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These 38 comments are related to an article called:

I Can Never, And Will Never Forgive...

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posted on 2/11/11

I think we shall find this is not simply three cricketers involved in bowling no-balls for cash but a conspiracy involving quite a significant number of people.
Prison is the only way to answer those caught.

posted on 2/11/11

In the Pakistani team it looks like 'the norm' according to the judge - I think he's right - but there will be some players in other teams as well, that's for sure.

posted on 2/11/11

I am a die hard follower of Pakistan cricket but possible answer to this menace seems Sanctions.Also wtf ICC Anti Corruption was doing?Suspicions surfaced after Sydney test and a former member of Pakistan back room staff informed them about possible case of match fixing.Much to his dismay , they did nothing and then he informed the not so reputable NOTW who have done an unprecedented service to 'clean' the game.

posted on 2/11/11

Trouble its almost certain it isn't just 3 players. Like I said yesterday, this is an opportunity as well as a cricketing nightmare. Take it out of the hands of the cricketing administrations, in particular the PCB. Let an impartial institution, like the High Court, deal with these matters. It took them a couple of weeks to do more for Pakistani cricket than the PCB (and yes, the ICB) has done in years.

The only other solution is reforming the ICB to deal with subcontinent corruption is a more effective manner. The window of opportunity was lost when Howards appointment was vetoed.

The stuff about the length of the sentence doesn't bother, whatever the court says.

posted on 2/11/11

U mean ICC?Laws of the word suggest Pakistan should be subjected to sanctions, if the shenanigans were not limited to 3 players but the ICC will never do it because Pakistan will then claim to take action against other country players too.

ICC naturally wants the world to perceive that this game is played 'fairly' and therefore they have always wanted to sweep this matter under carpet.If this saga is exposed, it will destroy the credibility of the game and hence do a lot of damage to ICC.Just skim through the history of match fixing and u will find that it's only the 3rd party that has exposed the match fixers.Indian police caught Cronje, Malik and Azharuddin bans were only an attempt to placate the public and Odumbe was caught because of revelation by his wife.

comment by Pox (U2677)

posted on 2/11/11

I say make an example of this boy so that it puts the fear into pakistan's cricket team.Lighten his sentence say around 1-2 years but put Salman in a hard labour camp , make him carve wood for stumps , bats anything to keep him busy .These steps are necessary else our esteemed sport will die a slow death.

posted on 2/11/11

lets be honest..... giving these 3 players prison means their family suffers. I am honestly not with the idea of them going into prison. I know they havent done anything less than going to jail, but I feel for their family. If you want to eradicate spot fixing and match fixing then first the icc has to become stricter. I mean without the british media the icc would have known jack. Increase the pay of these players so that they dont get dragged into these stupid things.

comment by (U6361)

posted on 2/11/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 3/11/11

Sorry, but don't agree with your stance on Amir. At all. Remember to consider how difficult it is to convince an inexperienced cricketer that something as minor as a couple of noballs. Also should realise that out of the three Amir was paid SIGNIFICANTLY less (almost 10 times less than Salman Butt, and 30 times less than Asif). This might suggest that maybe he was doing it due to pressure applied by senior figures, as opposed to money.
By the way, I'm 19, and although I can tell the difference between right and wrong, If I am new to something (like what Amir was to cricket), I am very likely to be influenced by senior figures.
He said sorry

posted on 3/11/11

*Remember to consider how EASY it is to convince an inexperienced cricketer to do something as minor...

posted on 3/11/11

Your only loss was Amer, who according to me had a good/possibly great future. Asif was a 120kmph trundler by the time he got into spot fixing.

posted on 3/11/11

Yes I meant ICC.

Well if Hamza is right that ICC is part of the problem, and he probably is, we need an adminstration revolution.

posted on 3/11/11

The entire Pakistan Cricket should be banned for 10-15 years to get the cancer with-in ousted from our game and bring in the next generation to start fresh...it's the only way of cleaning out all the dirty low life grubs in Pakistan Cricket that exists today.

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