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If we hate Bates

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posted on 3/2/12

I suppose mostly becuase Bates doesn't attend the ground, plus it never really worked when Man Utd did the yellow and green thing...

I don't think it is wqorth bothering to be honest, if at all posible I'd like to attend ER to watch Leeds play rather than having to hear the fans moan about it all the time... firstly it's not good for the team, and plus it is completley wasted time

comment by Sol (U2745)

posted on 3/2/12


posted on 3/2/12

I'd rather sit in a warm pub pre match, or if my children are with me, a warm car being dropped off at ER

bring your thermals, hat, gloves and scarfs enjoy.... Bates will love watching them walk through streets freezing cold protesting about him

if you like football, for your own sanity, keep your mind on the football game

posted on 3/2/12

Agree with you totally, Tuscany. A complete waste of negative energy that'll do 2 things:
1. Play on the mindset of the players with the negative vibes and atmosphere
2. Get KBs shackles up. He is thick-skinned and relishes taking on the fans. It won't make a jot of difference.

Best thing we can do is TRY and stay positive for the sake of the team and hope whatever 'puppet' KB installs can somehow work miracles and get us promoted. Hopefully, KB might sell up to some new owner(s) that put football first and foremost.

posted on 3/2/12

That's right Mirfield. We'll just get a business to print out 5,000 'Bates out! ' T-shirts. Simple really, as simple as 1,2,3. You paying Mirfield ? or is it coming from the endless fantasy money pot at the end of the rainbow ?

posted on 3/2/12

Its a valid question MIrfield.

Human nature is we tend to:

1) believe things aren't really as bad as we know they are,
2) be apathetic,
3) air our moans and groans but do little about them.

It manifests itself in the political process where the same old lousy politicians get reelected time after time.

comment by Sol (U2745)

posted on 3/2/12

I'm not sure what route they're taking, but once you get past Bewleys there's not going to be many people about to see them.

posted on 3/2/12

thought you might pay Elbowola as your always full oflocks

posted on 3/2/12

Probly because the ones moaning are a minority and are never happy.

Everyone else realises it is not that bad so they don't bother

posted on 3/2/12

There are lots of clubs in similar/worse scenarios than Leeds ambition wise teams like Coventry and Derby. The thing that makes Bates far worse is he tells lies, always blames others for the clubs failures and when players leave, he tells lies, he charges ridiculous prices for tickets and memberships and he tells lies.

posted on 3/2/12

SKB, he is an odious fellow, to be sure, and if that is not bad enough, he also lies.

posted on 3/2/12

Ken Bates is a lovely man!

The protests are pointless.

The good thing about RSL boycotting ER is it means when I go up and buy a ticket, on the gate, I won't be sat next to the buffoon!!

That's got to be a good thing.

posted on 3/2/12

But think of all the new buffoons you will get to meet!

posted on 3/2/12

The problem here is how much was the bickering and, "the worst bit", the name calling on places like this affecting the team?..

I dare say players and staff do look in to get a feel of what the fans think, and no doubt a lot of it gets brought up in their working day!..

Laughing at a lot, discussing bits!..

It must play on their minds as well as ours!..

But fighting a problem with a bigger one helps nobody!..

Demonstrate all you want, but do it in the Stadium where people can voice their feelings, while doing it that way people will know what the fans think, and Bates won't have an excuse for the next player sale, because thats all staying away will lead to!..

I was a big supported of Grayson as all will know, but he is not with us any more, so whoever the new guy is must have the support to give it a go, and the anti Bates thing shouldn't be allowed to interfere with him or the players!..

posted on 3/2/12

"Demonstrate all you want, but do it in the Stadium where people can voice their feelings, while doing it that way people will know what the fans think,"

Inside the Stadium the only thing that should be demonstrated is our backing for the PLAYERS the team should Not be subjected to negative chants and booing

posted on 3/2/12

Alright, I had two others in my brain pulling the strings!..

And no, Parker wasn't one of em!.

I wonder if Miss Penelope wants a job!.

posted on 3/2/12

Mini Roll

posted on 3/2/12

Is that bigger then a wagon wheel?.

posted on 3/2/12


Modtly they'd be favourable to him though!

posted on 3/2/12

"I was a supported of Grayson"

FFS, which strings did they pull?.

posted on 3/2/12

"Modtly (sic) they'd be favourable to him though!"

I have to defer to your superior knowledge of bufoons.

posted on 3/2/12

I am spolling a word wrong every post to you so you understand it better!

Solidarity brother!

posted on 3/2/12

Motley Crew!..

Oh gotcha!.


posted on 3/2/12

"I am spolling (sic) a word wrong every post to you so you understand it better!"

Please assist me with that - is that supposed to be "spelling" or "spoiling?" Hard to understand when there are alternatives for the incorrect words you use.

posted on 3/2/12

Only one is right though, you chuse!

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