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Beckford off?

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posted on 21/12/11

He's going to Sunderland.

posted on 21/12/11

Sunderland really?

He struggled to adapt to the PL

posted on 21/12/11

Chelseamf™®© (U1677)

He scored twice past your lot last season in a draw at the bridge and in a 1-0 win at Goodison and put his team 2-1 up in the derby at Anfield so if he can produce that against Newcastle the Sunderland fans will love him. Anyway he's better than Bendtner so should do well under Martin O'Neill who gets the best out of his players.

posted on 21/12/11

It wouldn't surprise me if he went there but if he is going to be the main man to lead their strike force I'd be worried for them he needs someone to play off! Saying that he will probs gO and then score 20!
I think he will only go if we get a replacement in first i.e sharp or Maynard or cox

posted on 21/12/11

Well, of it was a straight swap, Beckford for Sharp, I'd take it!!

The problem Beckford has is the tram has to be set up around him for him to be effective. At the minute, we don't have the players to even warrant him starting in my opinion!

posted on 21/12/11

The problem Beckford has is the tram has to be set up around him for him to be effective. At the minute, we don't have the players to even warrant him starting.

He might force his way through in a tram. That might put him on the right lines.

posted on 21/12/11

Yes he does need the players, I think abe an Fernandes would do a better jOb than Wellens and maybe gally at the minute. It's a shame as if we provided him with the service he would be our 20 goal a season player. But yes I agree with the players we have I'd take sharp all day long

posted on 21/12/11

If Beckford goes it can only be because his heart isn't in the cause!
It was noticeable when Pearson was asked why Howard was put in the side he responded about what we didn't see in training, he replaced Beckford so could you read into that that Beckford doesn't "show up" in training?

posted on 21/12/11

Wouldn't mind either way to be honest.

I don't think the owners will say, we have to sell before we can buy, so not sure it will have any affect on us buying a striker. However, if he has made it clear that he is less than happy about having to fight for his place, then it would probably be best for both parties.

What source BTW?

posted on 21/12/11

It's from fourth official - normally very very reliable. Stringer follows him and they are normally both on the ball. Stringer also says something along the lines of interesting comments from fourth official-

I think he will leave personally, he just doesn't look like a player who wants to be here, if he stays great I think he will become an asset but with only having scored what? One goal not a real loss so long as we get at least what we paid for him!

posted on 21/12/11

Ah ok, have seen it's that Fourth Official - who isnt as reliable as s/he claims.

Basically, s/he gathers together in one place, all the info/rumours from over the web, which is handy, but by no means a scoop. I would say 70/80% of the info on there in the summer coincidently appeared minutes after it became available on the Sky Sports transfer rumours/stories page.

Bamba definitely gone, Maynard at the stadium, Cox highly likely - just a few things s/he got wrong.

Still; doesn't mean he won't go, and as I said, is a handy place to see rumours in one location.

posted on 21/12/11

I would be very surprised if this happened.

posted on 21/12/11

But then again, I thought the rumours of Pearson returning were rubbish as well.

posted on 21/12/11

Beckford is infuriating. But if there is a 20-goals-a-year striker in there somewhere - and it sometimes seems as though there might be - then Pearson needs to try to find it. Sven couldn't, but it's too soon to ship him out until Pearson has had a proper go.

comment by johngee (U5021)

posted on 21/12/11

I find it extraordinary that whilst we watch the disintegration of the squad and morale even those avid fans who supported his appointment cannot bring themselves to voice any questions in his direction.

Meanwhile Pearson made his statements clear - first by choosing Howard as first choice last week he made clear his strategy is about putting the clock back not only to his previous tenure but when he played! -safety first long ball coupled with energy and committment - which will get us mediocrity not promotion.

I had to endure -for the last time as an away supporter- us getting beaten by a team who if we have any credibility as a potential promotion team -we have to beat. King was involved in two goals -but at the wrong end -driven deep into defence by a negative philosophy. Then watch us spend last 15 minutes trying to save a game by hitting balls into penalty area on a prayer.
Pearsons after match comments said the failings were not technical but attitude!!! prehistoric

I am not surprised to hear Waghorn figures highly in his new year planning but hugely disappointed with some of the names I hear amongst the squad who have alerted agents they want away

posted on 21/12/11

And svens fancy football worked so so well.....

posted on 21/12/11

Sven's fancy football secured over his last six games exactly the same results as have Pearson's first six. They were "bad" enough to get Sven the chop.

Another splendid broadside from JohnGee, which deserves a proper response. I found myself agreeing with most of it......

posted on 21/12/11

Mediocrity not promotion? In the same we he got us mediocrity from League 1?

What questions should avid fans be asking? He has Sven's squad. If it's true that several want away, is that not an indication that they have an attitude problem? Pearson built a decent if limited team here before who did us proud and he built well at Hull to the point where none of their fans wanted him to go. All of this he did without tons of players requesting transfers - apart from the likes of Campbell and Mattock who are proven wazzocks that we are well shot of. Yet now you're hearing rumours of some players being unhappy and you think this is somehow suddenly Pearson's fault? That he's changed so dramatically and become so thoroughly impossible to work with that the players have to speak out? (Despite seeming far happier with the media generally.)

Are you really saying all of this adds up to your conclusion, John?

posted on 21/12/11


You know that John and i dont agree on much and forget my avide support for Sven.

But getting out of div 1 although a great acheivement was with a reasonalbe squad a lot better than most of that division.

There are some issues apart from results concern.

The return to pre Sven players in midfield and then bring back my old war horse Howard.

I dont believe unlike some posters that all Svens midfielders arn't good enough.

Secondly if you know we dont have the wide players that are required then why not play to the strenths of the squad. Rather let Dyer run down the wing and cross to the opposition defence.

comment by johngee (U5021)

posted on 21/12/11

Stories of Pearson's intransigience must even have reached you dunge -despite his current promise to improve committment to PR our friend Stringer knew only too well his refusal to tolerate questions.

However there were checks and measures in place last time -called Mandaric and Hoos- Mandaric was always available at Belvoir Drive -and made it his business that the players knew it - and Hoos kept him in reign also !

He still broke up when he arrived a caucus of players who didn't fit the template and brought in his "type".

Personally I think he could again be successful in the First Division and wish thats where he was... Sheff Wed could be suited..

posted on 21/12/11

Right, apologies for the coming essay...

Nev - Arguably, if you take out the wide players and revert to a diamond then the squad becomes even more defensive.

Sven's players aren't all bad, I'm not saying that. In fact many of them are clearly good players, but they came for the previous manager, who has now gone. That is not the current manager's fault and he's the one who should be backed now. The players should either be getting behind him or they should leave - he has proven before, not just just here - that he can inspire players and get the best out of them, but if they harbour a big chip on their shoulder about Sven then there's little he can do.

This assumes of course that several are asking to leave. It's hard to know how accurate this is or how many because various sources will report different things. Even on here, it's been very hard to predict whether others' predictions are credible or not, even if many are posted in good faith (which I think they are).

Should we be concerned by these rumours? It depends on the players.

If it's:
- So long, thanks for coming, goodbye.

St. Ledger
- A little disappointing maybe, but you weren't /that/ good when Sven was here either so you can't really complain too much.

- Would be a shame and also surprising because you appear to be trying hard. This might be a little concerning.

- Would be a problem if they're unhappy given how the fans are taking to them.

Incidentally, going through this list shows just how many of "Sven's players" there are (bar one or two in that list), so is it really surprising if some of them are unhappy?

John - I find it very hard to believe that Pearson has been some sort of monster in his time at Southampton, Leicester, Hull and anywhere he was before, but this has somehow been neutralised by the chairman and chief exec each time, only to come out now when people like Susan Whelan and Andrew Neville are around - particularly given how pleased everyone seemed to have him back in the first place.

And if Pearson needs to break up Sven's team to bring in his own type, perhaps he'll bring in players of the type to get us into the playoffs and beyond, given more money to spend?

In terms of questioning Pearson's current reign, I can say that I wish we were knocking the ball around like... well, Southampton were. But I'm not disappointed to lose Sven's entire halves of apathy. I simply haven't seen anything that needs to be seriously complained about yet - any bad things I've seen I'm quite willing to be patient with.

posted on 21/12/11

Dung we have to give him time.

I'm just finding it hard to believe Svens charges are donkeys and all want to leave unless they know they arn't going to get a look in.

As for the diamond formation with Wellens at the base its slow put Abe there and it speeds up.

Who knows whats going to happen but this season is a mess and only a good run in the second half will lead to any chance of promotion via the play offs.

As for not supporting Nigel i have given my support to the team and whoever was the manager. I reserve to right to confused and still a bit stunned about the way this season is going?

posted on 21/12/11

"As for not supporting Nigel i have given my support to the team and whoever was the manager. I reserve to right to confused and still a bit stunned about the way this season is going?"

Sounds fair to me.

As regards to some of these players not getting a chance - I suspect they will now. It's getting harder and harder to keep Wellens in the side in particular so we may well see changes for Boxing Day. Pearson's given some players a chance and some consistency, now it's probably time to give others a chance. (I have a feeling Fernandes will get the nod.)
But I agree with Pearson's thinking on this. Patience is what's needed.

posted on 21/12/11

John why are you so unwilling to give Pearson a chance?

The guy has done nothing wrong, as far as I'm aware he has done a good job at every club he has been at. Why are you so against him!

comment by johngee (U5021)

posted on 21/12/11

I believe he plays a very limited type of football and has little understanding of tactical variations and strategies needed for a successful campaign in the current Championship and would be lost in Premiership.

I believe he runs his teams on a zero tolerance basis with no idea of the need to manage the different egos and complexities of modern footballers. Nor does he attempt to.

To bring him back was a disastrous decision for which he camnnot be blamed - see Neville!- but this has been exacerbated by his patent disregard of available squad and defaulted to his traditional players and tactics which is arrogant nonsense.

I fear we will lose a massive opportunity for promotion under his watch, lose talented players ..and even the support of the investors

I hope to be proved wrong

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