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Beckford flops again

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posted on 29/10/11

I wonder what would have happened had he stayed at Leeds?

posted on 29/10/11

Does he really want to be here ?

comment by Doc (U8918)

posted on 29/10/11

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posted on 29/10/11

Every board i look at, there is a leeds fan posting some crap on it. This is why everyone hates dirty Leeds and its fans. I hope you know this, EVERYONE HATES LEEDS.

comment by Mr.Kato (U2152)

posted on 29/10/11

Hmmm seem to have touched a nerve!

posted on 29/10/11

..when Beckford looks at himself in the mirror he sees a greedy arrogant spoilt brat of a man..and one who knows he could have gone on to become an ER legend..he no doubt regrets leaving and will now yo-yo between clubs for the rest of his career , never fulfilling his potential and never being loved and adored like he was at Leeds...he made the decision not to sign the contract and wanted away , thinking the grass was greener in Liverpool and that he could easily cut it at Prem level..WRONG WRONG WRONG..and all I can say is TOUGH!..

posted on 29/10/11

Sven, why is it crap? He hasn't been a hit yet for you has he?!?!?!?

posted on 29/10/11

He has played a few games and hadn't hit top form yet, he will come good. Its not just this post, Leeds fans are everywhere, talking rubbish about other clubs.

posted on 29/10/11

And other fans don't come our board talking crap? Sven get over yourself

posted on 29/10/11


Sven baby, speak for yourself mate!..

I love Leeds!.

And have respect for others, but some are slowly turning me the other way!.

posted on 29/10/11

"Leeds fans are everywhere" such a true comment. You must know beckford is only at Leicester for £££

posted on 29/10/11

The problem for Becks is, he needs a Becchio type to do his dirty work, then he'll do the easy bit no problem!.

comment by (U8042)

posted on 29/10/11

becks is all about the money money money!, very lazy player if she put a half decent shift in he could be a top player

posted on 29/10/11

"if she put a half decent shift in he could be a top player"

If our lass put a half decent shift in I could be a top player!.

comment by (U8042)

posted on 29/10/11

becks is all about the money money money!, very lazy player if he put a half decent shift in he could be a top player*

posted on 29/10/11


Sorry, I couldn't resist!.

posted on 29/10/11


I now wonder what would have happened had he gone to a decent premier league team when he left Leeds?

posted on 29/10/11

Wumming and other nonsense aside, Beckford is shaping up to be the worst of Sven's picks. Ironic when one recalls how pleased many of us were. But I guess there was a reason he was the last thing left in the shop. A great pity.

posted on 29/10/11

A bloke on a radio phone-in earlier said he was at Upton Park today. To sum up what he said, he thought City deserved a draw despite a shambolic first-half and that Beckford neither tried nor showed any interest in being on the pitch.

posted on 29/10/11


He wasn't exactly David Moyes best pick was he?

comment by (U2671)

posted on 29/10/11

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posted on 29/10/11

Beckford is a player that thrives on an 'off the shoulder service' thats where the bulk of his goals came from when he struck instinctively. If he has too much time to think, ie in 1 on 1 situations he invariably fluffs it. Having said all that I don't understand Leicester fans sounding off on the Leeds board as no one on the Leeds board has ever given a flying duck about their club. Having said that, I suppose we've invited them on here by raising a post about a nomark striker for a nomark club.

posted on 29/10/11

Eric, I never said to much against him when he left us, I said good luck and wished him well, but I also said when he was with us that Becchio was the reason he scored so many!..

If he had the same sort of partner with Leicester then I'd say he'd score loads, but you don't get to many like Beccio that will do the graft and let you score!..

Look at Becchio last year without Becks, he did more good for himself then he did when he was Beckfords ankermann!..

posted on 29/10/11

Having said all that I don't understand Leicester fans sounding off on the Leeds board as no one on the Leeds board has ever given a flying duck about their club.


Err It is on the Leicester board as well - Beckford is unfortunately our player so we have to do something with him - Either a loan to a L1 club or a good spell out of the match-day squad should teach him that being a passenger is not an option

posted on 29/10/11


I never said you did?

I would have kept him, I wanted him to stay.

His head was turned by the chance of playing in the PL, I actually thought he'd made a good move for himself and financially, but believe if he'd shown loyalty and stayed he'd probably have ended up in the PL with us.

As he is now at Leicester and a former Everton player I personally believe he's fair game.

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