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These 90 comments are related to an article called:

Big mouth strikes again

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comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 31/1/12

Hey folks, look I was spot on.

A thread from an idiot using OBs depression as an excuse to knock Grayson, even though they actually have no idea what actually went on or don't acknowledge the fact the club has stated it will do all it can to support OB.

Still, its nice to be proved right about things

posted on 31/1/12

...and you fully understand depression do you Outwood?

posted on 31/1/12

You have got me wrong I'm not a Grayson basher I just believe that sometimes he doesnt think before he comes out with things

That wasnt the issue I was stating. I was saying that the club acted too quickly to reprimand the player.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 31/1/12

This is bigger than SG and football.

Besides, think about it this way instead, if AOB has got professional help for a very serious situation and
it means he'll get back to the player we all thought
he was, it's brilliant for him and us.

And I for one hope that the water to that situation is way under the bridge and that AOB is in a good, positive place in his own mind.

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 31/1/12

comment by Outwood White (U9610)

posted 2 minutes ago

You have got me wrong I'm not a Grayson basher I just believe that sometimes he doesnt think before he comes out with things

That wasnt the issue I was stating. I was saying that the club acted too quickly to reprimand the player.

You dont mention the club at all, all you do is call Grayson a big mouth say he didnt do anything to try and help the player.

Again, all you have done is use OBs illness as an excuse to bash Grayson

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 31/1/12

Matty, we might want to leave it at that for AOB's sake.
I think Outwood is in agreement.

comment by (U12354)

posted on 31/1/12

Talk about the timing of the statement!! It's purely to act as a smokescreen for the fact were not going to be making anymore signings and to deflect the attention away from this fact.

posted on 31/1/12

Got to agree with outwood

Grayson has handled this badly

posted on 31/1/12

depression he's playing for leeds utd lots would jump at the chance

posted on 31/1/12

just messing

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 31/1/12

allwhite, you might want to delete your own comment their mate. Not exactly a laughing matter.

posted on 31/1/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 31/1/12

Depression can affect anyone. I just think the whole situation has been dealt badly by Grayson.

I also thought it was wrong to say that certain players wont play for the club again after the heavy defeat at Barnsley
Must affect players morale

comment by leeds62 (U2387)

posted on 31/1/12

Perhaps this has been brokered between the players and the management which should help moral immensley you should detect it tonight if thats the case.
I also think that a deal was brokered between MKD and Leeds regarding the Smiths whereby we agreed for them to sign Alan while we signed Adam

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 31/1/12

Outwood, we all know people who have been
devastated by depression. It's a terrible thing.

In hindsight, it appears SG handled AOB's situation poorly.

posted on 31/1/12

hard to handle depression to be fair to SG, theres been many who have had it but nobody would know... i.e Gary Speed, a few days before his tragic death he was on TV seemingly ok... little did anybody know.

Hard to pin this directly on SG, ok as his manager he has a moral duty, as do all people in charge of others but it can be hard to dedect, and even if it is detected it is hard to empathise with people.

posted on 31/1/12


Thats all I was trying to say. I didnt mean to have a rant.

posted on 31/1/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 31/1/12

I'm with you Outwood. I knew you weren't.

Tuscany, that's why I said 'in hindsight' he handled
it poorly. That's because he and we and maybe AOB
himself, didn't realize the seriousness of what was
going on. SG may have thought that AOB was just
throwing a wobbler. When in fact, he wasn't.

I'm sure most of us grew up in families that told you to
"run it off" whenever something bad happened.
Depression is viewed in a strange light still. Some still
think it's just weakness in a person. As hard to believe
as that is.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 31/1/12

Here here Tommy.

posted on 31/1/12

Outwood / Tusc.. / Batty

The thing is, we as outsiders, do not know what was said at the time, how the incident that started all this occurred. You and I do not knowhow personal matters got.

We see it on here regularly where folk get out of their prams over little things!

Remember when it first was reported, many had a dig at Grayson, many others (me included) had a dig at AOB.

Rumours were rife!!

As TT says, it's time to move on. Here's hoping AOB now back in the fold can be in a positive frame of mind and play to his potential!


posted on 31/1/12

Depression is a weakness though isn't it? - a weak mental state? don't mean to be controversial at all, but what else is it?

posted on 31/1/12

Depression - "Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behaviour, feelings and physical well-being.[1] Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, or restless. They may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable, experience loss of appetite or overeating, or problems concentrating, remembering details or making decisions; and may contemplate or attempt suicide. Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, loss of energy, or aches, pains or digestive problems that are resistant to treatment may be present."

^^ i doubt thats any of the Leeds Players???

posted on 31/1/12

Spookio is that you ?

posted on 31/1/12

It is Don of the Grove....

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