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posted on 16/2/12

Like you (and others), I've also been waiting..! Just saw this on the official site:

Senior management of NFFC have had their first meeting with the representatives of the estate of the club's owner, Nigel Doughty, who passed away suddenly earlier this month.

Discussions are at an early stage and NFFC will make a more detailed statement following further meetings planned during the next fortnight.

The patience of all those who care for, are involved with and are interested in the Club is greatly appreciated during this very difficult time.

posted on 16/2/12

Thanks - lets hope its good news for us

posted on 16/2/12

My hope is that Nigel Doughty would have put something in his will with the future of the club in mind, and that his family, knowing how much the club meant to him, would also not want to do anything to jeopardise the future of the club and that reasonable steps will be taken to safeguard the future of the club.

As an aside I would also hope that in the next few weeks the club announces a fitting memorial to Mr Doughty. Ideally I would like to see a rebuilt main stand named after him but obviously that wont happen for many years now. Failing that the ground could be renamed the Nigel Doughty Stadium, or the Academy named after him.

posted on 16/2/12

comment by Redfor50yrs (U2973)

posted 18 seconds ago

As an aside I would also hope that in the next few weeks the club announces a fitting memorial to Mr Doughty

Ooh let me think, how about we carry on losing football games, after all Doughty's reign was a woeful and extremely expensive failure so what a more fitting tribute?

posted on 16/2/12

Ooh let me think, how about we carry on losing football games, after all Doughty's reign was a woeful and extremely expensive failure so what a more fitting tribute?


That comment is totally out of order mate. We all know things could have been run better with the benefit of hindsight, but whats the point of slagging the guy off now? Have some respect for God's sakes.

comment by Maяcо (U1329)

posted on 16/2/12

Naming the academy after him would seem the most logical and most fitting tribute.

posted on 16/2/12

there are just some supporters you can not please

posted on 16/2/12

That comment is totally out of order mate. We all know things could have been run better with the benefit of hindsight, but whats the point of slagging the guy off now? Have some respect for God's sakes.

This has nothing to do with having no respect, I have no idea where you're coming from there.

Only see, most of us had this 'hindsight' when Doughty was with us, only Doughty continued to oversee (with the help of his good friend Arthur) an inept and disastrous reign as Chairman/owner of the club. This disastrous reign looks set to culminate in relegation to division three again.

I do apologise for upsetting you but the facts are there for all to see, whether you choose to see them or not is your perogative

posted on 16/2/12

comment by WassaBBGroundRegular (U2584)

posted 5 minutes ago

there are just some supporters you can not please

If this aimed at me, then I'd just like to go on record by saying I was rarely if pleased throughout the last 12/13 years.

And if the 'stories' (I use this word because I'm not convined of these figures myself) of £75m debt are true then this just goes to show what a catastrophic reign Mr Doughty oversaw at NFFC.

I think it's very easy to get caught up in the emotion of the untimely death of Doughty but the cold hard facts tell the truth. Yes his death is sad, tragic indeed for his family/friends etc, but as a club/business in recent years it has clearly been ran more like a circus than anything else.

posted on 16/2/12

This has nothing to do with having no respect, I have no idea where you're coming from there.

Only see, most of us had this 'hindsight' when Doughty was with us, only Doughty continued to oversee (with the help of his good friend Arthur) an inept and disastrous reign as Chairman/owner of the club. This disastrous reign looks set to culminate in relegation to division three again.

I do apologise for upsetting you but the facts are there for all to see, whether you choose to see them or not is your perogative



You are missing the point entirely. Why don't you go through my profile to see the articles I've written about Doughty ran the club. Did he make mistakes? YES! We all know that. Can we do anything about that now? NO! I just don't see what criticizing him now is going to achieve, unless you are trying to convince his inherit-ants to collect all the debts we owe to his estate immediately.

Get a clue.

posted on 16/2/12

I have a lot of respect for Nigel Doughty, there is no telling what would have happened if he had not bought the club when he did. Yes he appointed a lot of poor managers, and a poor chief exec and David Pleat. He paid about £1 million a month for the right to do that and I believe he did it with the best intentions and wanted succes for the club.

Maybe we will see the club sold to a member of the Russian Mafia or a far east cosortium with gambling interests. Won't that be fun?

comment by (U5340)

posted on 16/2/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 16/2/12

comment by Tricky-Tree-in-Texas (U8704)

posted 21 minutes ago

I just don't see what criticizing him now is going to achieve, unless you are trying to convince his inherit-ants to collect all the debts we owe to his estate immediately.

Get a clue.

I criticised Doughty when he was alive, I'm just not hypocritical enough to change my tune now that he's dead!

Get a clue?? His will is set in stone, whether or not I or anyone else choose to criticise his reign after his death, it will not change anything me owd. Perhaps you should get a clue!


I'm not doubting that Doughty's intentions were for the best, but his misguided faith in the wrong people (AP, Arthur etc) ruined his tenure.Now we are paying the price for this miguided faith yet again. And we are crippled with debt (should his will dictate) with absolutely nothing (and I mean nothing) to show for it.

I can't be thankful for that, sorry.

posted on 16/2/12

Like I've told you guy's agony aunt Raymond is obsessed.

posted on 16/2/12

I criticised Doughty when he was alive, I'm just not hypocritical enough to change my tune now that he's dead!

Get a clue?? His will is set in stone, whether or not I or anyone else choose to criticise his reign after his death, it will not change anything me owd. Perhaps you should get a clue!


Juicy, You are most definitely not a hypocrite, but you are an a $ $ "Ole". Also if the will is set in stone why are a fortnights worth of discussions with his reps necessary? It's pretty obvious you don't know what you are talking about. .

Have you noticed that other posters aren't jumping to your defense?

The fact is, venomous people whining about how poorly our deceased owner (who we owe a lot of money) ran the club isn't and never will help anything other than proving you like to speak ill of the dead.

posted on 16/2/12

The fact is, venomous people whining about how poorly our deceased owner (who we owe a lot of money) ran the club isn't and never will help anything other than proving you like to speak ill of the dead.


get real duck were sat in the bottom three

posted on 16/2/12

I started a thread, which ended up with similar comments that have been said on this thread, though some people reported my thread and it got deleted, so no doubt this will be gone soon.

Just because the poor bloke died, it does not change what he did whilst he was alive. Come on, to run a club, and put it £60+m in debt is not good.

Even as a derby fan, I await anxiously for whats in the will, we may banter with you lot, but we'd certainly miss forest if you went.

One other point, surely because of the way SOME forest fans turned on him, which ultimately resulted in him stepping down, his will / his family are hardly going to be positive for forest, but thats just my view

posted on 16/2/12

If I was a forest fan I'd be concerned why it takes two weeks to make a decision.

Be careful what you wish for!

posted on 17/2/12


I thought that too, if the debt was going to be wiped off, it wouldn't take that long to discuss the situation

posted on 17/2/12

It's not like sorting out a 3 bed semi and few bits of jewelry and funiture

comment by OOE (U3473)

posted on 17/2/12


That's bad enough. Been doing that for about 8 months now.

posted on 17/2/12

Tricky - If the will stated that the Doughty Estate would honour the debt then they could easily have issued a statement to put peoples minds at rest and then go through the process of finding out how much that debt would be.

posted on 17/2/12

I think you will find it isn't as simple as that Iwas.

posted on 17/2/12

comment by Tricky-Tree-in-Texas (U8704)

posted 13 hours, 23 minutes ago

The fact is, venomous people whining about how poorly our deceased owner (who we owe a lot of money) ran the club isn't and never will help anything other than proving you like to speak ill of the dead.

I spoke ill of him while he was alive, well that's not strictly true. I condemned the way he ran the club, as I say I'm not going to hypocritically change my tune just because he's now dead.

So what if he's left us in the doo-doo with his will? Rangers, Portsmouth and Leeds (to name just three) are examples of clubs bouncing back from the brink.

As Vidal correctly points out, Doughty ran up massive debts in Forest's name and now he's gone there is potentially a financial mess left behind. Allegedly £75m worth of debt with what exactly to show for it in terms of success? Oh yes, promotion from division three.


posted on 17/2/12

I've said this before on another thread. Some people are a disgrace. This is a man who is dead. To discuss if he was good or bad now is shameful. Let it lie.

Also just be patient regarding the outcome of the will. Not one of you can change anything so have a bit of respect.

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