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Page 8267 of 18437

posted on 19/4/12

this programme about the 70s is interesting, but i literally want to kill the presenter. it creates a dilema.

posted on 19/4/12

What Barry article?

posted on 19/4/12

What about members admin?

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 19/4/12

A half dozen members.

posted on 19/4/12

posted on 19/4/12

Yeah Barry i saw that link. Your article brought us an extra 1,800 visitors from twitter

my def lappard comment sent 1,801 back to twitter

posted on 19/4/12

I will bring more members when my plan comes to fruition. Whatever that means. Big day tomorrow in world domination. Will let you know how it goes.

posted on 19/4/12

Barry Smith High Chief World Leader

posted on 19/4/12

Das Bost?

posted on 19/4/12

stop shouting. Any word from UTID?

posted on 19/4/12

Not lately no. Hopefully recovering.

posted on 19/4/12

ive got new line for bazz lurhman

never drink baileys after eating sweet and sour pork.

posted on 19/4/12

NMTB with Simon Amstell and DAppy starting on Dave now.

posted on 19/4/12

Double points night

posted on 19/4/12


posted on 19/4/12

Barry Smith High Chief World Leader

Are you a world leader Barry ?

posted on 19/4/12

Who run the world girls

posted on 20/4/12

incompetent people probably.

it's the only way to explain :

1. america turning against one of it's longest standing allies in egypt in favour of a bunch of terrorists.

2. the western powers intervening milatarily against terorrists in libya who attacked its goernment (albeit other terorists) in armed conflict.

3. america and the western world siding with terrorists in syria who were trying to blow them up a few years ago.

4. the queen paying tribute to dead terorrists who murdered british soldiers and civilians

5. a uk cabinet minister facing criminal charges for sanctioning the detention of a terrorist in the wake of 9/11 and while the county was at war.

6. newsnight allowing an american raduate on a live television broadcast to explain to us why our previous foreign secretary and prime minister are criminals.

7. the current home secretary and her wazzle dazzle legal and support team being unable to count the number of days in 2 months.

8. people being promoted to senior positions in business who are totally clueless.

posted on 20/4/12

9. the chartered institue of arbitrators sending me adverts for courses to become a member of their organisation when i have been a fellow for 5 years.

posted on 20/4/12

posted on 20/4/12

10. unqualified and uneducatated administrative staff being generally senior to highly educated and highly qulified professional staff.

11. that easter debacle in dublin not being sorted out properly.

12. the first american soldier in the central command centre to be told of a hijacking on 9.11 to react by saying "cool".

13. the americans not being able to get state of the art fighter jets 200 miles to new york for about an hour from the time they took off because they wee told to fly out to sea.

14. england declaring war on germany to protect belgium and subsequently sacrificing 100s of 1000s of lives including some of the most able peoplein the country.

15. japan building a nuclear power station on the sea in an earthqauke zone with a perimiter wall too low to keep out a sea surge.

16. britain surrendering singapore to the japanese.

posted on 20/4/12

17. people with bundles and bundles of cash and no debt whatsoever being given a bad credit rating.

18. divorce and child custody laws generally.

19. england being unable to protect itself and its citiznes due to its subserveince to the european court of human rights

20. england distancing itself from europe at a time it needs to be exerting it's influence because of the government having its pants pulled down during preliminary negotiations.

21. states being able to wrack up huge debts that they cant possibly pay off.

22. huge amounts of individuals wracking up huge debts that they cant possibly pay off, thus playing a part in bringing the world's economy to it's knees.

23. the west failing to intervene in zimbabwe.

24. the uk government paying bucketloads of financial support every year to india when india is in many ways a richer country.

25. ghurkas not being given british citizanship.

26. people in america being able to sue anyone for anything.

posted on 20/4/12

27. maria from the apprentice getting fired.

28. alberto contador getting banned when everyone in cycling says he's innocent

29. the us grand prix being run with 4 cars taking part.

30. gordon brown selling most of britain's gold on the day the price of gold bottomed out.

posted on 20/4/12

31. jeremy paxman broadcasting programmes about the british empire, which says that people in britain are ashamed of the empire, and giving a mass murdering mao mao leader an easier interview than a british district officer. also criticising the british for trying to clamp down on mass murdering mao mao rebels.

32. the prime minister apologising for britain's role in slavery when britain is widely acknowledged around the world for being single handedly responsible for the abolishion of slavery.

33. south africa's victory targt in the first cricket wolrd cup semi final getting revised after a rain break from 7 to win from 6 balls to 7 to win from 1 ball.

34. the best rugby union team of all time not winning the world cup because they got food poisening the day before the final.

35. ayrton senna getting thrown out of the title deciding grand prix after one of the best drives in history because he went through an escape road forwards after being driven off the track by his oppoonent.

posted on 20/4/12

Red light destrict 3 o'clokc

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