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Harrys Case

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posted on 25/1/12

It's a difficult one. We kinda need him to be a little bit guilty so that England don't touch him, but not so guilty that we have no choice but to get rid of him.

I'm trying not to look at this optimistically but the way it's currently going i can see him being found guilty but i think it will be a suspended sentence and a heavy fine. Win, win, providing Levy doesn't push him out for ethical reasons.

posted on 25/1/12

It will be a small fine in my opinion if found guilty

To be fair if we could pick any game Harry would miss, we would have picked Wigan at home...

posted on 25/1/12

Firstly im not sure how true that is about the judge and even so, you should be able to see how that would work in a favorable outcome....id be more concerned if the judge supported spurs...

posted on 25/1/12

Just did a wuick bit of reading, the factors determining whether he would get a custodial sentence include:

the amount of tax evaded;
the period of time during which the evasion took place;
the effort made to conceal the fraud;
whether others were drawn in and corrupted;
the character of the offender;
the extent (if known) of his personal gain;
whether the offender pleaded guilty;
the amount recovered.

Basically he'd be better off if he admitted it and paid back what he owed. Still, with a good lawyer he should be

posted on 25/1/12

Not of the jury should have any football afiliations.

Sure an Arsenal, Chelsea, West Ham fan mights have strong abnti Spurs feelings, but so might a Liverpool fans, Newcastle fan etc.

posted on 25/1/12


posted on 25/1/12


Long time no see. Any idea what the general Levy stance is on this? Are we gonna stand by him if he's found guilty? My personal feeling is that we need a guilty verdict to keep him. Let's face it, if he's innocent, he's England's.

posted on 25/1/12

I think the main issue here is what happens if he is found guilty. I don't think the FA would touch him for the England job but would Levy be able to let it lie and keep him in charge? Tbh most Spurs fans probably couldn't care less about him dodging tax if that is the case, its not as though he has murdered anyone ect. Unfortunately this is the state of the UK justice system nowadays, kill someone and get short sentences but take money of the government and they will lock you up and throw away the key. Money more important than human life nowadays.

posted on 25/1/12

As for the judge being an Arsenal supporter well they wear red and white don't they so that's a very bad omen. Suspended sentence(know what I mean Arry)

posted on 25/1/12

Paxton, that has always been the way though. Mess with the government and its worse than messing with people.

The worst thing is I bet most people have taken part in some scam to avoid tax.

Sold anything by car boot sales, ebay. Surely you have to pay tax on it? Or at the very least ever paid for building work in cash to get it cheaper than by cheque. Thats before you start even thinking about write-offs.

I wouldnt have a problem with someone having a criminal conviction for tax evasion as manager. Chairman, then yeah, then I would have an issue but not a manager.

I would have a problem though if the manager was convicted of other things (violent/sexual/drug) but tax fraud I'm fine with.

None of us are squeeky clean are we?

posted on 25/1/12

I'm squeaky clean

posted on 25/1/12

As for the Arsenal judge, could work in our favour, might be a bit more lenient because he wouldn't want to be seen to be coming down hard on him because of it. I don't think it'll make any difference though.

posted on 25/1/12

comment by Bãle's left boot (U9410)

posted 5 seconds ago

I'm squeaky clean


FIrst signs of the guilty man......

posted on 25/1/12

31 Moments,a man shouldn't be condemned for the rest of his life for something he did wrong. People often become reformed characters badly regretting what they've done and are filled with guilt. One can forgive if the offender is genuinely sorry.

posted on 25/1/12

You ain't seen me, right?

posted on 25/1/12

comment by 31 Moments In Hell (U11013)

I would have a problem though if the manager was convicted of other things (violent/sexual/drug) but tax fraud I'm fine with.


Loosen up man

posted on 25/1/12

Wongs -

Thats fine with certain offences, and for certain jobs. However when it comes to the likes of being a manager of a Premiership team, I would have issues with certain crimes. White collar crimes don't really come into it in my mind.

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 25/1/12

A Gunner

Harrys going down

posted on 25/1/12

We can get Jose

He none like Madrid too much

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 25/1/12

He none like Chicken badge?

posted on 25/1/12


I guess i'd settle for the SPECIAL ONE if we can't get a SPECIAL PLAYER

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 25/1/12

I like special ones


posted on 25/1/12


posted on 25/1/12

The case is at Southwark Crown Court which means the jury is unlikley to contain any city fans unless they have already acquired a high number of plastics (United converts) in a short space of time.

There could be Arsenal fans but then before selection the judge made it clear if they had any affiliation either pro or anti, regarding the clubs connected to defendents, then this should be declared.

I am a bit confused as to why the case is at Southwark though when Harry resides in Bournemouth and was employed in Portsmouth at the time.

posted on 25/1/12

If we are looking for SPECIAL player lets wait until summer and scout SPECIAL olympics football tournament.

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