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Redknapp or Dalglish

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posted on 8/2/12

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posted on 8/2/12

I'd prefer AVB over Kenny. And that's saying something...

No one in their right mind would actively WANT Kenny as their teams manager. Liverpool fans just defend him as he was a legend for them.

posted on 8/2/12

I think Kenny is a bit arrogant / rude.

Every interview he does he seems to have his head stuck up his own backside!

posted on 8/2/12

If Liverpool won 10-0, with 10 dubious penalty decisions, he'd still feel hard done by.

posted on 8/2/12

Yes he just seems so unhappy.. Wish i had a job like his

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 8/2/12

kenneth has a big chip on his shoulder.

he takes everything as a personal offence from a change in the weather to a yellow card to one of his players.

miserable git

posted on 8/2/12


A spurs fan comes on and says he prefers the spurs manager.



posted on 8/2/12

can't stand KK's style of management or play or his incessant whinging, but respect him as a player and for what he has done for LFC in previous difficult times.

King 'Arry everyday

posted on 8/2/12

KK cornetto is not as understandable as Arry cornetto.
Less chance of the media blowing stuff up out of proportion.

Arry said what !!?? Wait til I put that on the back page !!!
What did KK say !!?? I cannot put anything on the back page !!!

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 8/2/12

Anyone but dogliesh he supports racism.

posted on 8/2/12

I wonder, had anyone else been in charge of their team this season, the Liverpool fans would have actually been calling for the manager's head?

posted on 8/2/12

"he supports racism"

As few understand anything he speaks, who can say ??

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 8/2/12

Anyone but dogliesh he supports racism.


comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 8/2/12

reporter - "so kenny, how did you feel about today's game?"

kenny - "efhuhihiwhigiegiwegiygdigyweigdiwgyigigiwgigig"

posted on 8/2/12


posted on 8/2/12

Reported asked kenny what he thought of the refs performance on monday

he just answered.. next question

He is lucky ref didnt send two of their players off

His wife must love having him around at home, cheering the place up

posted on 8/2/12

King Kenny is far to sarcastic, and he has not done enough to be so. If Liverpool were top of the table he may be able to answer questions the way he does, but his team has performed way below what his team were expected to do this season, after spending so much money.

Americans are not known for their patients, so Kenny had better watch out.

posted on 8/2/12

To be honest the only person who should have been sent off on monday was bale for persistent diving.

I must admit that I hadn't realised that spurs had started cheating so much.

Shame really, they used to be a well respected side.

posted on 8/2/12

I've got little or no respect for Dalglish. The moment he wore a t-shirt supporting Suarez in the racism row i realised what a short-sighted, ignorant chancer he really is. How he wasn't held accountable for doing that is beyond me. If a player gets sent off for a soft challenge then i can understand a manager lending support to his player but when one of your players has been found guilty (or just accused, it doesn't matter) of racist abuse, you can't have a public display of support.

In my opinion Dalglish has done more harm to the 'kick racism out of football' campaign than both Suarez and Terry. He's breeded a 'them and us' mentality. It's not a club thing, it's much bigger than that. It's no surprise that that Liverpool fan got caught for racist abuse the other week when those should be setting an example are clearly not.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 8/2/12

To be honest the only person who should have been sent off on monday was bale for persistent diving.

I must admit that I hadn't realised that spurs had started cheating so much.

Shame really, they used to be a well respected side.


classic comedy coming from a scouser

posted on 8/2/12

Wow the fans that brought us "Your dad washes elephants," en masse to slag off Adebayor are complaining about one LFC fan caught for racist abuse.

Good to see hypocrisy is alive and well at the lane.........

posted on 8/2/12

Did Kenny try a "Suarez took 'Kick racism out of football' too literally, with Parker having played for West Ham etc" ??


comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 8/2/12

Wow the fans that brought us "Your dad washes elephants," en masse to slag off Adebayor are complaining about one LFC fan caught for racist abuse.

Good to see hypocrisy is alive and well at the lane.........


for the 10000000th time. that chant is n ot racist.. if it was you would not have just written it with no hesitation of whether you should or not. and you know it !.

its very distasteful. but if it was racist you would not have just repeated it on this forum.

posted on 8/2/12


I'm not complaining about the fan. I'm complaining about your manager for breeding a 'them and us' mentality. I doubt that fan knew what he was doing, he was just a stupid guy who thought that by making that gesture, was supporting his team. If he did it, it's because Dalglish made him think it was acceptable. He was only copying his teams manager.

Also, don't tarnish me or anyone else here with that Adebayor rubbish. Every team's fans has a small pocket of morons. It's just a shame you've got one sitting in your dugout.

posted on 8/2/12

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