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These 489 comments are related to an article called:

Does Anyone Ever Talk Football On Here?

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posted on 4/1/12

Alaskan Pipeline.

posted on 4/1/12

I could post about 100s of football related articles If you want me to.

But I do t think you are that blind.

Or are you?

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 4/1/12

Seems to me JA606 football is nothing but WUMs, articles that nearly always go off on tangents about irrelevant subjects, and little cliques with their in-jokes talking among themselves. Anyone ever actually talk football around here, or is it just a little boys club to pass the time of day at work? You lot are worse than a bunch of girls on Facebook.



if you wanna talk about football then why is this on the arsenal board? all they do is dive around and get sent off. the bunch of cheating whingeing s

posted on 4/1/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 4/1/12

if you wanna talk about football then why is this on the arsenal board? all they do is dive around and get sent off. the bunch of cheating whingeing s



I keep diving around on my arsenal prediction league article, to a point that I got sent off for 3 hours.

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 4/1/12

Oh lighten up Rocky Dennis

posted on 4/1/12

You've created an article moaning like a mid menopause housewife about how how no-one talks about football.

Wouldnt it be easier to create an article talking about football to validate your point, you prat?

posted on 4/1/12

When you consider that your username seems to be a rather vulgar in-joke about yourself and your recreational habits, this article suddenly seems rather ironic.

posted on 4/1/12

I find your username quite offensive

posted on 4/1/12

And racist.

posted on 4/1/12

Careful mouse. Didnt you hear about ArabManc?

posted on 4/1/12

By claiming that no one talks about football neither does Cleveland Steamer.

Nice work. Lead the charge to football debate....

posted on 4/1/12

What happened to ArabManc? I remember him because he was rather upset about my reasoning for preferring to avoid halal meat. Apparently it was offensive to his religion that I didn't like the way they prepare their meat and would go out of my way to avoid it.

posted on 4/1/12

Basically called everyone a racist after every comment on the liverpool board. They've banned him on there (not hard i know) and are threatening to kick him off the site!

posted on 4/1/12

I dont even know what a halal looks like let alone eating the thing!!

posted on 4/1/12

I'll be 40 in a few weeks, so technically I'm a big boy wasting time at work.

Ha-ha, in your face, yer big girl. Nothing beats calling people 'little boys' or 'girls' to get a reaction. Guaranteed. Right you've had your 5 minutes of attention, now **** off.

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 4/1/12

I hate people of all religions, races, creeds, genders, heights, weights, species and musical taste.

posted on 4/1/12

And also, not everything has to be about football, ja606 is a community built around football but there are some great articles around which are technically 'off-topic' but funny or educational... Such as :

Batmanu's Betting Shop
Dave Pundit's Prediciton (ok slightly on-topic)
Lady's Stories

and of course, not forgetting the hugely educational Dear Darwin series

The key is to have the intelligence not to click on something that you don't wish to read.

posted on 4/1/12

OP - well said sir.

posted on 4/1/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 4/1/12

JackyRambo - Wouldnt it be easier to create an article talking about football to validate your point, you prat?
Tried that this morning, got infiltrated with wums and tangents as per my original post. Been reading through the boards and that seems to be the norm. Nice insult by the way you cretin.

posted on 4/1/12

Does 'Dear Darwin' qualify as a series yet?

posted on 4/1/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by TWAG (U9199)

posted on 4/1/12

or is it just a little boys club to pass the time of day at work?
This is exactly what it is. If you're here all day then talking football all the time to the same people gets boring, just like anything else.

If the Forum wasn't so live then I can see how people would pop in occasionally, write their football related comment and then wait a day for someone to answer but the fact that it is busy makes it impossible to stick to just football related topics at all times.

posted on 4/1/12

Nice insult by the way you cretin


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