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posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

Thatcher made a good job of getting rid of a lot of the union's powers. But bringing her up on here might spark a nasty debate...
if it wasn't for unions we'd still have a motor industry in this country, our engineering industry in general would have been less likely to have collapsed, and our fabrication industry would still be thriving.

back in the 1800's unions had a point, but with modern health and safety legislation etc they're just a complete throwback that costs the country far more than it benefits it.

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

Why do we have such a thick government.

Because we have a thick electorate.
given that only 2 of the parties ever have a prayer of getting in, i have to say i think we've got the best of a bad bunch at the moment.... given that the labour party are responsible for the mess this country is in currently, it seems only fair to give the others a chance to drag us out of it.

Perhaps they should kick them all out and put a party of single parents in charge.... now there's a group of people who know how to balance a budget

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

These problems stem back a lot further than the Thatcher era. The introduction of the banking system, interest and paper money has brought this economy to its knees.

The Capitalist system is a fool proof way of leaching the world of it's resources and advantaging only the very top of society.

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

These problems stem back a lot further than the Thatcher era. The introduction of the banking system, interest and paper money has brought this economy to its knees.

The Capitalist system is a fool proof way of leaching the world of it's resources and advantaging only the very top of society.
communism is the way forward!!

it's time for the revolution!!!

posted on 10/10/11

I just hate the fact that, when you work hard, rise through the ranks and get your reward of a high wage, the government takes a massive chunk of it to give to people who, in some cases BUT NOT ALL CASES, are just cheating the system and living on benefits when they are perfectly capable of working.
yeah... i know a few of those. Bugs the hell out of me that i work 40 hours a week to be about a tenner a week better off them them.....

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

*than them.

posted on 10/10/11

Who has seen the new South Park? no.

Or American Dad and Family Guy for that matter? god no!

southpark i got bored of many years ago.... american dad and familyguy just do my brain in. One of my mates has all the boxsets, and it seems like everytime i go over there they have one of them on.... i just can't see the appeal.

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

Communism and socialism mixture is the way society should be run. With the doing away of interest and paper money (which if you think about it has no intrinsic value) the piece of paper is just an IOU. It even says it on the note. Its all a big sham and we bought right into it.

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

the socialist/communist ideal is, in theory, great. unfortunately it just doesn't work in practise.... there are too many greedy people in society.

The only way it could work would be for the entire world to change over.... and then it'd only work until a group of capitalist aliens landed

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