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These 38 comments are related to an article called:

I Can Never, And Will Never Forgive...

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posted on 2/11/11

Out of all the players, Mohammed Amir is the most likely to make a comeback, and if I were the Pakistan Captain at that time I’d seriously tell him to F$#! off, if he ever came near to the Pakistan team


posted on 2/11/11

Lorgat of the ICC has stated the existing bans will remain unchanged. I think this is wrong and that these bans should be revisited in the light of the more detailed facts that have emerged in the trial.
I suspect the details of text messages and phone calls that have now come to light will involve the ICC banning other players.

posted on 2/11/11

I agree with Amir. Afridi you need to see the latest evidence on cricinfo regarding text chats. Amir was taking the money, giving his bank details etc. He is a crook, maybe a mislead crook but he was no innocent angel.

posted on 2/11/11

Seriosuly, Afridi, I'm the same age as the guy, if I were as talanted as him and was given that chance to play for my country I'd never let go. If I were in his position I'd have known the difference between, 'Yes' and 'No'... It's simple people are only forgiving Mohammed Amir because of his age and talent. In a few years time, if another of him turns up all would be forgot of him- Fact.

posted on 2/11/11

Hftb... I said as soon as all of this came out, that all should be banned for life. It's hurtful to say it, but that's the truth.

posted on 2/11/11

Kash, puts it right, a crook, but an innocent angel.

posted on 2/11/11

I can understand anyone from the west saying Amir deserves it, that’s fair enough, but im amazed that anyone that knows the culture and circumstances that some people find themselves in Pakistan can reach the same conclusion.

Bob Woolmer did an interview just before the world cup in west indies and said he rates this kid…. Gave a story about how he didn’t even know how to brush his teeth and took him 2 hours to get to training travelling 20 miles because of the Taliban…. Add that to a poor upbringing and rife in poverty, what would you do? He was only around for a year or so before he got involved, wouldn’t you at the tender age of 18 even consider the option of transforming your and your families life from nobodies to kings!!!

Seriously, give the guy a break. Agreed what he did was wrong, but hes an uneducated 18yr old from a very poor background. Read the judges report on the ICC trial, he states that he would have given AMIR A LESS SENTENCE, but 5 yrs was the minimum he could give, that says it all.

Regards to his texts, obviously the likes of butt had worked on him for him to get that far….. Give him a break and leave the kid alone…. I await his return. The other two can rot….

posted on 2/11/11

Afridi I dont want Amir to get jail and I want him to rehabiliate and maybe even be allowed to play state cricket in Pakistan but playing for the national team is a different cattle of fish cos he has put shame to Pakistan, the law abiding Pakistan players, us supporters and of course the game of cricket.

Also can you imagine how other teams will feel knowing he is playing, its not worth it.

posted on 2/11/11

Also can you imagine how other teams will feel knowing he is playing, its not worth it.

how did they feel when they played with the likes of warne, gibbs, raina, azar, malik, waugh and so on.......??

seriously, I have no issues with him representing pakistan again. Not even an ioata.

posted on 2/11/11

Yeah but Afridi how many of them of have been dragged through the courts and then made a comeback? Raina is the only one that is playing but he has not been charged of anything yet.

posted on 2/11/11

There are thousands of people in in England who don't know how to brush their teeth, some who almost never brush them. Are they to be treated more leniently in such cases?
If Pakistan were to pick Amir in the future there would be howls from around the world.

posted on 2/11/11

Also, amirs advisors are complete utter lunatics, he should have come out straightaway and said he was pressurised, as he is saying now..... he would have got alot more sympathy and help. Instead, his advisors have gone back and forth regarding the stance he should take...... that is the real tragedy.... on top of that, the PCB offered the kid no support whatsoever..... shame!! probably proves he's not that "wise and clued up" afterall and is really just what he is - a kid!!!

posted on 2/11/11

Yeah but Afridi how many of them of have been dragged through the courts and then made a comeback? Raina is the only one that is playing but he has not been charged of anything yet

True, but this is where the icc comes into it and proves that its just a boneless organisation that cant do naff all.... its relied on a notw stint and the british law to punish these players - obviously that couldnt and didnt happen in the previous cases.... Like i said, spot fixing will continue in countries such as pakistan, india, sri lanka..... didnt the ex captain of the lankan come out and say its been going on for a long time? The IPL is rigged with corruption and we all know about india and its links with betting scams and the problems continue.... only diffrence these guys have been well and truely nailed.... those that continue will do so, but without the lawyers and media, they'll just never get caught

posted on 2/11/11

I think that people are missing out on the naivety of the boy. I do feel for him, as he is suddenly thrust into a position where he is standing shoulder to shoulder with his heroes, and with no previous experience of life outside his own home area is going to believe what they say to be true.

I am of the firm belief that he was being manipulated by the team captain and senior bowler, two people he would be looking to for support, and his road should be one of rehabilitation, not exclusion.

Give him a prison sentence, but suspend it, let him do charitable work and give talks to children about the dangers of fixing during his ban, and then re-introduce him to cricket one the ban is over.

posted on 2/11/11

well said HMM, completey agree.

posted on 2/11/11

I do agree with that Afridi when there was all this spot fixing and bribery in IPL the ICC would not even dare to comment about it being the BCCI's puppies and when Hasan Tillerkrantne came out with all these claims of match fixing for a decade in relation to the Sri Lankan team the ICC said nothing allowing CSL to brush it under the carpet. Finally with Gibbs who dodged the Indian courts for years and even faked injury before SA went to play in India was again allowed to be brushed under the carpet. It can't be one rule for Pakistan and another rule for other nations.

posted on 2/11/11

Anyways, at least BOOM BOOM is back....... sod the rest!!!

posted on 2/11/11

i can understand the feeling guyz , i sympathise with you lot even though you are pakistanis,

when i was a kid mohammed azharuddin was my favourite player as we both hail from the same city . now i hate him to the core , what a loser .

posted on 2/11/11

i sympathise with you lot even though you are pakistanis,

Thanks for that c.fan, i can breath easy now and sleep better..... Muppet!!!

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 2/11/11

and I now hope they are given the correct sentence, a life sentence!
Life sentence lol

Whats strange is if they do get a jail term they will probably spend longer in jail than rapists and pedos which is pathetic.

posted on 2/11/11

Agree Boss.......

I can understand cricket life bans and strict punishment.... but prison for balling a no-ball?? wtf, get real! my neighbours kid got run over by a lunatic driving dangerously last year - he got 9 months...off which he served about 4!!!

posted on 2/11/11

They are not in trouble for bowling no-balls, they are in trouble for purposely bowling no-balls for money, that's a different kettle of fish.

comment by (U6361)

posted on 2/11/11

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comment by (U6361)

posted on 2/11/11

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posted on 2/11/11

Life bans is what they richly deserve.But imprisonment? In my opinion that would be slight harsh.

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