Fargo series 4 is available on Channel 4, have not seen any of the previous series, but have thoroughly enjoyed it.

posted on 28/6/21

comment by Andrei Sergeyevich Arshavin - Make ja 606 record thread Great Again! (U4416)
posted 14 hours, 3 minutes ago
I am from a constituent nation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland that are no longer in the delayed 2020 European Football Championships
Ah ok.

posted on 17/7/21


posted on 24/7/21


posted on 24/7/21

comment by Andrei Sergeyevich Arshavin - Make ja 606 record thread Great Again! (U4416)
posted on 8/5/21
S1 was so strong it's etched in my mind. 2 is very different. 3 is the most separate, probably the worst of the 3 but still good. Can barely glean what the 4th one is about from the trailers but looking forward to it
This. Season 1 was the best, 3 the worst.

posted on 24/7/21

s3 is my favorite

posted on 25/7/21

comment by 4zA - Calcios coming Rome....Six stars on the shirt...lotsa Jules Rimets n Henri Delauneys r gleeming.....a cuppla days of hurt... (U22472)
posted 12 hours, 50 minutes ago
s3 is my favorite
S3 was a good season, its a great series IMO but s3 was the weakest for me.

posted on 25/7/21

s1 was grate but had a cuppla really bad episodes n the actor whut play the guy from Hobbit annoys me.

s2 was very solid but didnt quite reach big heights.

s3 had likabul characters n good storyline n was consistantly good.

posted on 15/9/21

comment by 4zA - Calcios coming Rome....Six stars on the shirt...lotsa Jules Rimets n Henri Delauneys r gleeming.....a cuppla weaks of hurt... (U22472)
posted on 25/7/21
s1 was grate but had a cuppla really bad episodes n the actor whut play the guy from Hobbit annoys me.

s2 was very solid but didnt quite reach big heights.

s3 had likabul characters n good storyline n was consistantly good.
S1 Rubbish
S2 Bad
S3 Meh
4za likes the eggplant in the poooop hole

posted on 29/9/21


posted on 29/9/21

Hi 1man

posted on 29/9/21

hi dj hows stuff?

posted on 29/9/21

Stuffs good 1man. How is 1mans stuff?

posted on 29/9/21

nice! yeah not bad mate

posted on 29/9/21

Been on TV recently?

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