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These 45 comments are related to an article called:

4 Massive Games For BWFC

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posted on 26/10/11

cracking article and kind of how i feel too...

although i only do ranting...

5 stars...

posted on 26/10/11

We all rant in our own ways Rebel

posted on 26/10/11

Agree with everything said. Its infuriating when we can see that not much is going right for us, yet he sticks with the same duffers every week. What was the point in bringing in Kakuta and Tuncay if they arent going to get a chance? And Mark Davies must be wondering what he's done wrong. The only 2 good signings hes made are Holden and Wheater as well as the loans of Studge and Wilshere, but loans dont benefit us long term. We also never give youth a chance, Riley will end up going the same way as Basham, Ward and many before them.

comment by JAH (U1627)

posted on 26/10/11

In all honesty Bwfc I gave up half way through. Another OC article! Fab! Good points about points, but half our side is the 2nd string!!!!!! Pratley, Robbo, NRC were 2nd string signings. We complained we didn't have back up, so we got the back up, but unfortunately the back up players are having to play. Did you read Holden's Hairstylist (U1689) article?

I really can't believe that people think another manager would be able to get more out of the 'lousy' 2nd string.

GG. Where is Basham now? Granted Ward is pretty good at H'sfield, but that's 2 divisions below us - I had hoped that he would break into the team, but I'm not an expert seeing these players on a daily basis.

posted on 26/10/11

Basham is at blackpool. granted i know they have'nt improved since leaving, but if they had been given more opportunities with us, around better players, they might have improved. If not then we could have demanded more in transfer fees as they could be seen as part of the squad instead of just a reserve.

posted on 26/10/11

JAH so you will happily say that Coyle should be allowed to continue in charge delivering defeat after defeat and maybe snatching the odd win everytime a team feels generous and gifts us goals like they have done in our only successes this season?

At what point do you stand up and say enough is enough as i cannot see Coyle being able to turn this around the team are not responding anymore and with 2 injuries to starting players how can you say this is our second string team?
Robinson has been first choice left back since Coyle arrived and Coyle could have replaced him in any of the 4 transfer windows he has been in charge off?

comment by JAH (U1627)

posted on 26/10/11

Bwfc. Robbo is only our first choice because Alonso got injured. Remember he was being phased in last season and Alonso plays much better with Petrov than Robbo because he's quick enough to get up and get back. Something that both Robbo and Davies are suffering from now - age.

The point about Holden not playing and avoiding relegation - you do realise that's almost 2 years ago now? KD has lost his 'S', Robbo and the rest of the team are 2 year older too, so we are in need of new additions and that's what OC was doing. You would've seen OC phase these players in over time, but unfortunate for us, they've had to all come in at the same/similar time.

"JAH so you will happily say that Coyle should be allowed to continue in charge delivering defeat after defeat and maybe snatching the odd win every time a team feels generous and gifts us goals like they have done in our only successes this season?".

If we keep making teams gift us goals then we will be ok. There has to be credit there doesn't there. You can't steal a win away from the players to justify your point. They took the field and beat the team in front of them. C'mon you're a Wanderer like me. If you were put in front of Chris Eagles would you say to him that the win against Wigan was down to them throwing it away? Would you? He might be a bit hit and miss at the mo, but you've got to give him credit for that game, surely. He played out of his skin and the team could've had 5 or 6.

In answer to your question, I will wait to reserve judgement until after the xmas games. If we are in the bottom 3 then the situation must be reviewed by the club, but reviewed doesn't mean sacked! If we are set for relegation this year we will lose half of our players to other teams and I would want OC as our manager in the Championship to stand us the best chance of getting back up again. If we are set for the big R, who would you put in charge of us to get us back?

posted on 26/10/11

It makes me laugh when people say, Coyle hasn't brought in good players, well he has brought in good players, what else could you expect o bring in when he gets a message before window starts which says, ' ok your transfers budget thi summer is £0' but you have an extra £100k in wages to spend a week.

So Job, Elmander, Cohen, Samuel Left an we bought Pratley and Reo Coker in instead. Now both these players are better than the ones who left.

So now we have £0 transfer budget to spend and about £40k in wages left. So we have to sell players before we buy them, we forced to sell Ali because £4m is needed, then Ward for £1m and Taylor for £2.2m, suddenly we've sold 3 players for £7.2m, two were out on loan, another not the essential, but now we have a squad even more to it's bare bones, no we need to spend £7m buying a rb to cover Ricketts, a centre back for cover, two centre midfielders, a right winger and 2 strikers, plus another left winger . Try and buy all those players, who are of great quality for £7m you just can't.
All well and good saying find a few more million, but type Swiss ramble and Bolton into google and you'll find a very complex and detailed analysis of our finances. We may have had £5m under Big Sam or Meggo but we don't have 2 penny's to rub together now.

posted on 26/10/11

Also, Eagles was signed before Lee injury, as was Mears before Ricketts injury set back. Eagles was signed so we had depth in right wing position, something we didn't have last season. He's now become main man because he is only fit right winger.

posted on 26/10/11

HH apart from Holden you tell me one good Coyle sigining that is not a loan signing?

posted on 26/10/11

If I'm honest your whole opinion appears to be based on Ill-informed witterings. Like CYL was injured on 30th July, Eagles signed on the 29th....

posted on 26/10/11

Where is your evidence pratley is better than Cohen?

posted on 26/10/11

HH i don't know you all that well but you do seem to be very much like the rest on here determined to blame everything else for our shortcomings this season.
You blame the injuries all the time, You blame our tough fixtures yet we have lost to both Norwich and Sunderland games you all said we would win.
You cannot argue with the facts this team has won 6 points from 27 on offer 2 wins in 9 games and if we go further back into last season we have won 7 games from 27 played.
Is everything still hunky dory in your rose tinted paradise?
If it is i want some of what you are smoking this team has no confidence and i look at Coyle and he looks clueless, He cannot figure out how to get back into games or stop this rot it has been present since January but the cup run and Sturridge's fine form hid the fact that we are on a downward spiral.

Of course i am sure you and the rest of the everything is wonderful brigade would rather find issues that have sweet FA to do with the fact that we are in the mire here with a manager who is clueless and cannot motivate the players anymore but hey it will all be ok come May when we tumble into the Championship into obscurity never to be seen again and what few good players we do have jump ship for a bargain fee.

posted on 26/10/11

Wheater for £2.2m was a great signing, Petrov may be lazy but he has end product, he provides goals and assists even if he doesn't do much during a game. Klasnic has scored goals despite his lack of pace. Ngog has the potential to be a quality player, certainly looks like a natural forward from what I've seen of him.

Pratley is a better version of Tamir Cohen, so that's clearly an improvement of the squad. Reo Coker has added some much needed leadership in the team, full of passion, maybe lacking technical abilities, but 83% pass success this season nmany tackles and intercepting shows he has been quiet but invaluable.

Eagles is a decent player, ability to beat players and has good flair and movement, maybe lacks pace, but a good squad player.

Mears cannot be commented on yet.

Alonso was a good attacking full back, has pace, needs to be abit more disciplined, but you don't spend 12 years in the Real Madrid Youth Acedamy and feature for 1st and 2nd team if you are poor. Last season he was being introduced slowly to get the league, much much quicker than Spain, culture shock without a doubt. Had it not been for injury, Robbo would have been dropped now for him. Robbo has been lucky neither Alonso nor Gardner have been match fit.

Blake was signed to add numbers and experience to the squad, he's also been mentoring Mavies the entire time he's been there. Pay as you play deal so he's earning nothing in comparison to JOB or Samuel were.

Any players I've missed?

posted on 26/10/11

Pratley is garbage with no end product.
If you think Eagles is decent i will have some of what you are smoking please.
Alonso i never said was a bad signing i said he has produced zero for us apart from trashing a very expensive car back in Spain, Coyle has never given him a fair crack of the whip to be honest but i am not impressed with him yet.
Blake the less said about him the better really if you think Coyle has made good signings then i really would like to have a pair of your rose tinted glasses the world must look great through them.

posted on 26/10/11

Listen I know weve been on a bad patch, and last season we had a bad final 7 games which ruined a good season, but the fact we finished closer to 8th than 15th points wise kind of shows how tight the league was last year.

I know right now things aren't great, but I am a realist and I can see what's good and what bad, I'm very analytical so I can look at a situation and see the reasons why something is behaving in the manner thy it is. I know everything isn't rosy, and I know where we can improve, but that isn't with the manager. He works very hard with the team, setting them up, motivating them, bit if a player has no confidence because he's played United one week and Chelsea the next and Liverpool the week after, then they are not going to play free flowing football, it's going to be nervy.

There are many factors which decide the result to a football match, whether is being the manager, players, tactics, referee, linesman, injuries, fixtures, there are so many, to say it's just the manger when our biggest problem is cash flow, Which isn't allowing us to sign the quality players we are demanding, then I can see why things are happening.

Listen I am not happy for one second that we are currently in the relegation zone, but I have faith in him to turn it around. Just because I can see the reasons why things arent going to well, does that mean I'm Rose tinted? Or just that I have analysed the situation and can see the many factors and reasons why we are in this precarious position. If you look for one second thought this entire website I haven't once said were doing great, every player is fantastic, we cannot improve, I've merely stated why we are in this position.

posted on 26/10/11

Pratley is garbage with no end product.
If you think Eagles is decent i will have some of what you are smoking please.
Alonso i never said was a bad signing i said he has produced zero for us apart from trashing a very expensive car back in Spain, Coyle has never given him a fair crack of the whip to be honest but i am not impressed with him yet.


I've got a crazy idea;

Why don't we wait for longer than 10 games before judging our players?

It seems like you are prematurely calling players rubbish to try and score points against Coyle.

posted on 26/10/11

Don't need to score points against anyone with a track record of 7 wins from 27 games really the facts speak for themselves.

posted on 26/10/11

So what are you trying to do by judging our signings after only 10 games?

posted on 26/10/11

fair comments but you say that players will be down after playing the big 5 BUT we beat Wigan 3-1 if they were motivated properly then they would have put a below par Sunderland team to bed with ease surly after a morale boosting win over a local rival like Wigan?
Instead they bottled it they played with no confidence, full of nerves and lacked any bite in the final third of the pitch Petrov and Eagles were terrible and Pratley ran around like McCann used to do.
All we did was defend deeper and deeper and invited the pressure upon ourselves Coyle didn't know what to do to sort the situation.
If he did such a cracking job of motivating the players and getting the tatics right why did a good result against Wigan not turn into another good result against a Sunderland team on a very bad run like ourselves?

posted on 26/10/11

Moses i am judging not only the new players but all of Coyle's signings as my point was would you want to give him serious cash to invest in the January transfer window when you look at his track record in the past?

posted on 26/10/11

Hmm I wonder if you ignored my reply cause didn't know how to answer...

Again, that record has more factors to it and you know it. Gartside will know the issue's Coyle has had so far, yes 7 wins out of 27 isn't down to just poor management is it, was he managing us badly when he won manager of the month? Is he managing us badly no? No I don't think he is, I think aspects of football have gone against him and Bolton, at I think sacking Coyle would be a terrible way to go As there isn't a manager about who could take a team missing it's two best players and still expect to be in a similar position.

If United lost Rooney and Nani for 10 month, they wouldn't challenge for a title. If Arsenal lost RVP and Arteta now, would they challenge for top 4. If Spurs lost Modric and VDV, would they challenge for top 4?

posted on 26/10/11

Ignore first sentence, thought you were replying as you replied to a later post first.

posted on 26/10/11

Moses i am judging not only the new players but all of Coyle's signings as my point was would you want to give him serious cash to invest in the January transfer window when you look at his track record in the past?


For the amount he has spent, I think he has done ok, signing Holden, Wilshere and Sturridge.

Alonso was bought for the long term, yes he wasn't that good last season but he is someone for the future so IMO it is far too early to judge him. Judge him when he is playing regular football, he has obviously had his injury this season so IMO we need to wait.

posted on 26/10/11

I would give him money as he clearly knows who is good and who isn't, but he's never had money to sown so we've had to feed off other peoples scraps in terms of signings.

Because confidence doesn't develop after 1 win against Wigan. Yeah it would raise it abit, but it is still in a fragile state.

And we were not soon too badly until the loss of Boyata, having got an injury and Robbo having to be moved to rb, the defence lost all balance and both goals can be attributed to Robbo, poor header for 1st and didn't move quick enough to block seaswgnon, and 2nd was counter attack where Bendtner had too much space on left hand side. Sunderland have spend close to £30 in summer, they are by no means below par.

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