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posted on 26/6/11

Sorry but you have to have discipline ...how will the rest of the squad react if he's allowed to turn up late etc.....As for Keane , King and Bentley well we all know that they will be on their way soon but yes they did commit transgressions which they were punished for and TBH their attitudes during "working hours" hasn't been in question

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 26/6/11

to be fair a lot of the boys at tottenham can be found in the club. i have run into sandro and jenas in nightclubs on more than one occasion, and we all know about the other lads liking a p*ss up

posted on 26/6/11

I don't get that, Junction - why should his partying matter a f--- to anyone? The only measure of a player is his ability to help his team win games. Some do it by effort, commitment, hod-carrying, and some do it by supplying moments of inspiration. If he doesn't train hard enough and his game suffers, that's one thing, but it doesn't seem to have affected his performances for Mexico.

Plus, we all seem to be happy to make excuses for VDV (carrying injuries, not fit enough because he didn't get a full pre-season) - but I have never seen Gio unable to complete 90 mins because his legs have gone, and he runs a bloody sight. quicker than VDV.

Judge players by their performances on the pitch, nothing else.

posted on 26/6/11

So you would take Gio over RVDV ?????????

posted on 26/6/11

Pretty good goal, BTW


posted on 26/6/11

Squid - Gio could have played when VDV was out, and he could have come off the bench when VDV tired (as he did frequently). And Gio could have played instead of Defoe or Pav - let's face it, we wouldn't have missed them much.

Gio could (should, IMO) have been a regular super sub for us, and then his performances should have been used to determine whether he started game or not. But that is not how 'Arry does things.

posted on 26/6/11

We have our own opinions on this and we could argue til we're blue in the face and it wont make any difference

For me Gio needs to grow up , for you he doesn't

Stalemate ..................

posted on 26/6/11

"Gio needs to grow up"

That's like saying Taarabt needs to learn to pass. Well, he did, some time ago. 16 assists last season, more trhan anyone else, but people on here still judge him by what they saw three seasons ago.

I don't know whether Gio has grown up enough for you yet, but I don't see how you can know either. I do know that we were crying out for creativity (and PACE) many times last season, and I think Gio would have been better-placed to provide that than any of our other benchees.

posted on 26/6/11

simple as this lads if Harry doesnt rate him he wont play him. Harry has a lot of faults but he does a lot right too so I'll trust him on this one.

posted on 26/6/11


I assume you posted that last comment to be annoying

posted on 26/6/11

i'll gladly judge the lad on the pitch.

but he has to get on it first,and he is not being picked 'cos he cannot follow club policy then i understand harry's stance in not rating him.

comment by Yiddo80 (U1081)

posted on 26/6/11

I remember Harry being interviewed & asked why he wasnt getting a chance in the team & Harry's reply was " If the boy could pass a nightclub the way he passes a ball, there would be no problem' Says it all really. The amount these footballers get paid, a bit of professionalism isn't too much to ask.

posted on 26/6/11

squid - I'm fully expecting Taarabt to vindicate all the support that I've given him on these boards. In fact, when the Beeb decided to scrap 606 I was distraught mainly at the loss of opportunity to tell everyone "I told you so".

messiah - that's it in a nutshell. I think 'Arry's attitude doesn't help us in the long term, but it's hard to criticise his overall results for us. And he ain't gonna change now.

posted on 26/6/11

no I reckon Harrys fairly old school, it hasnt served us too wrong yet tho

It is like this in a lot of normal jobs too though, you could be brilliant at what you do but if you cant haul ur butt out of bed on time every day or you dont put in a constant effort you'll often find urself out on your ear

posted on 26/6/11


spot on mate,sure they miss out on alot of stuff the average young man see as a rites of passage.

but boy,do they get well rewarded for it.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 26/6/11

i have to admit that i do have the horrible feeling that taraabt will absolutely f**k us next season

posted on 26/6/11

Personally i dont think Gio has been given a fair chance what so ever

If Harry doesn't like a player, thats the end of him unfortunately...why is it Harry keeps falling out with players? Surely its himself who has the problem?

Harry just doesn't seem to be able to work with the "young" players which is probably why he is after older players.....we could have done with Gio last season as another option upfront instead of having Crouch to come of the bench and pretend to be able to play football

posted on 26/6/11

Chronic - if he does, I'll take no pleasure at all in being right! I'm hoping he has a mare twice next season, but I'd love him to be on fire at the Bridge, the Library, OT...

And actually, I'd like to see QPR do well and stay up.

posted on 26/6/11

i'm not against seeing the boy get back into the squad.

all i've been saying,is if you cannot follow club policy what do you expect?!

i agree,summat different from the bench was massively missing last season,and gio fit's that bill.

but the choice is his,knuckle down a bit more and he could become a legend at the lane.

posted on 26/6/11


i'm with you on that,i'd like to see qpr stay up to.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 26/6/11

yeah i think everyone wants QPR to stay up.... for one thing its a nice easy away day!

posted on 26/6/11

junction - I agree that "The Rules" are 'Arry's call, but I don't have to like them. I don't thgink the club would fall apart if 'Arry was bit more flexible. I don't want to overdo the Taarabt theme, but what Warnock did last season was 180 degrees away from anything that 'Arry would ever even consider, but it worked for QPR. I didn't see any other players throwing their toys out because Taarabt got special treatment, they just got on with their game like good pros, and I'd expect the same at WHL.

I'm not suggesting 'Arry should do a Warnock, though, and Warnock won't be so accommodating this season, that's for sure, but some flexibility might help us as a club.

posted on 26/6/11


but if for instance,part of tarrabt's 'issues' are fitness/weight related,he will not get away with it anywhere near as much in the prem!

and then you may see a shift in opinons from his team mates.

posted on 26/6/11

I reckon if Taarabt keeps scoring and creating goals, and QPR are picking up points regularly, all will be well at the club. It's when things start to go pear-shaped that they will be looking for someone to blame. If they start as badly as we did in THAT season, there will be blood on the walls pretty quick, and no amount of stepovers will save Adel.

posted on 26/6/11

Why is "d a m n" a banned word?

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